Spurgeon goes on about the Trinity and nothing of scripture, very strange.
GOD rest his soul, but this is odd. Seeing NONE OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, thus PROPHETS, APOSTLES, and or CHRIST has ever said what Spurgeon preaches on here.
They say HOLY SPIRIT, they lie, read wisdom of Solomon and wisdom of Ben Sira, & Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, HOLY SPIRIT WISDOM IS JUSTIFIED BY HER CHILDREN says CHRIST. thus you would have HER WORDS IF YOU HAD HOLY SPIRIT., she does not do adultery, changing the FIRST COMMAND. HOW foolish, for anyone to do. Either a slap in the face to them that keep HIS command and word or a totaled absence on the matter itself. The serpent in Gen 3:1 changes commands too. Like 1 GOD into 3 or 3 :1 like Gen 3:1, I pray the point is made.
No spurgeon you're absolutely wrong you blew it on this one you should have read the wisdom of Solomon and the wisdom of bin sirah, or just your Proverbs more, you shot in the dark and missed, now mind you surgeon isn't one to hit so wrong, at least very often this being one of two that seem out of place, the judging of booze, seeing GOD, CHRIS, Noah, and Paul agree freedom is the command.
First off the holy spirit is a woman feminine spirit as the mother of all creation wisdom herself, it's in Proverbs it's in Ecclesiastes it's in Ecclesiasticus, and it's in the wisdom of Solomon.
It's also known as THE LORD, This is who Moses had most his conversations with.
How do you know it's a woman because you never get to see her face or you will die.
As THE LORD SAYS to Moses, "no one has seen my face and lived '
But you see, we see the father's face all the time as Christ said have I been with you so long and you see me not.
That's also why the vail is rent, becoming the curse for us, and showing us heaven, that is all of what THE FATHER is saying doing and teaching. For a wise judge teaches his people But seeing how Spurgeon does not preach on the covenants here, this must have been his earlier years, or dare I say he missed it all together and may not have made it thrue they narrow path, for few there are that find .it.
As the scripture say wisdom herself the Holy Spirit it is wisdom, to know who's she is and whom she belongs to, who it is that will impart her to you.
Now I'm not going to speak ill of the dead so I'm not going to presume to know whether Spurgeon made it or not, I pray he did. But few there are that find it. I light it up like Christmas but it doesn't matter, GOD must draw them.
Many of Spurgeon's sermons have given me many lessons.
Spurgeon says the trinity You must Believe in or you don't have the Holy Spirit what crock of s*** what blasphemy.
Even the main theologian 10 volume book set on Trinity St Augustine himself did not say such a thing in fact what he said was, "these are the teachings that I have and what I find if you know better than me. teach You me. and teach others also."
To do the trinity is blasphemy it's nowhere ever said by a prophet or an apostle sent by the Lord Our God nor the Messiah.
if you are with Christ, if, you are with the father, as they both clearly stated, so to the prophets, you will keep the word of God & not do others. that would be to be a bastard child in the father's house, to be as rebellious as Adam was.
As it began because "Adam adhered to thy wife and not to My command, CURSED....." Says THE LORD GOD.
So says Christ "If you love me you will keep my commands." Jesus Christ the one Spurgeon and others profess to follow.
This is the love of God that we keep his commands for none of them are grievous.
1 John
If a man come to you saying that he knows God but keeps not his commands that man is a liar and the truth is not in him. 1john
"If you were my disciple you would keep my word." Jesus Christ
Do you believe in one God good, you do well, but so do the demons, and they tremble. James
I cannot tell if this is really spurgeon for I've never heard such blasphemy or maybe I'm just hearing it for the first time cuz I've actually heard the sermon a few times.
But no man of God says such b******* when it's not from God. They have not only added to the command but they are excluding from the faith without it. Clearly a satanic attack upon the command.
As your mother is to you the best teacher, so to your true mother that's what Christ calls her his true mother, WISDOM, which is again THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Christ also calls her wisdom and she will be justified of her children.
Notice we get one father multiple mothers. And then that don't do the Covenant will never learn of wisdom for she is rebuked by a liar and fleas deceit and a liar cannot remember her.
They reject the right answer you know game playing so dumb gamora of game more of Sodom. Can't comprehend freedom and enslave their children.
