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      The skins of man is the same as the pig, the only two in such flesh. 
      This is to remind man of his breaking of the command, and choosing to throw down wife. Like a pig snout, smells and moves to. The brain right behind the scenting nose. 


    • THE DOVE


      or any daughter of THE KING, aka every daughter, 

      thus it brings the olive branch. 


      The OSTRICH, 

      she says, "owes to the rich, owes to the rich,"  She is rough to her children, forgetting they may be stepped on or crushed. 


      click for sermon as a penguin 

      >>Penguins 100% ready 🐧🪶📜🔥<<

      Mating for life/ PROOF that the pebble of faith is really what makes up Mount Zion, this is also why they are in tuxedos, ready for the marriage day. 

      without vowels, and Holy Scriptures. 


    • THE LION


      The men must be his cub, to the border. If they do not to the wall as male then they are killed and eaten up in the pride. 

      The Main is like the beard of the Nazarene. The hair is like to  your thoughts, whether your gentile cutting them to please others, to do idolatry business. 


    • BEE & Honey Comb

      The bumble is the perfect community labor, thus it's honey comb is the nectar that never expires. 

      The males always replenish when they take. Pollinating the flowers.

      The males all give their life in defense, holding one wife.

      They give their life to take one, thus all good shepherds.  


      A cruel mother to make fit of children. 
      It is the proof that the oppression can bring forth fit children. 

      Sees the blood far off, predicts the battles. 


    • FLIES shit flies

      THE LORD OF SHIT FLIES is BEELZABUB = bills above, 

      BUSY BUZZY BUZZ BUSY shit flies, 

      They are magots  MA GOTS, they are servants MA MON, mammon, 

      This is how GOD sees them for they are not like to men. 


      CURSED TOADS the CUSTODY of that whcih comes after the forcing the course of the river, which is war, or adultery, or divorce, or custody, the re-writing of  THE IMAGE of GOD, to remove the princely election of the sons. 

    • ASS / SHE ASS

      The man faithful is the cold that no man rode on, that is tells the truth, so if not reborn, than an insult, to be told to pen, pull, load, bread, this wife, this one, his kids taken, and such. Thus the man like a mule is an insult to the man, and the man that holds to the truth is an ass that no man road, thus is a good thing, that which Christ the truth rides in on, the vessel that he uses. 

      SHE ASS is always a faithful meaning. 

    • HORSE

      THE MAN that is likened to a horse is always an insult, for he is a road in on by men with a bit in his mouth. Thus the four horses the man must be reborn before the white. All men are born like a beast, all men are the first tow horses, the ignorant pale liar, and the adulterous blood liar. 


      IF picked up by the tail, if the staff again, then it is good. 

      if not reborn to staff, to pick up by lies, to put the covenant back to heart, then an insult, for the serpentine nature of man is the reason for the oath the staff the covenant. 

      the liar, can't tell his way. 

      Eats up the dust, thus each snake worshipping dust eats up the dust, and dust to dust, so they all eat each other up in the field, the dust, no command  no word no GOD TRUE

    • SHEEP

      often less is more, MOST ESPECIALLY WITH THE LORD. to demonstrate this, we have a sheep. THE SHEEP GOES; "ABBBAAA" Thus does the sheep beat men in theology with answer by word. Though the sheep knows only one word, "AABBBBAA" it is enough with THE LORD GOD WHO IS ONE FATHER, ONE SHEPHERD. And so if you are struggling in debate, theology, disputations, doubts, legalism, laws, ordinances, commands, family, community, hiarchy, orders, or anything of the like, I implore you, remember the sheep, and simply answer as him, crying out, "ABBA ! FATHER !" as did THE MESSIAH, I tell you, so do you. I don't know where other animals go, but all sheep, crying out "AABBBAAA" go to heaven. Oh, i do, DOVES go to heaven too. Oh, and dogs if your a saint, and you loved one as a shepherd a sheep. your a saint, why would GOD not give you your dog, stop thinking ill will of your GOD, but know, he has two right hands, and no left hands, he does not take, he gives, and no takes backs, it may be you refuse and it is given to another, more worthy, but never is it taken back. GOD does not undo GOD. 

      to show the ignorance of man, that without GOD man would be dead, destroying and enslaving himself, 

      Proof that GOD intervenes. For as sheep can not live without a shepherd, the shepherd bings GOD to man proving he is but as sheep.

