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Programs (10)

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    Break down your content into manageable steps. Use videos, images, and text to explain your main points, and set clear expectations and goals. You can also include files and audio as additional resources. Consider adding a questionnaire to ask participants what they hope to take away from the experience, or a quiz to test their understanding before getting started.

  • FATHER'S HONOR introduction

    THE ONE FATHER LORD GOD gives every daughter to the husband, so the husband loves her first as the father. If you love the children as a father more than you are a husband to their mother, THE FATHER will be pleased. The father is only obtained by the word command, for GOD never took a son, that would be unequal, but the son is begotten, by choosing GOD's Command, his word. This program will help to teach you the things that are needed to burn a path for the sons, so they may come up more gently. THE NUMBER #1 DUTY OWED IS THE TRUTH, which is their FREEDOM. without FREEDOM. they may not even choose to serve GOD. #2 the commands, of GOD. #3 The covenant These will in themselves take care of themselves. it is as to washing feet. To do these teachings, you will need to beat him on his side, and bend his neck always. To praise, or play, or laugh, much with him, will only cause you pains in the future, having to mend up all wounds, or being reviled for his lack of prudence and virtues. Do not take joy in the sons, even if they increase, unless, they fear GOD. for it is better to have no sons, that it is to have godless sons. For one righteous is better than a thousand, and the city can be replenished by one man. The enemy hates when you teach your sons. And if he be wise, it will not be sorrow when the father die, leaving one as himself behind, friend to friends. avenger to enemies.

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Blog Posts (97)


    ADDICTION IS AN ADDITION FROM ASSHOLES NOT DICKS AFTER THE ORDER OF ONE GOD IS WELL ORDERED After The Order of Melchizedek, we are for the city of Peace, GOD’s city of Peace, and this is done by keeping THE COMMAND OF THE LORD GOD and the covenant of These United States of America. TO CHOOSE FREE, for me and mine. Gen 2:16-17 is the First Amendment first sentence in reverse: No religion, aka no pay obey forced to pursue their happiness to your slavery, idolatrous religion of the pharaoh the idol rich, and NO prohibiting them that do choose freely for it is a religion to choose, who tells you what to choose. And government as your religion is to let servants rule the masters; this is not even seemly to a fool, and no delight shall be found therein. Your fathers made the government to rule it. But you have fallen asleep and now pay them to rule over you. The son of the engineer does not owe it to his father to tend the train set, but he does owe the eternal covenant so that his sons are not forced to serve the train set. Truly, if I am the son of the engineer and do not win to maintain his idol invention, how much more is it that I do not serve it as a god? THIS ADDICTION BY ASSHOLE A PRETEND A DICK That is addiction and the only true addiction there is. The love of themselves, their own opinion. They kill their wife with their opinion in adultery, die forced divorce, and become widowed selves. They kill the parents of their children in cursed toads of custody, making them orphans. They build PRI-SONS for what? In cast, they thought to choose freely, as GOD commands, and they swore to get you. They do this all day long, just loving their opinions, never keeping sound doctrine, and never being able to answer a right. Thus, they pay others to answer for them in the most valuable of only self-answerable things. Wife, children, free choice. These are things all children dream of as children. They, in their opinion, labor the day in the sinful god damned opinions to kill everything. If all this stated is not addiction, there is no such thing. THE HEROIN ADDICT IS THE HERO IN IT… AGAIN For they play as though addiction shall take all from the person. As though by getting high, they have chosen to build you a prison, as though by shooting heroin in the arm, you shall take a baby from a mother. As though by loading a bowl you shall pay men to come patrol and search and seize your property of you and your sons. But it is not that. No, sir, it is quite the opposite. For they say you can not choose to get high, or drunk, or touch, or buy, or drive (on roads you already paid for), and they do this taking the freedom YOUR VERY OWN FATHERS PAID BLOOD TO SECURE, and THEY ALL SWORE TO GOD TO GET YOU. They take this free choice, leaving more evil than a so-called “addict” could ever do to you. THE LOVE OF TRUE ADDICTS It is truly the only thing that could be an