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        1.                   THE MAN IS FORMED FROM THE DUST

      •          Every living thing has a covering; the male is that for the female, she is the life.
      •           Every daughter is already chastised & judged, so the men are on trial. 
      •          The man begins this flesh as the seed of the serpent, a beast himself each one, but a boy under the mother. 
      •          The man's pilgrimage is to find his origination, his cause, his duty, that which his father's left him from GOD.


       2.                            NEPHESH IS THEN BLOWN INTO HIM,

                                      THE BREATH, LIFE, SPIRIT, LIGHT, FIRE

      • This is the light fire life that the word covers from the foundation of the world
      • This is the spark put into man, as his start is to be slain as lamb for the world, 
      • This the waters of waters of waters, every daughter is the piece of THE HOLY
      • HOLYNESS is of LIFE truly its fire, men are given power to be sons of by defending
      • To understand how GOD guards HIS HOLY SPIRIT, is to understand man's duty,
      • This is the cause of GOD's GOODNESS, and HIS HOLY wrath, all for our sakes. 

          3.                     HE IS PUT AT THE HEAD (Easting)

                                TO GO BEFORE THE FLOCK AS THE MAN

      • Wives worship your husband as LORD & GOD for he is Lord & God to you wives.
      • GOD invisible, so you must be THE LORD GOD in his stead, same to all males. 
      • GOD IS ONLY WISE so men have no excuse for ignorance, given GOD answers
      • MAN is to be circumcised / Baptized / Reborn to give his flesh & blood as Jesus.
      • All men start as Esau, whether or not he is Jacob will only be found at being Israel
      • The firstborn is the same as the firstborn from the dead, is the same as Melchizadek, the same as Aaron, is the same as Moses all sons equal to 1 FATHER 


      4.                                  HE IS BROUGHT THE ANIMALS

                                           TO SEE WHAT HE  CALLS THEM (as one man)

      • Husbandry is ordained in Eden by THE LORD GOD HIMSELF
      • Polygamy is better than Monogamy; MOST especially where there is ADULTERY 
      • Murder is sin always for all, but to kill that which you would die for is HUSBANDRY
      • To cast out down, to call cursed what GOD calls blessed, to rival GOD, or yield 
      • the trial of man is in the word from the heart, he must take reproof rebuke 
      • to humble man before GOD, the abasing of man by GOD's simple truth in wisdom 


      5.                                THEN HE IS GIVEN HIS WIFE BONE OF BONE 

      • BONE OF BONE = Mark it in STONE FOREVER to come, this one is mine, me,  I shall answer for in Guard, aka YAHVEH, Moses' RENAMING for man found in GOD
      • deep sleep is all before he is reborn to know the covenant, for us men, 
      •  Abraham's horror, where he learns ALL flesh shall see GOD's wrath together
      • The RUACH presses Adam causing the curse for our sakes, to do Moses, Jesus, 
      • The PILLARS are of STONE  is the BONE, thus bread is eaten on aka HELP MEAT
      • They are BONE STONE MARKERS for GOD never moves, but men do, so repent
      • This BONE of BONE the cause of man, his duty, and how he stands forever GOD 
      • These are so you know GOD & Heaven are at your hand, life death, 
      • WE KNOW THE GOD WE SERVE, in spirit and in truth, & stil speak proving HE IS
      • Think of these as bread-crumb trails (blood of moms) leading home (fathers head)
      • HONOR of THE FATHER, THE HONOR that has no match, ONLY ONE


    • ....


    • ALL MALES every one is in a debt status of blood

                               WHY THE MAN OWES HIS BLOOD

      Moriah's alter of THE LORD GOD is clear, "not without blood,"  she is already a Sabbath in the matter of accepted by THE LORD, as an offering. The mothers are slaughtered, by Natural Law by THE GOD of NATURE, thus they are an acceptable sacrifice, a walking Holy Temple, each and every one of them, each is the pearl, each is the gate, each one. The brother that does not offer his blood on the alter of truth to GOD, offers his brother's blood in betrayig lies of idol hiding. Thus the women are done, and the men owe. 

      other sections 







      In the faith we are faithful and do not move, yay, we may move, but it isn't far, and return quickly. Man is made to cover the holy living life of daughters and the children they bore, the same as Labaan teaches Jacob to become Israel. To hold these truths self-evident burning a path for their sons after them, and sons to their fathers, to THE FATHER, whose will, is the only will that will be done, and his will is his command.

