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  • Step 1

    Break down your content into manageable steps. Use videos, images, and text to explain your main points, and set clear expectations and goals. You can also include files and audio as additional resources. Consider adding a questionnaire to ask participants what they hope to take away from the experience, or a quiz to test their understanding before getting started.

  • FATHER'S HONOR introduction

    THE ONE FATHER LORD GOD gives every daughter to the husband, so the husband loves her first as the father. If you love the children as a father more than you are a husband to their mother, THE FATHER will be pleased. The father is only obtained by the word command, for GOD never took a son, that would be unequal, but the son is begotten, by choosing GOD's Command, his word. This program will help to teach you the things that are needed to burn a path for the sons, so they may come up more gently. THE NUMBER #1 DUTY OWED IS THE TRUTH, which is their FREEDOM. without FREEDOM. they may not even choose to serve GOD. #2 the commands, of GOD. #3 The covenant These will in themselves take care of themselves. it is as to washing feet. To do these teachings, you will need to beat him on his side, and bend his neck always. To praise, or play, or laugh, much with him, will only cause you pains in the future, having to mend up all wounds, or being reviled for his lack of prudence and virtues. Do not take joy in the sons, even if they increase, unless, they fear GOD. for it is better to have no sons, that it is to have godless sons. For one righteous is better than a thousand, and the city can be replenished by one man. The enemy hates when you teach your sons. And if he be wise, it will not be sorrow when the father die, leaving one as himself behind, friend to friends. avenger to enemies.

  • section two

    section two description

  • FATHER'S are their SONS

    THE ONE FATHER LORD GOD gives every daughter to the husband, so the husband loves her first as the father. If you love the children as a father more than you are a husband to their mother, THE FATHER will be pleased. The father is only obtained by the word command, for GOD never took a son, that would be unequal, but the son is begotten, by choosing GOD's Command, his word. This program will help to teach you the things that are needed to burn a path for the sons, so they may come up more gently. THE NUMBER #1 DUTY OWED IS THE TRUTH, which is their FREEDOM. without FREEDOM. they may not even choose to serve GOD. #2 the commands, of GOD. #3 The covenant These will in themselves take care of themselves. it is as to washing feet. To do these teachings, you will need to beat him on his side, and bend his neck always. To praise, or play, or laugh, much with him, will only cause you pains in the future, having to mend up all wounds, or being reviled for his lack of prudence and virtues. Do not take joy in the sons, even if they increase, unless, they fear GOD. for it is better to have no sons, that it is to have godless sons. For one righteous is better than a thousand, and the city can be replenished by one man. The enemy hates when you teach your sons. And if he be wise, it will not be sorrow when the father die, leaving one as himself behind, friend to friends. avenger to enemies.

  • ❓Find the Why

    The Bill of Rights separates the idolater liar who is trying to cunningly kill everything from them who are not. The people who do not partake in this social contract think themselves as liars, oath breakers, and without any cause or standing your gods and kings. Who hates the bill of rights. Who hates justice, equality, liberty. Who. Hates their family and possessions secured. Who hates a warrantable jurisdiction. Do you like hiring people to swear to you by GOD they will never search you, harass you take your GOD given at birth right to be free. To be you, to chose. And then give them the gun, gavel, and watch them turn to make idols to charge you, accuse you, and who did you hurt? What crime did you commit? Not obeying is COMMANDED BY THE LORD GOD not to do? So who likes hiring guards judges and such to make idol guards to sacrifice you your kids and your family too. Is that not the oldest dumbest god damned religion in the world, and is that against the Constitutional Bill of Rights that should not ever even be infringed, approached for doing so proves the Declaration of Independence, that they are illegally unlawfully acting against GOD and Nature by pretended idol accusation to accuse only to eat up our substance and fatigue our people into compliance. Is this wise? Good? Then these badges and courses are for them who is awakened from the bewitched enchantment to not obey the truth. And to help others.

  • Your Cause

    Finding your motivation

  • The Christian vs. The Adam

    in this course you shall learn the basic principles of why GOD chose to teach us that Adam did hate the garden of Eden, hate to his MAKER for no cause, Where Adam does NOT adhere to GOD's WORD SUPREME Christ only Adheres to GOD's WORD SUPREME, seeking it truly Where Adam hid form THE RUACH SPIRIT and sowed fig leaf idolatry covers to be wolf in sheep's clothing, Christ did NO idolatry and faced the RUACH SPIRIT in the form of the 500 battle ready Roman troop and the mock trials, where Adam blamed his wife, and GOD for eating of the fruit, Christ tells the RUACH let these go I AM HE, and at the CROSS brought HIS Bride blameless before GOD, as a GODLY HUSBAND and A GODLY FARTHER, a GODLY MAN and BROTHER, forgive them they know NOT what they do FATHER.

  • Step 1

    from the experience, or a quiz to test their understanding before getting started.

  • Introduction

    Start off your program by giving some basic information about what participants can expect to learn. Introduce the topic and provide a basic outline of what's to come using videos, images, and text.

  • Basic Principles Bill of Rights, Cause of Liberty

    The understanding of the purpose of our servants oath, and the reason all offices swear oath to these Constitutional Bill of Rights, is necessary to understand whether someone is serving you or killing you. These Bill of Rights all back each other, outlining a basic principal & cause. This cause of Liberty is MOST VALUABLE among all living upon the earth. And we are fortunate to have a safeguard to that LIBERTY. LIBERTY is the cause of all wealth, wealth is the cause of all works, but Wisdom and Knowledge are the cause of all LIBERTY. Thus the American labors for what is already theirs. Pays for what is already paid for, in blood, law, oath, & right. The Ten Amendments 1st congress shall not establish a religion, nor can they prohibit one. IDOLATRY is a religion & the most primitive evil cruel religion. It is not Bible the fathers mean to stop of religion but the IDOL rich aristocracy University Pope dark ages religion. If anyone ever says you must have an idol to pay for it, to pay to it, that you receive powers & permissions there by, they are sick in sin. It will only rob poor, rich reward & oppression increased. Its wizards of Oz. And to say they can search you Without a warrant or take your stuff cause they made an idol saying you shall obey. They are sick in sin of great dellusions against their sole purpose and oath. 4th Amm. Who hires some one to make them pay or obey idols. No one ever. Evil

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