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Daniel's Terrible Image

Daniel's Terrible Image

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>>mark of the beast 🩸🐷<<



Daniel's image is not what they say, but is a repeating pattern, as Daniel is talking to every man on the earth, when he calls him king. 

That is to the man, all of them. 

That the GOLD head is either to GOD's WORD, or to GOLD, 


The SILVER chest and hands, will either be refined, purified, for a Silver Base for GOLDEN COLUMNS or will be THE SILVER TONGUE swearing falsely raising hand to invoke the evil one, to lie, steal, kill, and destroy. 


The BRONZE STOMACH THIGHS, will be to stomach all the evil, eat the scrolls, that are sweet then bitter, and you eat again, that is digest chewing the cud, or it is the devouring of HOLY THINGS, HOLY VOWS, and it meaning nothing to you, that is the wife the oaths, the owed duty, and like a pig devours,.  


THE BRONZE THIGHS, is to stand in the good, the vow, the oath, the family the country, the father's words to THE LORD, or to stand coagulate to not do right, that is they deny the air in front of their face. 


The iron is to the same, that is they stand in the battle for GOD and their family, their oath, their vow, their sons, or they build up iron to imprison to destroy them. 


The mixed with clay in the feet, is them that will trust in THE FAITH OF THE LORD GOD LIVING, or them that will trust in the iron of men, their numbers, their inventions,

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