addiction, an opinionated man with no covenant and command, no charge of duty. He loves his murderous opinion more than his GOD, his Christ and husbandman, the truth, his wife, his fathers and mothers, and his children, and even unto their children’s children, for 10,000 generations. That is, it would affect all of this if, only if, GOD didn’t intervene to stop their sin. THE LORD’s eyes, brighter than 10,000 sons, burn away what they could have done with their sins. However, if they were addicted to their own opinions, it would not matter. Thank GOD for being GOD. If a man kills you to get high, that man will kill you for any gain, the same a cop will break his oath by robbing his people for outside bankers far away. He is of no difference, in truth. They are addicted to their opinions, not a drug, not a fix. Many men like drugs and drinking, but some will not like it to the point of robbing, stealing, or killing. So then that man, no matter how high or how drunk, is in THE COMMAND COVENANT OF THE LORD GOD LIVING and IS SOBER MINDED. TWO SAVIORS HOW MUCH MORE YOU NEED Noah was not in sin when he was drunk, naked, and passed out, and neither is that man who keeps the covenant. It is Hem that is in sin, as Noah states and Jesus Christ confirms, only them that would judge your free choice, commanded by THE LORD GOD, and is the covenant 1 Amendment 1st sentence. It is them that would destroy, doing harm and wrong to you, enslaving, binding hands, taking your wife, kids, your freedom. Playing as though you hurt them in some way, and that is why they must hurt you. (Gen 9:25, Mark 7:14-23). BASH THEM DOWN WITH GOD’S COMMAND NOT YOUR OPINIONS It is the serpent’s subtle, complex answer. It seems right, but it is the wrong answer. It is subtle and cunning, crafty, complex, and seems so right, but it is wrong every time. It leaves off FREEDOM, and TRUTH IS FREEDOM, and the truth is the only way to GOD. Thus, they hinder the path to life and bind down in idolatry. It is “Bashfulness” that makes an enemy out of everyone, anyone, for no cause. “I can’t believe you did that. I can’t believe you do that. Oh, I just can’t believe that. Oh, I have that word. Oh, I hate this and that.” All of it is what they mean to say: “I am offended at your liberty, your freedom, and I want to rob you, so this is the excuse I use, for I do not keep the oath, or vow, or wife, or freedom, or command, but I will the idols that say to you, don’t do or else.” Thus, they are in sin, of child idol sacrifice with their opinions. (Wis of Sol Chapters 2, 14, Romans 1, 1 Tim 1, The Decl. The Bill of Rights). KEEP THAT WHICH YOU LOVE, THUS TRUE LOVE IS THE COMMAND OF GOD Keeping it, they love it. Love it so much they do not even when faced with it; they deny the air in front of their face that can not be denied. They did understand it when they swore to it, but now they grasp it not at all, and all is a murky, muddy water, not clear opinion, that always suits their gains and their opinions. Keeping no truth, they have no sound doctrine; thus, do they have any intent of quitting, refusing the idols, or firing them that betray their oath and duty? No intent to do right, but wrong they will all day eagerly, repeating again as Pharaoh from 5,000 years ago in the bronze age, “Get real, you need to pay your bills, your lazy, go back to work, and as for THE LORD WHO IS HE that I should obey HIM.” Exo 5. 6,000 YEARS OF MAN’S SUFFERING BLOOD TO STRIVE UPWORD Thus, it is not that they do not care; it is that they care to do wrong. They are gainsayers. So dumb games are gaining more, aka Sodom and Gomorrah. And as Sodom and Gomorrah rose up on Tyre and Sidon, so too shall Sodom and Gomorrah with Tyre and Sidon rise up on you. They get proven more and more in their ignorant, evil ways, refusing to do right, for they must deny more and more of the testimony given to them and you and them after you. The vine grows more potent, more stout, more pungent as time goes on. They going about as though THE LORD GOD LIVING is not living, as though he is not for 6,000 recorded years of man been speaking or doing, as though man has saved himself being what they are, destroyers of all life, all that is true, right, faithful, good, love, life, what is of GOD. GOD has been speaking and doing, and our founding fathers knew it and gave it to us. That is Moses, and if you don’t believe him, that is our founders; you will not believe Jesus, or me, or your mother’s own blood, or your wife’s and daughters, that they are a gift from heaven, and that your duty is to secure them, and thus you will keep words like addiction to be an asshole to eat them up but not the true word of THE LORD GOD LIVING, you yourself swore to. You will find more of this topic in the themes sections under Drink, Drank, Drugs, and or Medicines, and or Wizards at

  • WANNA BE IN LOVE for Jamie Grace and all you daughters.