      Then men are to pick up the charge of the truth, that the world is trying to deny, so they can bring her into servitude to make her pay tax, tithe, and tribute. To rule over and her kids so they may slaughter all the male children, so they will have no shepherds who know the difference between a male and female, who know the difference between a man and a snake, who know the covenant and command, the testimony of fathers and Jesus Christ, and who keeps these things to teach them the same. 



      The same equal to all men, all over the earth, ONE FATHER, and all men take oath raise hand to receive the daughter, and the first father Adam did put us into this bondage, though we start out seed of a serpnet, the serpent, and must repent from our un-Holy perversions. THE ONE FATHER for all the earht THE LORD GOD OF TRUTH, THE LORD GOD AMMON, (isa 65:16, same from Egypt AMON, is AMEN). FATHER LORD GOD is invisible same reason Christ is Risen, and Moses' body can't be found, why Elijah is taken up, SO YOU HAVE TO BE HIM IN HIS STEAD. Keeping HIS COMMAND, keeping HIS CHARGE, guarding HIS children. Thus to pick up GOD's NAME is to pick up GOD HIMSELF, or it is you invoke the evil lying about GOD, and GOD is not ever mocked.



       To deny her blood sacrifice, her judgement from THE LORD GOD in the garden of Eden, her apparent chastisement; is the same as trampling her in the streets like a dead corpse, as you sail her down the river to force it's course in un-straight slithering ways for the purchase of another bride. Not one corpse denied buy two in one, she is Daughter  Aiysh to THE ONE FATHER IN HEAVEN, and she is a mother to the entire nation she is in as Eve Mother to ALL LIVING. They are like to female cats in The Lion King. HIS kingdom, they are guarded and they run as chief the house, he RULES with HONOR over all his children by guarding the perimeter (blood at the door, crucified faithful before the gate). The Jew is the female, for salvation is of the Jew, thus the sons are to be a cub to the king, as Judah, "she is more righteous than I.' For Judah's blessing by Israel is the blessing for all saved men, I suggest you read it to know more of your role and duty owed to GOD (Gen 49).



      Being Jerusalem itself, makes her the gates to New Jerusalem. Then this means she can be to man the gates of hell itself. And they will not prevail against you, if you stop warring against them. Throwing her down is throwing of yourself down, thinking GOD will side with you agaisnt HIS daughter is delusion of mass proportions. So deluted is men they can not tell heaven from hell before their very face. Knowing it is at Hand, and that men take it by force & violence & do press into it, man must awake from out of his slumber, put on strikes, take up charge he has already (most likely) raised his own right in oath vow to do, or he will bring the wrath of GOD, for his mockery of thinking the most heavy of matters a light one.

    • MASTER forever for the daughter’s sake.

      MASTER forever for the daughter’s sake. 


      LOVE / AHAB #157 / אהב = Exo 21:5 = (A!) hear you oh Israel THE LORD GOD (”FATHER ONE”)  = 

      (A2) Revelation’s Angels in front of the gates =



      A1=Exodus 21:5 And if the servant shall plainly say, *I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free:

      *I love my master = Ahab / love / אהב the same love that is demonstrated in the sacrificing of Isaac which was a foreshadow of THE FATHER THAT DID LOVE ENOUGH TO GIVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, in the very spot Isaac was to be sacrificed, Christ IS CRUCIFIED, showing THE LORD’s PROVIDENTIAL WISDOM THE whole of the time. 

      the piercing of the ear to the pos because the slave doesn’t get to take the wife/daughter with him going out free. 


       i love in this order. = 


       1: MASTER = LORD / GOD = TRUTH = if you love them you get them the best there is, the truth, is the best thing in creation, it is the blessing of all men, Isaiah 65:16, 

      2; WIFE = the column that doesn’t move, she is blameless account, by your blood on the door post, she inside the door posts. 

