Bad behavior what is isn't Christian
2 so called leaders of the Christian faith debating what they are to do as christians and not one being true, that is to the most true answer they can give without error, that is in wisdom, without fault, and without reproach. What we know of as apologetics through Paul. Apologetics aka apologize, as in, "I am sorry I can't move, faithfully planted for this higher cause. " What Paul knew as rhetoric from Roman Greek world, and the much more better half, WISDOM from Solomon, Ben Sira, The Great Preacher, David, Moses, and of Course Chist, the prophets. There is no better wisdom written aforetime for man than that of the Jew. it Is clearly THE LORD GOD OF ALL CREATION, that is THE LORD GOD of Israel. Who is the one and same CREATOR, GOD, SUPREME JUDGE of whole world, we United States are in Covenant to through our Founding Fathers in the Declaration and the Constitution and all offices and oaths are bound there to THAT ONE LORD GOD, via, holding truth self-evident. They said, on the violence, what I am saying but i in a more Jewish scripture way, and heinseight of our founders. Founders said, "at war, enemies, at peace, friends."
Your both wrong. GOD IS A LIVING GOD, and if you serve THE LORD GOD LIVING then you must ask GOD, 1 you serve GOD and servants don't tell the master how they shall serv.2 THE LORD GOD LIVING IS GOD over all, the. In order to take the life of another you must get GOD'S go ahead anyways unless you play GOD to others serving GOD. 3. as Written, "Wrath does NOT belong to man that is born from women. ' 4- all them born of THE SPIRIT WAIT ON GOD WHO IS LIVING, present. 5- THE WORLD IS FAR TO adverse for anyone to determine, the times themselves shall decide, pray your on GOD'S SIDE during such times.
To dispatch what your saying A- He that lives by the sword shall fly by the sword, to Peter. It means to live by GOD not by your own ruleB- when Christ said MY kingdom is not of this world. HE said it too the question asked by Pontius Pilot, "are you a king?, Are you king of The Jews" Replies Christs "if my kingdom were of this world, my people would rise up and fight for MEz but it is not THIS TIME of this world." Thus Christ implied a later time would rise up and fight for the truth and not let idol rules injustice ignorance eat people up for being righteous i.e. American Founders we're strong on this point, even stating, "There is nothing more important this side of Jerusalem, to making our nation, a nation of laws, laws that secure FREEDOM." Madison. Thus it would matter by time for GOD to decide. C- on the "I did not come to bring peace but a sword." Is the truth. It's the same as "they think I have come to bring peace but it is a sword, and ward I have come to brings to set brother against brithrt father against son. In 5 3vs3 and in 3 2vs 1 and in 2 1 against 1 . This is same as. Tell my brother to share my inheritance with me. Christ says, who made me a divider I am not a divider am I? Is the same asI have come to fire on the world, and I am kindling it, watching until it blazes. It means your in a fallen world, broken off, born into a lie. Therefore THE TRUTH AUTOMATICLY puts itself at war with this world. The world ia dying. Broken off says Christ. When you wake up to see it is a corpse, the world will not be worthy of yoo. So if we all born liars, and we are all born liars, then we must needa be reborn, to be true. This is the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT also. It always breaks a man's ❤️, the truth does. It sinks you, thus you are pleasing to GOD truly. And you then stand true, this is the washing of the feet that only needs to be washed. Then you will have a contrite mind broken heart which THE LORD will never refuse and is always pleasing. Chris says that 5 will be in a house and I will set 3v2 3in house 2v1 and 2 1v1, brother to brother, father to son, BUT THESE SHALL STAND AS A SOLITAIRE. That means under THE TRUTH, only ways to ever be unified. The liar is in the broad way to hell, thinking in group but always alone to their own pride lie no matter how it looks. 2 in order to travel on a journey must be in agreement, other wise they can not go same way together. A liar always goes their own way, each one, a million of them together. The TEN COMMANDS are PEACE FROM THE FATHER, FROM THE BEGINNING THEY ARE. but NONE do them really, so the peace has been given, they refuse this HE CONES IN TRUTH, and to a lie, a fallen world, liars, THE TRUTH IS A HOLY FIRE 🔥 ALL CONSUMING, desyroyiny purging all. Truth true word is a sword to cut down best down, wicked unrighteous words, idols, lies. And as far as Christianity, what it is, is ONLY ONE DEFINITION THIS SIDE OF HEAVEN, CHRIST+ IAN= to be like word previously stated. Thus CHRIST LIKE CHRISTIAN IS ONLY = TRUE, TRUTH, REPENTANT TOO ! this is not a debate. They do TRUTH ABOVE ALL ,THEY DONT THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIAN. I AM THE TRUTH, the WAY, the LIFE, the ONLY to GOD, and there is not another. And THE COMMANDS ARE TRUE. Psalm 119, Christ, John, Peter, James, Paul, mention THE COMMANDS OFTEN. & MOST simply the dragon devil satan only wars with MOMS to take kids and saints WHO KEEP THE COMMANDS. And truth is not a doing but is a choosing. It's a rest, not a work, it's a trust in GOD'S PROVIDENCE. It is the same for the commands they are a rest not a doing. Don't murder don't lie don't steal don't do adultety don't work on Sabbath. Thus the works of man is the evil. If only they would enter into MY REST I WOULD SAVE THEM SO SAYS THE LORD. the you men should know to have this answer. I will serve Christ THE TRUTH, I will serve MY LORD GOD TRUE, and THE LORD GOD WILL DECIDE. seek you first the kingdom of heaven and the rest will be added to you. This is the same number one rule by Sun Tzu see heaven's cause seek the moral cause. Even if your passive if God tells you to kill you better kill or you will be in disobedience of the command that is death hate that's why Adam fell from heaven. Because you adhere to your wife's word and not my command. And the first time you see love in the Bible is when Abraham offers Isaac on the altar. Rise up and sacrifice thy son that only son whom now lovest Isaac to me for a burnt offering. If you love me you'll keep my commands says Christ. This is the love of God that we keep his commands one John. Any man says that he knows God but keeps not his command that man is a liar one John. And back to Sun Tzu and Christ when it comes to warfare which all life is a warfare and a fallen world seeing how all will die. Any man that wages war that is going to die as all men will thou shalt died the death as the Covenant from the beginning. And any man that wages this warfare and does not have 100% certain victory is a fool. And he has accounted nothing of his life in the whole mess of his life not remembering the end. And if you remember the end you will never go and miss. Therefore make sure your cause is righteous the most hard way to do this is be true for this is from the one true God who never denies himself the truth. Fill up with it and you'll be justified by God whether it is to kill or to die and if it is to kill and the command comes from God they are already dead. You are but the passing vessel he has chosen to use. Deal wisely keep the commands so the answer to your question is whatever God commands me I will do kill you or die for you, either way his command heaven's will certain victory even in death.