Doing 666 60 + 60 + 60 = 180° from the one Lord our God first command you remember Christ said keep the first Command it's one of the two great commands and the second is like it make no God on yourself Genesis 2:17 or as you know it make no idle through Moses or as you also know it love your neighbor as yourself through Christ.
The first Command put God first God is one is Genesis 2:16 the Lord Our God commanded the man that he may eat freely from all the trees of the garden.
That is the first great command from Christ love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul and Have Not another.
We also know it as Moses says let my people go so they may serve me says the Lord.
That is you must be free before you could ever serve God that means all these damn idolaters are preventing their own children from getting to GOD.
Against God's first Command to be free and against his second command to make no Idol to be your God to pay pursue it is the pursuit of happiness and they have their children do this prisons if they won't just in case they thought to be God made free.
It is the Dominion image in Genesis 1:26-28. But they would rather force their parents to die in a die Force divorce curse their kids a toad cursed-toed actually custody.
And this is pulled up because the serpent in Genesis 3:1 the serpent is more cunning and subtle than any other creature of the field.
That is of the labor's pay sacrifice your child that Auto do hunting witchcraft stupid evil games. Exodus 32 the golden calf where they slay the parent kiss the kid to make the kid dumb and their rising in satanic foolish pride to play and rebel pride.
But like genesis 3:1 serpent comes in only to change the command so to y'all Trinity schemes 180° from the one Lord God just like the serpent three and one and honor tribute to your serpent belly god king, who is no God at all, especially for you to be serving sacrificing children too.
WOS 14:15 -33 we must prevent the sun to give the praise and glory. And they do child Idol sacrifice, by means of adulterous grief. At a great war with ignorance.
And to be losing a war with ignorance you have to be in sin striving to stay.
Worst sermon I heard you do yet if you're in heaven I'll be sure to tell you when I get there, being the sense servant and all I'm already counted a shoe in, sorry LORD let's make that a foot in, seeing how he's not a fan of men's footwear.
Not by me but by God and how do you know I'm with God cuz I have his words, that's how you know if a son is with a father, that's how you know if a man is of a company, & THE LORD GOD LIVING IS ALL WISE so why would I ever not do his word his command, and why would men claim to be with God when they don't do it.
You chums can do your sin without GOD'S HOLY NAME,.
Of which I will warn you he is very jealous for. There's a reason a 12 year old boy slated a giant with just the name he didn't know the word yet he only heard the name that being David of course.
I mean 6,000 years running and his name is still the name above all names Heaven and Earth. And the Messiah is the name of above all names under heaven.
This is a factual record check and see just like he said it would be.
Therefore he comes through and purges to reestablish whatever they did wrong with his name.
Otherwise it wouldn't stand for 6,000 years and all over the world people still swear to it.
The only thing he's more jealous for is HIS WORD, if you're looking for what I mean look at the conquest of Joshua. That's his word at jealous point.
I'm not sure spurgeon did this to be honest with you, I don't remember him deviating from scripture or commands.
But I said the same thing when I read the Trinity Treaties from St Augustine. But then I found what I was looking for.
"The Trinity is the doctor and I've been taught this is what I know these are the scriptures which I know it and if you know better than me, then teach you me, and teach others as well."
That's the Augustine I know.
" The father is greater than I I tell you this that you may believe." that settles it right there.
There goes the whole Trinity goodbye.
But it was done at separating the Holy Spirit from the father himself they are never counted as two they are always always counted as one never ever two.
Holy spirit is wisdom herself and God is all wise. She was the first brought forth as a young daughter he took her as his wife. For she was the only one Worthy to be counted as the Lord God creator himself.
Wisdom and the Creator are one.
You cannot speak of God without wisdom all wise above all in All things.
And then he spoke.
From his heart hence was God was with God the word.
Unless you think he's spoken in ignorance, but it's also all through the scriptures.
It is also why in heaven the father, the holy spirit and the word are in one Accord.
In the original one John. Johanine comma 1500s it was changed .
By somebody who did not understand the Covenant nor wisdom herself.
But in order to understand her you must offer your life to GOD.
That is be true under death. Hold firm in the fires feet planted the wall the gate the guard, hence why Christ only needs wash the feet.
Thus something is very wrong here either spurgeon did not go to heaven or this is an early work or somebody just used his name to promote Holy Spirit as a trinity scheme.