      3; CHILDREN = children are not the mother, they are not to have stock put into them, they are slave account, parent is the master, so then it is the children can stay slave or can be wise servants to be wise sons, equal in inheritance. 

      1; MASTER =  truth, you hold holy, giving birth to the word true, your husband, you his bride, 

      2;  WIFE = them that already suffered offering blood for their husband  now you for yours truth 

      3: CHILDREN = the cause of why you suffer for it, 

      without this AHAB / LOVE 

      1; MASTER = TRUTH = you are a slave to men your equal for the grade school arts and crafts they make 

      2; WIFE = HER blood life offering of bringing children in becomes a cattle breeding scheme of buying and selling the daughters / children, and thus the abomination of desolation takes place, the rulers come into the homes and kill the male children fit for fight, same as in Pharaoh’s day with Moses, same in Jesus’ day with Herod, same every time, all the time, in every nation 3-4 generations of adulterers, Nazi Germany, Nepoleon’s France, the Tzars of Russia, so forth and so on, repeated, always. 

      3; There is not a future, there is only idol service, they are not free to have free thought, they are not free to serve THE LORD GOD LIVING keeping the first command, you must first be free, before you can serve GOD. TRUTH I= FREEDOM, therefore every liar is destroying their own house, their own children, themselves, they pay to do it, 

          NOTE; this of course proves, that the operator behind the idol scheme is THE BEST SCHEMER OF ALL, THE LORD GOD, thus, BEHOLD I BLOW THE COALS ON THE FIRE AND I BRING THE INSTRUMENT FORTH FOR IT’S WORK! EVEN THE WASTER TO DESTROY! Isaiah 54;16

       but fear you not servants, for any weapon that is forged against you shall not prosper, and any tongue that rises against you in judgement, you shall condemn, and this is the inheritance of THE SERVANTS OF THE LORD, and their righteousness is of THE LORD, so says THE LORD. Isaiah 54:17


         Thus is it then, that most men will cop out, not do, not care to keep, then it is impossible for man to prevail, so few can not keep the nation in balance, so as to not bring the wrath of THE ONLY GODD GOD, this is true, but the men of faith know well, THE LORD never needed one man more. 



      Revelation 21:12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:




      why is it this way? 

       Because the master is more capable than the servant who only has freedom, 

       THE LORD GOD expects, / demands rather that THE MASTER make the wise servant a son, you see the daughter the master brought in, can never be diminished, and the master’s blessing is pre-supposed in the precepts & statutes of the maidservants, the power lies here, for is the first physical being that the faith and wisdom aka understanding is measured, you can say the daughters are not just golden columns transcending this world already sealed in heaven, the feather vs your heart in weight of the balance, and THE LORD hates unjust balance, and his judicial judgement is righteous, most righteous only wise, thus it is then. 

        THE GOLDEN REED that measures out New Jerusalem is the wife, the daughters, for all are daughters to Israel, all are mothers, they are blood suffered, blessed of THE LORD WHO HOLDS THEM UP THE LORDSELF,. 

       Thus it isn’t about the husband, because the master has his covenant in dealing with her, and the servant that is a slave just made free, doesn’t have the means to not diminish her, THE DAUGHTERS SHALL NOT BE DIMINISHED.

       With Sarah, Abraham received her as a first covenant.

       What i am trying to find is the line between the father, that is made a father in law to Sarah, and even said to Abraham, but Terrak broke covenant so Abraham parted. 

       Then what i am looking for, is THANK YOU LORD

       When Jacob goes out from Laban, there is much distance between them. ThE FATHER there isn’t must distance at all. Laban has it right, it is all his, all that you see is the father’s. 