    I first tried to do this just messaging, but hindered issues, so I decided on this route. Enjoy. FOR MISS JAMIE GRACE link to WANNA BE IN LOVE, by Jamie Grace 1/4 Miss Jamie Grace, please hear THE WORD of THE LORD, for he would increase you for your increasing, water you for your watering. (i thought it would be short, but THE LORD decided to pour out for you, as I am a busy man, but he has taken time for you from me, but i serve HIM. ALL i am about to say is scriptural, and is sound, through all time ever since GOD was, aka always, make sure your husband, your men, all of them, goes to, it's all free, as I am commanded to give, but it cost me everything, all my life. But thesis for you are in need of it). In Psalm 45 it reads clearly mam, as it is the heart of the matter, the indictment to THE GOOD MATTER, the HEART, and THE HEART of THE FATHER as you have sung is none better than, he is one, and that means EVERY DAUGHTER IS HIS DAUGHTER, all you are much beloved for you are chastised in Eden, and you shall go home, as Psalm 45 reads, YOU SHALL ENTER THE CONGREGATION OF THE KING. EACH ONE OF YOU DAUGHTER OF THE KING. THE FATHER'S BUSINESS IS THE DAUGHTERS. Thus, Christ did not lose one but the son of perdition. You have paid your blood, and your war is accomplished; you are Jerusalem itself, and you are New Jerusalem, the pearl, each one a gate, each one a daughter of THE KING. Isa 40:1-3. You are a mother to all living, same as Eve, and you mother us all, Gal 4:26. Each daughter, even Jezebel, Rev 2:20-23. You will stand before GOD, as the woman caught in adultery stood as Jesus himself goes to dust, as Adam our first father is told, DUST TO DUST, then Eve is told, Mother to all living. Every living thing has a covering girl, and the man is that covering to the life, the wife. He goes before her. Now see the Holy Scriptures; ONLY THE MAN IS COMMANDED IN ALL THE WHOLE OF SCRIPTURES. Gen 2:16 before he gets the wife. She is spoken to all the scripts, and he is commanded. The difference between THE LORD and GOD is that which man is to his wife, as Christ is to man, that is Christ is the command Adam received, or shall we say, THE COMMAND received Adam, as a bride, then the animals are named, then he gets his wife, THE LORD GOD makes her each one each daughter himself, Gen 2:18. Now see, it is Adam; where are you? Adam, what happened? Then, Aiysh( not yet Eve, but always you women are twins, daughter of the king, and mother to all living). Then the serpent is cursed not to question, then EVE, as Aiysh, daughter of the king, is chastised. Thus, all daughters are chastised, and as it reads, 'IF THE FATHER LOVES YOU HE CHASTISES YOU." Thus all daughters pay blood man's owe. Thus no daughter can go to hell. "I will gather MY SONS from afar, but MY DAUGHTERS FROM THE ENDS OF THE WORLD." Now that you know who you are listen to me, for you must hear me when I say WHAT PSALM 45 says, "YOU WIVES WORSHIP YOUR HUSBAND AS LORD AND GOD, FOR HE IS LORD AND GOD TO YOU WIVES." Christ came to be our husband and daughter; I am not going to say that he will not be your husband, for you must rest most assured if NO MAN DIES FOR YOU, THEN JESUS CHRIST DID, and HE DOES. But GOD established man to be your husband. A husband, as LORD does go before, going LOW, unto dust, so that your feet are not even counted as landing on this earth. Thus, it is said of the daughter as written, "SHE IS A GOLDEN COLUMN SET IN SILVER BASE." The man is the silver tongue, born serpent's seed, at war with yours; yours is not yours until they are reborn. all life from your first minstrel, you are by THE LORD GOD established, mother to all living from that point forward. Now, as kids, we are all lilies of the field, more glorious than Solomon's; that is, daughters are covered by the one father, and thus, all blameless blood paid. But man swears to death then. Most, I am afraid, do not. Thus, they are thrown into hell, deciding his daughters. Lilies are under the mother and under the father; the man, however, is opposed to heaven, born a liar, and when it comes out of the mother, only slays serving idols, not truth, not GOD. The man needs the new heart, not the daughters; the man is the stone heart; Adam went to kill the first daughter; her fault and you gave her to me, GOD, was the jist of his report. GOD has been avenging daughters ever since. 