      The fact all man are slaughtered by THE SWORD OF THE LORD GOD THE WORD. "Thou shalt die the death." Proves not only that THE LORD GOD IS SHEPHERD, but is an austere shepherd. HE will do with HIS sheep as HE sees fit, and none shall move HIM with strange doctrine, lying idols, massive of men, swarms of panic, or anything to the like, HE IS SHEPHERD. HE IS FATHER. 

      to represent helpless and often blameless is the sheep. 




      Pharoah's favorite pet, preys upon the weak in the wilderness, but when they stand up he flies away. 

      says pay, obey, get a job lazy, get real, i can't believe they did that.

      it's the  vulture that is like Pharoah's parot. Usually shown in white pride in America, and Europe, thus doing black pharaoh's words Exodus 5 they are known as his favorite pet, and become called the white shit hawk. 

    • 1 FEATHER 🪶

      If it flares out as a show, usually almost always aggression or mating, to win a mate. (see *FEATHER/WINGS).

      1 FEATHER "🪶", put to heart, MARK it heavy matter the daughters of THE ONE FATHER LORD GOD LIVING and ever so still always on guard. all feathers that we encounter is all the daughters by the blood/life offering they are made to give, they are all mothers. Thes are the coming back doingds of GOD, the end run back to the beginning. 🪶 x1 The Mother is The Ω x1 and the 1 FEATHER= or the beginning of the end, for she is mother after the fall is pronounced, but before the skins, thus she is life before & after the pig skins, which are a reflection of man, to be the covering, to remind him what is dark surface nature is, what is ever present, can't escape. To remind him that he must be on guard from it, for it, to GOD by GOD or it will, nay, it already has overwhelmed him. Thus all men are put in pig skins, and the woman is put in them to remind men as CHRIST SAYS, "WOMAN..." that is "...what do I have to do with thee.." The answer is simple; much every way in very little of things. A GODLY man does not have the conversation as a woman, a mother. He may find all issues to all life at her, but not from her, for it is her that is the issue of life, for she is life, mother to all life, she is wife. Thus if life, and it does take place at her, it must needs have a covering, for all living things have a covering. And the covering is a continual death, to keep death from not passing over. Death is the thing that is used to bring all into check, that is so that it does not stray to the building up of absolute rule, ie. world powers, but yet enough rope to let others hang themselves in submissions to. And to submit to death is the fate of all flesh, all the current world. For all is broken off, the whole world, and is whiltering unto death. GOD has in essence given it a life expancy with a final notice of will, demanded ceasing, aka death. Your body at current vestures will not proceed, thus if you rule with might and power, not by a faithful true word, if you even found a way to be reincarnated taking another body, it would not matter. There is not a way to tell who you are, for familiar spirits are well known among such that would even attempt or try to attempt such a thing. thus GOD has wisely cut the liar from even being reborn, to lies, but has given him grace in the rebirthing unto him. Thus with the whole of the time frame, man, and the world, even things we can not see, beings, these all come to their end, forced to do so. So then to preserve your life, as many covers go to do, they loose it, but if they submit to the order of Life as Ordained and Commanded, thus will be accomplished by GOD, then they lay down the life, and thus are in a perpetual rebirthing. This proves x1= that the living will never die, and the dead will never live. x2= That submission to GOD is the only logical intelligent choice. x3 GOD has total providential wisdom, sight, and forethought. He is before, above, below, beside, and even in the created, in every omni supreme way possible. Lamens terms, GOD throwing you in hell, is GOD throwing a piece of himself in hell, as you suffer, so to shall GOD with you, but the mistake people make is that GOD LOVES JEALOUSLY, so for them that GOD chooses, that is them that would have GOD as GOD in all GOD's choosing, that GOD would keep them to be covered from eternal hell fire, and them covered in it he would exclude from the loved., and this for jealousy's sake. Think of how much you have or would labor for a son, to go low so that he comes up easier after. This is reckoned to man intellectually in the wisest words from GOD and HIS MESSIAH and HIS PROPHETS, and HIS SAINTS as "pick up your cross." well if we do "that we may some," then how much more is GOD THE FATHER to do but infinitely.
      When i hear Christ say, "I only do as i see my father do," i thought the first time i heard it; when did you see FATHER LORD GOD CRUCIFIED?" And thus we have it here, this is how. He holds some in eternal flames to burn forever, for they wanted to do opposing to GOD's COMMAND, to HIS WILL, and these are INHEXERABLE THINGS, they can not be broken in the slightest of ways, they are GOD in this world, to ALL HIS, begottens ar in the will, the creatioion in the will by the command, thus the the will x1 and the command is x2, thus his command is his will, his will is his command. Thus them that beset against it, are but going to get what they want. Lawlessness, anarchy, no order, no life, no wife, no mothers, no daughters, no sisters, no females, but all their idolatry puffed up in servitude to others puffed up in the same, and these together playing GODS over the righteous, the virtuous. These by their righteous deeds and works do bring upon themselves their schema. Kaine slays Abeled because his brother's works are more righteous than his. He that doesn't offer his own blood offers his brother's, but lacking the gift of courage, which is in wisdom with the virtues (these gotten by THE TRUTH), does not do it an a standing order, but from the back, the side, through the crowd, by slanders, and mocking, by backbiting and deriding. Thus never standing are without understanding. No matter how crafty., they are held in the first account, truth, seven year old submissions, but masters at seven make college leveled heads of state think they have built without it's chief cornerstone. This in men can be seen easily by simple answers, the command, the wife, the honor of mothers, the guarding of freedom. NO in these accounts, then his whole worth is what he fetched from other men, and to his existence, GOD shall take back the dust, giving it to Ark Angels who govern this whiltering world's pilgrims to come in, and to go out. Whether they coming in or going out make gods of their servants, is really up to the individual, but in making that choice they make themselves gods, for they make themselves, and thus every being should worship and serve it's creator, this is righteous judgment, it is wisdom, which is the judgment, yay even THE JUDGMENT OF ALL MAN.

