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There the dispensation of Christ not being buried in the ground for 3 days & 3 nights because Jesus said that as Jonah was in the whale for 3 days & nights, so to would The Son of Man be three days & three nights in the heart of the earth, Matt 12:40
And in the crucifixion account, one of the accounts is said to have buried him on Thursday, but this is incorrect; they say this because it was a Sabbath & a High Sabbath by The Passover, but
HE IS BURIED ON THE FRIDAY BEFORE THE SABBAH, which is also a High Sabbath, that is The Ritual Day of Pass over whihc occurs at Night on Friday Night, thus he is buried on the Friday day, before Sunset, what is about 1500 hours, or 3 p.m. when The Temple is torn, so the going down waning point of the sun, into the evening, as it is written, but it is counted as so.
Friday Saturday Sunday Gospels hour 0600 XXXXX 0600 sun rise Zero hr 1200 XXXXX RISEN the 6th hr 1500 XXXXX 9th hr 3P.M. X------X XXXXX EVENING darkcomes X------X XXXXX BURIED BODYstill dark ---------------- ----------------- ------------ SUN SET NEW DAY XX-SAT-XX XX-SUN-XX MON ALL NITE SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY see begng Ohr FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY be for sundown buried sat nite sun nite friday day closes sat day sun day risen Three boxes are checked for all three days.
Now trhere might be come that could argue that he was risen before the sun came up on Sunday, and to that i would say, That is VERY MUCH THE CASE, for the day of the sunday, was fulfilled in the walking about in the dust, the flesh itself that is condemned. That is the evening, for the evening and the morning are the first day.
That is until you get ot Gen 2:4 where it is only the one day of THE LORD GOD, that is evening and day, that is evening and you are reborn into the day for ever, or you are not reborn and into the evening you go down.
Thus him serving 33years in the flesh, is the day of Sunday, the first days day, that is the half day, they are looking for. Since the body is dying anyways, knowing it must be reborn in order to live, the flesh is a death sentence, for it is THE COVENANT from THE BEGINNING "thou shalt die the death."
Then it is the firday day 1/2 day, Saturday Evening + 1/2 and Saturday Day til sundown + 1/2 TOTAL 1.5 then sunday evening, 1/2 TOTAL of 2, and
fri day 1
sat day1
fri nite1
sat nite1
sun nite1
but the evening is the beginning of the life, you are born first into the womb the darkness, then reborn into the light, you are then in the life ignorant and liar, and coward, thus under the serpent and need to be reborn the man.
Thus no matter how you would work the math, it comes out right every time it is 3 days, and it is the heart of the earth, because it is the flesh, and the word, that is the apple of GOD's EYE is man, but cast out and down, he must needs be reborn to the word, and the word is the heart, the heart is the word, is the life, thus the dwellling in the flesh itself is for one true to come into the heart of the earth.
when Jesus is angry, it is the same as he has compassion. There is no disagreement in the words used, what is wrong, is the interpretations.
Do you not remember Moses, makin THE LORD angry,
Exo 4:14 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother? I know that he can speak well. And also, behold, he cometh forth to meet thee: and when he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart. Now is it that you forget what Moses and THE LORD were talking about, about the eloquence of speech, which is unique, for THE LORD knew we would be here right now discussing eloquence of speech. That you think Jesus getting angry at a man that asks him, "IS HE WILLING?" I mean, do you think you more willing to be saved than GOD is to save you? Do you think you wanting healing is more than GOD wanting to heal you? if so, you are wrong, GOD is more, and you are less.
Thus then for THE LORD to get angry at such things as man, like waking Him after He tells you,"that you go to the other side." then wake him, saying, "do you want us to perish?" And then why follow him, who is it you believe in? thus if a leper comes to Christ calling him LORD, and then says, "if you are willing..." Then you can see how anger may occur, and he still heal him. And you can see how he had compassion on him and still healed him. Both are the same thing, one is just eloquence, and your marker was set there, at the discussion of THE LORD talking to Moses about sending him, and he didn't want to for eloquence.
Now do you remember THE LORD said to Moses,
Exo 4:11 And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD?
Exo 4:12 Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.
And do you understand, leprosy is likened to the oath, the vow, the covenant, the command, that which you swore to.
Exo 4:7 And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh. Note that the tow tablets of the ten commands, the first is stoney and Moses breaks, this is the first stoney heart, and the second is felsh, and THE LORD writes on it the new law, that is the old law the same. And then as THE MASTER the head of the man, the Messiah, so to the same for his head THE FATHER, you swore to it, received it, but were stoney and hard hearted, and then when you break you come back begging forgiveness and healing, then it is when you meet, t