2/4 Adam, as all the men do, swore to GOD, "BONE OF MY BONE" = mark it in stone, the pillars we make covenant at eating bread as men, to be that wall for her, to cover her, to die like her, but to GOD our christ. YOU WIVES DIE TO YOUR HUSBAND, you give all your life, your war is real, you have casualties, KIA, for real. And if you live, he may still rob your babies, leaving you to die, or leave you both to die, after you already died for it. Thus, you NEED to UNDERSTAND you are a maid, to do, you're a maidservant, the man is a manservant, we are not the same, you will not come out as us, you will not go back as us, we will go before you go back, or we will not go back. You are first coming in, mother, blood in the house; we are fathers, going before to die for it, to offer our life. Not to cover you from the world but from everyone, even THE LORD GOD LIVING HIMSELF, THE ONE FATHER, THE ALL FATHER, EVEN FROM HIM WE ARE TO COVER YOU, thus from CHRIST TOO, The whole world and you are to be to your husband, as he is your Christ, He is your LORD and GOD, the same that Thomas says to Jesus, "MY LORD & MY GOD." because he is LORD, goes low, to dust even, to cover all low, to die, for, and he is GOD because, he keeps the command, well with him he is the command, but that command Adam fell form, is why man fell. "BECAUSE YOU ADHERED TO YOUR WIFE AND NOT MY COMMAND, CURSED..." thus, Adam committed adultery and then threw down his wife for a form of adultery. You going to Christ as husbandman is not the order, as Sarah called Abraham, so to you to your man daughter. HE WILL PAY HIS LIFE BLOOD NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES, for he has taken you in hand, he has sworn to THE FATHER, and the father gives the daughter, do you know why? SO THE MAN IS THE FATHER TO HIS WIFE BEFORE HE IS HER HUSBAND. That is why THE FATHER, ALL OVER THE EARTH EVER IT WAS, GIVES THE DAUGHTER, Isa 65:16, all over the earth. How you know one GOD, one father. But he being invisible means you are uncovered without a father, that means the men must cover you as that is right, THE LORD GOD ONE FATHER, thus does Christ cover all his, as HE is the command word itself, come down as husband, to do that which Adam did fall at. ADAM WHERE ARE YOU, ADAM WHAT HAPPENED is x2 and anything one time with GOD is enough, x2 means that it is established, that means, (i won't say you don't die, as John 21 says, for the serpent said, that but it is as though she dies, for she is dying at the blood the first death x1 and then at death x2, and the man by the truth is to die keeping command x1 and then at death x2, if not the man dies x2 at death, thus to hell. You can not do this, see. Thus is the HOLINESS OF GOD, of which NO MAN ,man MAN, WILL SEE GOD, KEY WORD MAN. The call is to you sons of man, why we put the blood before the door, your inside holy done, sprinkled your nation with your blood life offering, like the temple for the sins of men, women are not sprinkled, they already are a sprinkling. The daughter is slaughtered by THE LORD GOD as a sweet-smelling sacrifice. If you believe, please use your faith, as the APOSTLES ALL said to do. (i almost wrote commanded, she is spoken too) Use your faith in your husband, as to win him over, as Sarah calls Abraham LORD, so to yours, teach him the word, to go before you, to keep you, to guard you, to watch over you, by HIS COMMAND, by being THE BRIDE OF CHRIST HE SHALL LEARN TO BE HUSBAND TO YOU. by you being bride to him he will strive to be BRIDE TO HIS HUSBAND. As the apostles tell you all. and Muhammed and all them ever knew GOD, 3/4 "YOU WIVES TO YOUR HUSBANDS, EVEN IF THAT MAN IS NOT WITH US, AND WE ARE WITH GOD, YOU WIVES TO YOUR HUSBAND, AND IF ANYONE SAYS DIFFERENT THAN THIS, THEY'RE NOT WITH GOD." as it does read. That is clear, even if he is not a GODLY MAN, or with Jesus, or opposed to GOD even girl, you be to your HUSBAND, for this is what THE LORD GOD has ordained from the beginning, and you are, each one of you daughters, GLORIOUS GOLD, GOD himself makes you, HE CLAIMS, man is only claimed as a BEGOTTEN SON, goes before you were made wife, aka THE COMMAND. to be GOD to you, TO keep that which THE DEVIL HATES, AND PERSECUTES. When he can't get to the daughter and her sons, but if the man keeps the command, the devil can't get to her. Thus, Adam, where are you, or as Jesus says, your husband should say, WHO ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? I AM HE. Even if they ask for you, HE SHOULD SAY I AM HE, I AM HER, BUT HE IS HE, YOU ARE HER, and the word is lord, and god to man; thus Christ calls the holy spirit he for he is covering her. She is all daughters, wisdom herself; you are a piece. And many pieces make it impossible to defile anyone of the whole. Thus wholly holy one, all daughters of the one father, is his glory is the son's duty to do. NOW hear me, daughter, for if you believe, believe you in the election of your husband and your own sons, not only are you wife to LORD AND GOD, but you are MOTHER TO LORD AND GOD, the same. See you are with Mary, you are with Sarah, for all daughters are among the honorable, and told The Blessed Virgin Mary, "BLESSED ARE YOU, MARY, AMONGST ALL WOMEN." get it, ALL WOMEN are BLESSED DAUGHTER. This is why we sons, the son, is slain from the foundation of the world, before THE FATHER SPOKE< he decided all his sons, all of them, shall die for the daughter, he shall be her head, her hands, and her feet, and she shall be the body, blameless perfect. You are the sabbaths of