      The daughter, being the daughter, can never lose the will; he willed it; it is so, already, to the man. It is the command, the will, for he has the will by the wife only. Call her a golden measuring rod; without her as the measuring, how did he start to measure in this world? What is his cornerstone.? Shall it be this or that? It matters not, for it's in the finding of truth that you stay too, not what you do not know, but that which you do know. Being THE LORD GOD LIVING OMNI ONLY WISE, then it must be to the accessibility of every living creature, and not just them that have a preacher.


      Αlpha x1 = making 1x = ESTABLISHED





      There are in most mythologies only of two dragons, the vicious old male or the wise motherly female with eagle-like ruthlessness, this being most, but not always, it has many different seasonings, but it is majorly the snake as serpent, and the dragon as it's spiritual likenesses, the serpent being of the water/air that is serpentine in it's moving nature. The spiritual tie of serpents to itself is no mistake, letting you know of them that peep with wizards. It is wisdom prepping you in spiritual waters to make of 


      In Israel's covenantal tradition of the Israeli Jew type, you have 1 king 1 creator, and the reason they call this misogynistic is because they are Gentile, they politely throw their daughters in the flames, bringing their daughters and sons to the idol ruler over them, even to telling them when their daughters may or may not have sex. This is the same kind of thing with the great dragon's ancient mother.

      As we have and known of the great dragon, "Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

      MALE / FEMALE =If there is a male dragon, there is a female dragon, as this is by nature, and GOD is the GOD of Nature. He made man in his image both male and female. (Gen 1:26-28).