       Somewhere in the buying of the female servant, the father is duty bound, = this is the same for picking up THE FATHER’s WORD NAME OATH VOW or just PREACHING HIS HOLY NAME. you become grid locked in certain answers, and if you don’t answer to these things as THE LORD GOD THE ONE FATHER dictates then HIS DAINTIES ARE DECEITFUL AND YOU SHOULD HAVE CUT YOUR THROAT, FOR HIS HEART IS NOT ONLY NOT WITH YOU, BUT IT IS AGAINST YOU.

       You are using THE FATHER’S NAME in HIS BUSINESS, and they go about talking on THE FATHER’s DAUGHTERS, like this is a light matter, as though THE FATHER doesn’t count their blood life offering like HE would to that of a servant. 

       It is HIS patience that fools us, it is HIS not wishing that any should perish, then with THE LORD GOD THE ONE FATHER without a shadow of turning, and there is no variation, thus it is REPENT THE FATHER WOULD NOT THAT YOU PERISH. but if you don’t repent you will run into THE FATHER, and HE WILL PASS through you, like you are to him if against HIM. 

       To hate HIM is to not choose HIM, to not be in worship and obedience, is but to perish, you may choose THE LORD GOD FATHER or else you die, there is not a middle ground, as though it goes another way. and everything is measured off how the men answer to the girls, the female. 

       Thus you can see why the confusion in society is happening, because if the men stop answering to the daughters, means they are not talking to the father, for this is HIS business, this is the cross, the baptism, the cup, the commands, the male role in it’s ordination of husbandry. 


      LOVE / Chasaq # 2836 / חשק = 


      Deuteronomy 7:7 

      The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people:





      THE COVENANTS / THE HOLY THINGS (the duty of men, their purpose. 

               COVENANT           KEYS          1-9




      Can i get an AMEN, you mean AMMON


      The reason for a nation

      A nation / kingdom set against itself

      I looked out my window 



      COVENANT            KEYS EXPOUNDED.           1-9



        “The duty of men, their purpose, their cause, their vision. ”

      THE FATHER IS WITHOUT A SHADOW OF TURNING, we know whom we serve, HE has laid it in word and blood.


      THE VOWS, THE BOWELS, THE OATHS, THE OAKS, THE WORD, them before, us today, & then them tomorrow. 


      Can i get an AMEN, you mean AMMON, you mean AMMON RAH, wait is this a blessing or a curse? you choose


      CHAIN OF FAITH, our anchor is in the TRUTH, our Compass North Star is the same, TRUTH now our cross. 


      The reason for a nation’s birthing, it’s cause, it’s covenant to truth, freedom, life, & THE GOD of TRUTH


      A nation / kingdom set against itself shall come to ruin, a house divided shall fall & if Satan rises against Satan, then all is lost. 


      I looked out my window & seen a wall broken down, the vines run over, the vineyard now with thorns briers, and i pondered in my heart. consider well what i tell you, my son. 






       #SON #BROTHERS. 





      The GLORY OF GOD, is simply understood as ALL THE DAUGHTERS COVERED, blameless, as you have received them, and thus only sons that believe in THE LIFE BLOOD OF MOTHER'S will give GOD HIS GLORY.

      The Glory of the Lord

      Ezk 1:4  And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.  

      Ezk 1:5  Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.

      Ezk 1:6  And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings.


      Ezk 1:7  And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot: and they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass.

      Ezk 1:8  And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings.


      Ezk 1:9  Their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight forward.

      Ezk 1:10  As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.


      Ezk 1:11  Thus were their faces: and their wings werestretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies.

      Ezk 1:12  And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, they went; and they turned not when they went.


      Ezk 1:13  As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.

      Ezk 1:14  And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.  

      Ezk 1:15  Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.

      Ezk 1:16  The appearance of the wheels and their work waslike unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.


      Ezk 1:17  When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went.

      Ezk 1:18  As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.


      Ezk 1:19  And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.

      Ezk 1:20  Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature wasin the wheels.

        Ezk 1:21  When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.

      Ezk 1:22  And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the colour of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above.


      Ezk 1:23  And under the firmament were their wings straight, the one toward the other: every one had two, which covered on this side, and every one had two, which covered on that side, their bodies.