THE LORD, The two witnesses, the two olive trees. He is dust, LORD, and GOD. To be before, to cover the life, dying in and to his husband. See you, Holy Perfection, in HIS ORDER. She rules the house, he dies at the door before, she is the city, he is crucified before the city, nailed down faithful, then pulled straight up and another put in place. Now hear THE MESSIAH, THE ALPHA, AND THE OMEGA, TO HE, (the male, the man) THAT ENDURES TO THE END, I SHALL GIVE HIM THE CROWN OF LIFE, (THE DAUGHTERS) THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR, (the man is the moon, he will give him Venus, that goes before the glorious sun, in the dark. Go see the sunrise, and see you Venus comes up before into the dark skies, and then the sun comes up after, that is a man going before his women he takes the dark, the hits, he defends, brings blameless. Jesus goes on to say, AND I SHALL GIVE HIM RULE TO SIT ON THE THRONE OF MY FATHER AS I SIT ON THE THRONE OF MY FATHER, AS GOD, AND ANY THAT OPPOSED YOU I SHALL BRING TO YOUR FEET FACE DOWN, AND THEY SHALL WORSHIP YOU THERE. I, THE ALPHA AND OMEGA SHALL DO THIS. That means the father said it, and it will be so. Only if they believe. You must die for that you wish to rule, you must give it all to rule, you must have the rule to rule, for man that is only the command the charge, the word, for Jesus is just life, his father, invisible, and thus if he come and he did come to destroy the works of the devil,, then if man is saved to heaven, he must needs FIRST BORN, ON THE THRONE OF THE FIRST FATHER, WHERE ADAM FELL FROM, LORD GOD TO ALL CREATION. Thus, you see the importance of you as a HOLY SPIRIT PIECE, DOVE, OLIVE BRANCH, PEACE OFFERED TO THE SON, so he will stop his rebellion, so he will stop playing GOD and serve GOD true. Thus, you are an offering of peace as all kings do with their daughters; they make alliances, make peace, and establish kingdoms. , but you are the kingdom of heaven; he is offered it. If he believes in dying for it, 4/4 So put your husband before even Christ, for Christ will not approach you daughter, not unless he first approach your husband, and neither will the father, for you see, GOD and THE LORD, and THE LORD GOD do not talk to the daughter, but only if the father husband is there, only THE ANGEL OF THE LORD, aka females though they may appear male, Gabrielle is female, why he/she stands in the presence of GOD. No male does this, only the daughters, men go face down, dust. = The same reason even kings stand when she does, for if she is up, every man better already be to arms or they are not with THE LORD GOD they are not on Shemar (Arabic, the guard over her, SHE-is a -MA), Shema (Hebrew), HOORAAH for the URACH, aka the holy spirit. Also, Shi Shi Knee in Chinese (SHE, SHE, hit your KNEES). The man will pay for you, now to his GOD offering life in truth, or he will do it at death and go to hell. Thus, if you are married to your husband, no matter what it is, if he casts you out and off and refuses you, you may be redeemed by a foreign nation but not a brother of the same nation. The father's word and blood have sealed him there. If he takes you in adultery, he must keep his vow to you and die for you and his other wife; for men, the husband does not dwell in the same place as the wife; she is in the house, he at the gates. He only comes home to be nourished to go die again, not knowing his day or hour; it is always his hour, and men do plot and scheme to rob your daughters of all your life. I hope this helps you, daughter, for you spoke in half rightness, but that is not a HOLY RIGHT, it's just covered under a holy righteousness; you can't be wrong, your house you paid, you the chief and can't be wrong, only half right, the man, must be the other half, thus HOLY RIGHT, keeping your half perfect, and holy gift by and from GOD he took in hand on his own accord. Thus, he must be perfect, wholly right to make heaven, and half right for man, is wholly wrong thus he may gain the whole world but don't have his wife, his soul, his life, he will lose all. For THE FATHER will not forget, he will not move, he is not a man that he should repent, thus OH MAN, (males) YOU MUST REPENT, for GOD would not that you perish. But you see, he will perish if he does not pick it up. Man can not make the mercy seat, with you daughters, and moms as the two cherubim above behind it, you see you are the feather of Egypt, Thoths scales, if man doesn't make you all holy one his heart will not weight in. as it reads in Script, "why do you labor my son, do you not know that TREASURES (golden daughters) grow wings and fly to heaven, for certain." Thus, it is you, girls who are the treasure, he the dust, you are the pearl worth the world, he is dust, to cover you the world, the pearl, and in this, the whole world is not worth him. Thus we not worthy of Christ, but he goes lower, thus you to your husband. Go to for much more for free, for all.