      Then you can see why there is not a female dragon mentioned, she is of sorts widowed, as it is. This i believe is also why WISDOM is personalized to us as "THE FIRST DAUGHTER," that is also "THE BEGOTTEN of BEGOTTENS" Who is "TAKEN AS HIS WIFE." and this "BECAUSE THE LORD SEEN & SHE WAS THE ONLY WORTHY." Then if you compare her to the light, she is found superior.

      Now when you take the whole of it into account, in this world, it is sorrowful, and most so when the righteous are taken away, for all the daughters are orphaned with their husbands the sons, they are all together orphaned, and their spouses are widowed at their unions they hold.

      Then it appears that the only wife that the first of all ark angels, we know as Satanas, was brought forth the only wife he could have was wisdom, and thus he forsook wisdom, and we himself to his own pride, casting her off, as it was her he committed adultery & fornication on, to fulfill his own will, which was foiled at the forsaking of his wife, who had to have been WISDOM. For THE CREATOR IS ONE, ALWAYS, this we fathom not, so GOD breaks it into things that we do understand, as men, as men of understanding, men that hold what they receive, and this alone does better than any in all their masses all created together,

      Then it is THE WORD which was wed to THE LIGHT. and these as two never divisible, for truth is from GOD and can not be ignorant if it truly is in truth, for it is from THE ONLY WISE LORD GOD CREATOR, then to not be of, is not so. Like the anti-Christ, it was, it is to come, but it is not right now, which means that it is them in front of your face, denying they lie, lied.

      THE LIGHT BEARER = meant that Lucifer, we know as Satan, or Satanas in Hebrew, was the first Ark Angel brought forth, the first of first, in the realm of firsts. Lucifer is what means light bearer, it is associated with Venus. Though often it is accounted under Mercury.

      (*1a). Mercury, called "THE MESSENGER of THE GODS" The message bearer of THE GODS. Venus is the major association because of the fall of Lucifer well, Lucifer is a TITLE, not a NAME. the reason no one really knows his name, is because it is scratched out (*1b).

      *1b) = now, but to be erased, some blotted, (still not sure on these as though not, one is the blood used to write THE SAINTS NAMES).

      Mercury is the 1st planet, the male of the female as the covering as lord. Known to be masculine.


      Like that cartoon Spike the big Bulldog & Chester the little puppy that eagerly follows after. The mother is the sun & Mercury is the puppy running around him saying repetitively, "What are we doing today, spike? I sure love you, Spike." or as THE LORD says in Jeremiah, "I shall do a new thing in the earth, the woman shall compass a man." This means she will to him, & not him to her.

      They like men, have many different roles, but at the least, you can account for righteous joy and grace, and righteous indignation and the turning of tables, with a tables, within tables, within. tables cause a very distorted view of what it actually is (tables being the waters, wisdom or its whitening children gone far from home, ignorance.

      The Sun = is the mother/s of all, and then Mercury would be like the pups, the sons. This is one of the major reasons the stars move, are not to be worshipped as GOD to you, but rather your servant by GOD for you, as Saint Phillip says, "It is best the demi-gods serve man, rather than man to serve them." Takes 88 days for a year, 88-meaning messages.





      DON'T FLIGHT = Wings that do not fly, are a theme set of a show. For mating, which can be deception, but is deception in aggression, for they will blow on you fanning, hype, prince of the power of the air, hot or cold, to fear you or to frost your heart.

    • crocodile

      WISDOM of MOTHERS taught in Crocodiles 

      THEY Say that Crocodiles were of the GODS, they thought them to be able to predict the future, which is why they would eat their brains, and certain glands. The reason they thought this was because they would lay their eggs before the Nile flooded, and the water would go just as high to stop at the eggs. 
      Now when you account the Nile worship, and nestalge, when Pharaoh commanded to slay the male children born, that growing in the river would be kind of taboo. But now Moses' mother, sends him down the river, and see it was just what needs to be done, for the boy, that means, that the crocodiles could not predict the future, but it was where they decided to lay their eggs, so THE LORD GOD decided to stop the river. For THE MOTHERS are a piece of he HOLY SPIRIT WHOLLY each one a gate, each one a pearl.  Thus when Egypt's women chose to not kill the boys, THE LORD blessed them, and when the Israeli Jewish mothers, had no choice, THE LORD was with them, to bless then.  Thus the call is to you sons of man, and remember your mother's blood, as a law, about thy neck always. 


