Bill Gates and small things,
What are witchcrafts in small things ? aside from the paper legalties they go to hang you on, that is paper from trees to do tee a son treason our sons, and make dirt idol decrees degrees your gods and them your god king, there is in all of it, subconscious spells, that hedge you in all the day like glorifying divorce with princes Diana, of course that is why prince Charles never remarries, there is also these things like Bill Gates, beelzabub, beels, bills above, Bill Gates, lead you to hell for worship of money, or it can be like a woman's pussy, that is it can you too hell, or to heaven if you do right by her, that is appease HER ONE LORD GOD FATHER. thus then can bill gates lead you to heaven if you pay the righteous bill handed from GOD through your faithful fathers and founders, THE BILL OF RIGHTS and these via THE TEN COMMANDS.
The Most Powerful man they say amongst men,
in business, MICROSOFT,
MICRO, the individual, the man, the first thought, the lil, the smallest,
SOFT, soft, not faithful sure steady strong.
Babelon = The Gate of GOD in ancient Babelonian,
Babel on = what it has become to be known as today,
MICROSOFT = MIcro Soft = Micro In Individual Man