    What is Theologically, Apologetically Wrong with this statement, how could it, nay, how is it made truer? Link Another man had posted, Jesus Christ is the only way. as I thus posted; You are both wrong. I am a teacher in Israel, and I know these things. As was asked by Nicodemus, "Being you a teacher in Israel and knowing not these things." That is, of course, Jacob being reborn as Israel. That is, of course, the first Name for The First RE-BIRTH account given. Others clearly can be marked after, but Jacob is that clear, concise unveiling of "rebirth," and this, of course, offered to all men, even unto the poor, even before Jesus Christ came in the flesh and said BEFORE CRUCIFIXION and RESURRECTION, "....That the poor receive THE GOSPEL." This means there was another way of telling the "re-birth," that is being broken, as was Jacob done when he held to the "GOSPEL," the "BLESSING" aka THE TRUTH. as it states in Isaiah 65:16, THE BLESSING is THE TRUTH, THE TRUTH is the only way to GOD as Jesus states. And "I AM," before Abraham was, is not I am Jesus Christ, but "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE." The only to GOD. It also means, I (The male) go before to cover the women, that is of course all them wholly HOLY 1, each 1 daughter of the king, each one a pearl, each one a gate, going home, blood paid, Isa 40:1-3 and Psalm 45. and without Holiness shall NO MAN ("MAN" is key word here, as the daughters have already paid blood chastised in Eden). see Christ go to her feet, the woman in adultery, see he goes to dust as told Adam, see she stand as a pillar that THE LORD bears up himself, and see Jesus sends her out the same as HIS FATHER THE LORD GOD LIVING in Eden does, "birthing (blood) pains multiplied sorrows to her husband, he will have rule over her." that is him that holds to the truth, from beginning to the ending, to endure. That is the women must be a good gift, aka GOSPEL, as the first time that "NOT GOOD," is used is to the woman, help meat, "THE LORD GOD said, "it is NOT GOOD that MAN should be alone, I (that is THE LORD GOD HIMSELF, like to bearing up the pillars (See Lot's wife is standing pillar of salt, and salt you can not get rid of, or you are not worthy to be saved). Thus does the man go before, as was taught Jacob by Laban, "what can i do now for these my daughters and the children they bore, come you Jacob and let us make a covenant....that you will take other wives..." he goes on to say of more, but the whole point is that which Laban tried to teach Jacob the whole of the time, THE ISRAELI COVENANT. that is what we know it as now, anyway, it is also called THE ETERNAL COVENANT, it is called by THE LORD GOD, THE LORD, GOD, as "MY COVENANT." And it is always to THE ONE FATHER's BUSINESS, that is the concern of the daughters, the widows and orphans, the dumb and oppressed at the gate, aka JUSTICE. All just having to do with widows and orphans. The father being invisible makes all men the father in his stead, and behold, HIS SON IS RISEN, thus just like HIS FATHER does he do the same. You must needs be him, in his stead, hence, pick up your cross and follow me, is the same as Jacob wrestling the man, aka himself, the liar, Jacob, to become Israel, Thus he goes before his lying self, to cover the family... what Jesus does at thirty years old, "woman what do i have to do with you, my hour has not yet come." that is he is before the women, he is not under his mom any more, but has come out from her. She becomes Babylon if you stay under her, that is in order to speak of such men, we must needs speak of the daughters in a wise, for is the only that lives from such things, she paying blood and the like a viper eats through her to not be reborn. to not be a man in front, but stay as an idolater, under his mother, thus a liar, a coward, shall be UTTERLY DESTROYED, that is to the tit of his mother. What is also said like, "in Noah's day they had daughters..." they always have daughters..... Oh, no men to speak of, Moses' way to not insult the fathers, he doesn't mention them or he gives them titles, so you don't insult the name, i.e. Serpent, Adam, Terrak, Pharaoh, Serpent, is all creatures, you would impressive to find him, not in you. Adam means dust dirt. Terrak means same, earth, dust, dirt. Pharaoh means one who taxes the dead. And there is many more, such as Lucifer, or Azazel, Light bearer, and scape goat. Moses is an impressive man, most certain, the way he speaks, you can see HE speaks much like THE LORD GOD, thus does THE LORD call Moses GOD. Thus is all men to be GOD in his stead keeping