      When Aaron throws the staff down, and it eats up all the Egyptian staff, it is the crocodile the staff becomes, thus they were doing university, paid license, and permissions, to box out the poor, and create social caste systems of rich aristocracy, that is an enchantment, bewitchment, the idol religion, pay to obey, it is pharaoh fair you owe. The staff becomes the crocodile, cause in the pahrah court your dealing with national localized entities of masses. 

      the sharp teeth = devour and pain, to chomp and smash and break, like when soldiers or mercenaries, such as modern local police may be to devour the people. 

      Eyes = on an almost 360, always watching, for it's take, preying upon everything. 

      The long nose = cause it is nosy, sniffing around, like peeps pinochio,.nose grows saying it knows but it knows not. like a pig's snout. 

      The scaley hard skins

      are like the dragon, cause they are all close-knit to a lie, nothing can pierce the heart, and very calloused, and will do all manner of evils casually, saying it is the way it is, I have to do my job, what do you expect me to do, and thus continue their evil like lizards, and dragon, and crocodiles. 



      Ezk 1:19  And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.

      Ezk 1:10  As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.

      Ezk 1:11  Thus were their faces: and their wings were stretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies.

      Ezk 1:12  And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, they went; and they turned not when they went.

      Ezk 1:13  As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.

      Ezk 1:14  And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.

      Ezk 1:15  Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.

      Ezk 1:16  The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

      Ezk 1:17  When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went.

      Ezk 1:18  As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.

      Ezk 1:19  And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.

      The women, being the Pearls, are circled, sphered, one, smooth, covered roundabout. The men are to be right-angled, not yet giving blood. They just need to make the divisions part the hoof chewing the cudd, thus covering the women, keeping wholly holy one. Thus the women are The Holiness of GOD, and GOD is with them. 


    • GOOD TIDINGS so to the dove with olive branch,

      THE KING sends the women from heaven, offering an olive branch of peace, that proves she is the dove, the birds, flying to heaven, and it proves she is the olive branch, the anointing if reborn. 

      GOOD TIDINGS  (this work published in Daughters & Holy Spirit)

      Gen 2:18  And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.

      Mat 7:7  Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

      Mat 7:8  For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened.

      Mat 7:9  What man is there of you, whom if his son asks bread, will he give him a stone?

      Mat 7:10  : If he asks a fish, will he give him a serpent?

      Mat 7:11  If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

      Muhammed says, "GOOD TIDINGS TO THOSE THAT BELIEVE." This shows that Muhammed believed the first account, when the LORD GOD said, “It is not good that man be alone. I shall make him a help meet....” Then GOD forms the man from dust, breathes in the Nephesh the woman, and then he becomes a living being. Then GOD takes the rib, the woman, and brings her to him. This is one act in itself, all of it; LIFE must have a covering, as all living things have a covering. Then, the point of death is to remove the covering. 

      Then how do you kill the covering that is covered life? The man that dies in GOD truly never dies, for he is in life, not death, for GOD is living, GOD of the living, not the dead.  You get it to forfeit its right to life within, or you get it to do it without. 


      But life that forfeits within is life and does never give itself up, truly. Then you can only deceive the outside, for the inside must be of a holy, untouched, pure, undefinable essence. That which lives does not and can not die. That which dies is already dead, not having grasped the nature of life itself and its holy cogitation, which is of the image of GOD, the five senses, and the two cogitations to understand all cogitations. The two are understanding and speech. Speech is the cogitation of the GODS that makes them GODS. 