      Ezk 1:24  And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of an host: when they stood, they let down their wings.


      Ezk 1:25  And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads, when they stood, and had let down their wings.

      Ezk 1:26  And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne wasthe likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it.


      Ezk 1:27  And I saw as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about.

      Ezk 1:28  As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake.



    • 1of2 GLORY OF GOD

      The Glory of the Lord

      Ezk 1:4  And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

      whirlwind = every man's life death, we all come back round to THE LORD 

      the north= the throne of GOD, for the men to bow down too, 

      the south = the mothers, queenly sarah's that are to husband, 

      Amber = the blood, like dried up stoned carved out by hand blood works, life offered. 

      the likeness of four living creature =they were living, they did the word, they covered the daughter, wife is life, see Job's wife / life see Adam's dust, she is life mother to all living, 

      they had the likeness of a man.= of a man, the man covered, and thus was majestic becoming like too. 

      Ezk 1:5  Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.

      Ezk 1:6  And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings.

      every 1 had 4 faces = 1 is the man, he had four faces he believed every daughter the 4 corners, 

      every 1 had 4 wings =1 is for the man, the wings is his power, power is by dealing honestly with the daughters, to cover them blameless, 

      NOTE: this in itself has summed up THE POWER & GLORY OF THE LORD. 

      Exo 21:8  If she please not her master, who hath betrothed her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her.

      Gen 2:18  And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

      Num 24:4  He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance,but having his eyes open:

      Num 24:5  How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, and thy tabernacles, O Israel!

      Num 24:9  He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee.

      Num 24:14  And now, behold, I go unto my people: come therefore, and I will advertise thee what this people shall do to thy people in the latter days.



      Ezk 1:7  And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot: and they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass.

      Ezk 1:8  And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings.

    • 2of2 GLORY OF GOD


      Ezk 1:9  Their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight forward.

      Ezk 1:10  As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.


      Ezk 1:11  Thus were their faces: and their wings werestretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies.

      Ezk 1:12  And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, they went; and they turned not when they went.


      Ezk 1:13  As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.

      Ezk 1:14  And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.  

      Ezk 1:15  Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.

      Ezk 1:16  The appearance of the wheels and their work waslike unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.


      Ezk 1:17  When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went.

      Ezk 1:18  As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.


      Ezk 1:19  And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.

      Ezk 1:20  Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature wasin the wheels.

        Ezk 1:21  When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.

      Ezk 1:22  And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the colour of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above.


      Ezk 1:23  And under the firmament were their wings straight, the one toward the other: every one had two, which covered on this side, and every one had two, which covered on that side, their bodies.

      Ezk 1:24  And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of an host: when they stood, they let down their wings.


      Ezk 1:25  And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads, when they stood, and had let down their wings.

      Ezk 1:26  And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne wasthe likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it.


      Ezk 1:27  And I saw as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about.

      Ezk 1:28  As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake.



               He is one, and then like John The Baptist, you do not have the luxory of following other men, in flesh, even if it is Jesus Christ Himself, for you are the father, are you not? Then you must needs be the father my brothers, or the one that is the father, is your father, and your families father, and most important, your wife's father, that is to be her husband.

                     As we see with Abraham, when he takes Sarah, hs his wife, Terak is then moved to the postion of "FATHER IN LAW." and He is her father. Thus you must see in perceiving that if THE FATHER GIVES you THE HUSBAND the WIFE, you must be her cover, her head, her hands, her feet, and then you are ONE, and thus she can not have in truth of heart, a father, and a husband, she must have her husband, as her father, and her father as her father in law. For she can 

                 WHY HYDRA HAS SO MANY HEADS, like the mothers that is the wives gone adulterous, their father as head, then brothers, then GOD, then husband, then the Gentile court judge (Your's and her's servant, to rule over your family as though father, giving them the honor of the father. Even more honor to the piece of paper court order, than that of their husbands. They do worse, they imply by their lack of honor for the father, not speaking or mentioning the honor do the father. 