his command, "Adam where are you never goes away." And if it was by Jesus Christ as you say then why is it Moses and Elijah are at the Mount of Transfiguration before The Crucifixion & Resurrection, of course it is because THE FATHER HAS A GOSPEL, and CHRIST Confirms that GOSPEL, as THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST, people do run about saying it as though Jesus didn't receive it from THE FATHER, as though no good news, and what does Jesus do best, but cover, and most specifically, EVERY DAUGHTER. as it reads, "HE LOST ONE BUT THE SON, (the son the son is key word as it is "the call is to you sons of man." Thus the man alone directly commanded, and thus it is "NONE BUT THE SON OF PERDITION." Then it is there is only ONE WAY TO ENTER INTO HEAVEN, and you men have strayed from THE TEACHER, THE SHEPHERD you say you follow. For if you be HIS, then you keep His word, his command, and he said THE ONLY ONE WAY TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD aka HEAVEN is by THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, THE ONLY TO GOD. As i have truly demonstrated, there is a way to the kingdom of GOD if you are the mother to all living, aka every daughter, thus paid blood. That is THE LIFE JESUS CHRIST COVERS, blameless perfect, as LORD GOD. But here is not only your REBUKE, but here is a reproof also, as i am a brother, and teacher of Israel, i shall leave you bruised or drowned in wisdom baptism, i do pray, and that is JESUS CAME TO BE YOUR HUSBAND, as JESUS is that word that was COMMANDED TO MAN ALONE, thus man iS THE COMMAND's BRIDE. and she is MAN's BRIDE. Now i am not saying that Jesus won't be her husband, cause if you will NOT, JESUS CHRIST THE LAMB OF GOD WILL BE HER HUSBAND. But you must see he does not, as all GODLY men do not ask more of her, she is bled out a perfect work in the house, we are before the door post, if the house is not perfectly heavenly without blemish spot, brought before THE LORD GOD, how do you make it you built on earth with THE LORD GOD disagreeing with him about his daughter. Whom you killed coming in, (why man kills his mother coming in? SO GOD remembers why he hates you, reminding him of what your first father did, avenging her, why all men must repent to THE FATHER, and HE IS NOT A MAN THAT HE SHOULD REPENT, and the father's heart is with THE DAUGHTERS, you are to be more man than her, that is your mothers. Hence they are the two witnesses, the two cherubim above the mercy seat, thus does she stand in the presence of GOD. and we go face down, to dust. Adam, we men, are dust, SHE IS LIFE. and when you bring yourself to dust and all them with you, then THE LORD shall tell you that your own righteous right hand may save you, so to Job, so to you, for THE FATHER is EQUAL. thus keep not the command, cast down, repent not here, cast down, get not in front of the daughter, cast down. So for Adam so for you, thus in all the work Christ does, it is only a training program to show you what to do, and we have more than just Jacob becoming Israel, or Abraham and Sarah running an opposite chorus of immaculate conception, of which i find is the much more difficult miracle than that of THE LORD GOD FATHER HIMSELF Speaking life into The Virgin Mary, who is blessed, get this now, AMONGST ALL WOMEN. that means Jezebel too, "bury that cursed thing, proper, THE DAUGHTER OF A KING." The cursed thing is the flesh, the covering, all living things have a covering, we are that dust, flesh cursed covering, thus we drink the sin cup of our family, our wives, our children, our neighbors, the same as Christ, and did David in the valley of The Shadow of Death, at THE LORD'S TABLE. and This we drink, with or without rebirth, as Jezebel's life blood does fall on the wall and the beast, the wall is reborn, the beast is the un-reborn. Jacob would be the wall, Esau the beast, but all men are born Esau, and ONLY, i mean ONLY when we are reborn Israel do we find out that we were Jacob. Thus when you read Jacob Israel, not speaking on Jacob or Israel, as in Egypt, "let MY People go says THE LORD, even MY First Born Israel." it means THE REBORN, Jacob is to be reborn, and Esau / Edom and such, mean, not to be reborn. I have not heard much of Derek Thomas if any, but that is a pretty big one to mis at. It is best to wait on your answer from GOD, to wait on a guide than it is to go about without one. He is a faithful oracle to get you home, and he is always trying one in faithful following, in patience, that is in faith, for faith being the only proper work in this man's life, it being