      Take the courtroom, how everything comes with the stigma of pronounced, reason and thought; this is the courtroom of life, and GOD does hold all living things on trial. Thus, man plays fain in faith here, and not here. Creating the courtroom with his hands does the man honor it, but that which GOD has claimed, man does not hold regard for, to the point of holding disdain for GOD. That is HIS COMMAND. “No adultery, no swearing falsely, honor obey your father and mother, don’t bear MY NAME IN VAIN,” (this is a cuss, curse, to teach GOD does adultery. REST MOST ASSURED. This is not the case. HE DOES NOT DO ADULTERY. GOD does not put away that which is of GOD before it was; it must be so, all coming from GOD all by GOD. Thus, then GOD never moves; it is, it was, it is going to be. Then is an interchanging, unchangeable entity that has us all pinned down in intellectual dominance. This means we can’t reach him, but he most definitely can get him. 

                See the American Revolution; the attempt in the Constitution is to plead to GOD, not that GOD will answer, but that has responded to, and thus must answer. They begin with the listing of the Natural Law and Nature’s GOD. Then, they move into the equality of man. Note that Natural law is a higher law, for it is in precedent that law is. Thus, the mother is the gate they go to seize in idol witchcraft. Therefore then to beat the Natural Law they go to Nature’s GOD. Any can see the mother is more valuable than the son; look you into nature, who is in the shit, front line, in the cold, on the sentry, on the march, on patrol, the sons. It is of all-natural course the mother must be the more valuable. Then what is it that the sons must need to do to be lifted above their mothers (To walk on water, so to speak, or to part it and walk through it? The waters dry up in New Jerusalem, no more seas (compare water to wind, see they are much the same, in reverse compressions).  

      GROUND is like water and air before GOD; in the most humble ways, the spiritual mind penetrates far beyond the none. I can not help but think that 7-year-old kids think differently than adults. Yay, though their faith can be reversed, modes work in the same fashion. The man will trust his father to obey as a kid, but as an adult, he will trust his reason and not fear reverence. The man, as a boy, will reverence the fear of his father and take pride in the stock thereof. The man as an adult will lose his ground here, reasoning in his thoughts of what is true, and should be given respect there, too. 

               I am a father the same as many of you, and when I am a father to my son, I demand the reverence a father shall have. And I can not help if my son agrees or not, I make that decision beforehand, because in truth, it is beforehand. One only needs to see John The Baptist and Jesus Christ. Jesus tells John what every Righteous son tells his father, “to fulfill all righteousness.” This is the order which is set by GOD, and the elder does prepare the way; that which he does comes after him. Notice why it is burning down and what is standing up. One says how do you know this? I tell the truth, the root, “How do you know anything? Is it not by THE WORD?” Then it is both, by the word you understand, and by the word you have understanding. Then it is looking for the words that have understanding, that is standing.” 


      THE OATH, the vow, these are standing. Look how many perish to it. If you were The Messiah, you would say what? “Don’t Swear.” Why? Because of the perishing effect of THE SWORD before The Garden. That is the word, the vow, oath, promise. This is where you must plow. THE TWO WITNESSES, and then the sword, turning which every way. That means you find the word that turns every way, the vow, the oath, all over the earth, and it is burning down all things.  


      tilth;    noun cultivation of land; tillage. • [in singular] the condition of tilled soil, especially concerning the suitability for sowing seeds: he could determine whether the soil was of the right tilth. • prepared surface soil: the final leveling of a tilth.


      Judges 14:18  And the city's men said unto him on the seventh day before the sun went down, What is sweeter than honey? And what is stronger than a lion? And he said unto them, If ye had not plowed with my heifer, ye had not found out my riddle.


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    • Preacher BlairFeb 27
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

      The way that man is every animal in some way of his structure, it being the eaten fruits of the word of GOD is awesome workings by THE LORD GOD, and i find them in every culture, every place, but none really apply the wisdom that Jewish or Arabic Muslims with their parabolic teachings and proverbial medicines of living word.

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    "Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


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