                Sadly this is because of the father. He as husband, did not have the honor to talk about the honor. That is he was not at the gate, before the door, crucified, nailed down, fastened, until he is pulled straight up. No, rather, he was seeking his own, still looking for what he could get, not as to what he has received, in hand, in oath, in vow, in covenant, in command, by charge of all THE FATHERS HE EVER HEARD COME BEFORE, that kept their charge having a righteous name. 

               So then it is by his neglect, that she is becomes Hydra, the mothers are as the waters, hence seas are salted, becuase of the flood, THE FATHER keeping all them, showing when he killed all the world, he kept the daughters, and you know by the salt of the seas. Thus when man does not become reborn coming out of the sea, he is still tossed about by his double minded mind. He does not stand in faith, he moves with every wind and tempest.  

      This leading to confederacy of heads, smashing into one another, for the sake of their profits, the machine securing the machine, and they not be headed argitht with good government, that is ONE GOD by GOD's ordination, thus it manifest into a great beast, each as one, this one eats that one, they grow fat, the same for others, until there is few for competition as head. Thus them few in order for self preservation, that is the machine grown so fat and large, they reckoned to become one of many heads, thus becoming a great beast with many heads, and if you were able to rise up and battle, taking one head, of the many few, it would as though it was never cut, locusts over locsusts, it would seem as though banded together in unity, but it is only greed, and no  heart for loss, so when one fall, there many men lead by pig snouts take head and have their fill, until they are cut down, or they rule the whole of the sea, that GOD comes down. 

      That is like to Moses day the same, but in truth, all days the same, for men it only depends how big and bad is your hydra today, and if weak, it is growing stronger, and if being cut down, it coming back. It is with all men, at all times. 

      The Hydra beast, is a toxic manifestation of what is already there in the man, that is the serpent, HYDRA the snake, eating up the 12 zodiac, them under the mothers, but counted as dust, for GOD will divide them, yay he has already. Split the hoof, and if you do make grade for eating by sitting on fenses supporting hydra the beast, he wil spit you out in the chewing of the cud. 

      All of this is cured, aborted, fixed, corrected, at the head, at it's feet, and thus it's telling is in your hands, the works there of. It is you keep your oath, his daguther, be the head, the husband, the father, to yours, and you alone, as long as you have breathe in you, not a day sooner. If you give over power to anyone, while you live, you will but entreat to them, even if your wife, or your child, or your brothers, or worse even, to your government, strangers. And by the degrees are these not far away strangers, all of them, for the matter, of your account as father as head. It is not that head has his leg rule, nor his stomach, but it is the head. for blames sake. 

      If it is that you are to entreat to them, why do you not run it equal in truth, should it not be they entreat to you? And if not why not? And there you will find in this anser their idol worship and sin. Nay, you will find yours. For theirs is not your's to surrender, but opposse much, but not yours to surrender.

            So then HONOR is to the father, and anyone saying anything different, has come to kill the whole of the body you father are given. I would not have it i be your father, but you have not many in the faith, for they are all seeking their own, the same as was I. As all men, taking oath, daughters, having our fill until our time, and after this you will have but one more time. And then the next time, the Sun will rise, and you will burn away having no honor for all you were given, or by whom you were given it. You rose as dust, then decided you would not honor the father, and you are a father and your brothers, and your fahters, and your sons shall be fathers. Yet you accounted none of them, when you accounted for you, thus no honor to the father, no understanding as a father, and your light was put out by no other than your rebellious self. Lazy, very lazy, the only lazy, for it is in your hand already and you would away with all of it, even for your sons, fathers. Even for your sons, you must need to be a father. 

      "Look behind you, see says THE LORD, why your fathers chose ME. Now Look after you, see why your sons will choose ME. Now see beside you, all around, and see, why you must choose ME THE LORD" 

      They speak on your nation as though it is dead already, and there is no remedy, but they are pig greedy liars that kill thier own wives. And the remedy is already in hand, HE being THE GOOD PHYSYICIAN. It being the GODO MEDICINE. 

      Have you taken medicine for bad ailments, such as tincutre, potions? Notice it's bi