man's only means by which we ascertain to righteousness, that is do right by our GOD, our LORD & GOD, our Parents, our Wife, our neighbors, and of course our children, and nation. thus right unto our selves. me personally, i would ask, "are you a teacher of Israel and know not these things," AGAIN, and then send him back to find why Jacob waited 7 and then 7 and then more... As I wait, so to you, just some of us are faithful. Be you faithful brothers. Oh and the baptism and the cup, you drink before your death, or you drink at your death, either way you are worthy to drink it and be baptized, for all flesh shall se his wrath together, ie the cup, and all shall bend their knee going prostrate before THE TRUTH OF THE LORD GOD, that is the baptism. Man was a liar, now he is true, but if true to late, GOD saved nothing, for you had no truth to save. her truth is from Eden, if he loves you he chastises you, and it will never be said, a daughter went to hell, nope, only for dicks not Melchizedek, and for wholes that wouldn't be THE LORD's ASS, but would man's. And it will never be said, THE FATHER did not LOVE HIS DAUGHTER. as it reads boys, "I shall gather MY Sons from a far, but MY Daughters I shall gather from THE ENDS OF THE WORLDS." more, much more at free to all of course, it cost me my life.

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    I fear GOD the most. I pride myself on knowing GOD's word, the answer, in wisdom to judge aright, and i pride myself even more on shutting up if i do not have that answer, that is until i do i have the answer. I go to make no enemies, rather than friends. I go to make peace with many by the command. I keep the charge, the commmand, the statutes, and the Laws of THE LORD GOD. and teach them. Thus the commands alone make me called the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. They are a rest not a doing. and there is a wisdom that comes with this from GOD whom wisdom dwells with alone. So please feel free to learn. I have one wife, one son, and never cut off any friend i have ever had, keeping them to the end. I have over 35,000 hours of Biblical & Theological studies. Making me no smarter than a well read college professor, but I suffer to hold to the truth, this is wisdom and i excel all them i have ever encountered on the matter of GOD, Scripture, Religion, Fatherhood, Brotherhood, Husbandry, Patriotism, Duty, and just over all manhood. I stand where Navy Seals do not, and yes so do 14 year old girls, Sain Katherine, Joan of Arc, but still, i do stand in the fires and have the longest list of CONFIRMATION in the flesh since Paul's list in the bible, ( i am surpassing Paul's list, but not Paul, though i have two reproofs clear and present at THEME, my Revelation.)_ I am well educated in over 10,000 hours plus of psychology, socialism, and sociology. I am well educated in the mythologies, from the ancients and know how to apply it today. I have managed over 20 million dollars in assets, property, and equipment, in two different carrier fields spanning over 14 years total, without a dollar to be claimed missing, or damaged, this includes personnel. I have extensive studies in imagery, that of the subconscious, and am pretty good at interpreting dreams, when THE LORD permits, all wisdom from THE LORD alone. If i don't have the answer i will not answer, LORD GOD willing, i will put hand over mouth. I am very well versed in the ancients and the modern covenants, as they are same from THE SAME LORD GOD LIVING. I do not let the secret of a Parable escape me. If you would like to know about anything, in your life that matters, then please do not hesitate to call me, and LORD willing i can give you some wisdom. It is said a wise king will give more than half of his kingdom for the counsel of one who fears GOD most. What would you give?

  • Ministry, personal and or couple

    If you need marriage, or relationship, or personal counseling, please do not hesitate to ask. I am skilled in all of them. I do fidelity, faithfulness to the covenant, but if you are in adultery, i can stil counsel you, but expect nothing less than the truth, of what you need, not what you want.

  • Grief Counseling

    I am well equipped in grief, and anxiety. I am a retired artillery sergeant, a veteran of foreign war, combat arms type. I have lived in many places, upscale to down, and can fit and adapt as needed. If you are sorrowful or just full of anxiety and don't trust anyone or everyone, please, give me a call. I am here for you LORD willing,.

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