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Joan of Ark

Joan of Ark

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Joan of Ark is literally, that is factually, the most awesome person that ever lived aside from Jesus Christ. No body, not even Jesus excelled to such heights amongst man while in the flesh, as of report in Stature and title, (Christ did not seek such, but neigther did Joan, but Christ had to go the lowest, and not crowns and titles of man). 

Joan of ark rose up from a peasant farmer girl when women couldn't speak in public, she was illiterate, and by the age of 14 pulled in to be a commander of a small military unit, and within 2 years, she was THE COMMANDER OF THE ENTIRE NATION'S ARMY, that is chief and commander to us in the U.S. No male in the history of the world, nor female ever had such power over military (generals do not give it over to boy kings), and she won every military campaign until her very last at 19 years, where she was then burned alive at the steak. 

Now that is all impressive, but she also NEVER used a weapon, she only carried a banner, and she lead the charge often, she took many wounds, and almost died on one of them occasions. She was known to be a lady, of gentle nature, and was an amazing leader and commander. She is literally one of the brightest stars the world has ever known. 

Military wise, she ranks with  the top two, Jesus Christ (still called Great Conqueror) and Sun Tzu (Who never lost a battle ever, so beating Joan by one, but she betrayed).  No tactitioner ever siezed so much in such a manner to be commander of the nation. 

She is dear to U.S. United States, cause she got Charles crowned, who is the blood line of Louis, which is the King of France that helped U.S. win our Indepndence, in The Revoltuion. If Louis had not joined our cause, Britain would have supported the army here, but when they joined, around the last year, of the war, they were afraid of France taking London, so they sent no more reinforcements here to the U.S. Colonies and we won the war after a long and hard 7 years. 

Joan remained faithful to her death being burned alive at 19 years old, and her bravery, faith, and sainthood, is something that ties America and France together forever. 

  • The Chosen of THE LORD

    Born a peasant farmer's daughter, she grew up poor and illiterate her whole life. She grew up at a time when the church only spoke in Latin Masses and rarely, hardly ever, did the priests give a sermon, and that means, Joan really only had bits and pieces of her faith, but it was enough, by the truth it became a wellspring of wisdom of GOD just like it reads. 

    Joan was a sweet girl, played in the fields of flowers often, twirling and dancing, and singing, and such, as her friends have been quoted saying, a darling sweetheart. Literally none had a bad report of dear little Joan. 

         She was pretty normal illterate poor French girl. Mind you she grew up at a time in france, when women were not alout to even speak in public unless addressed, or they had stature and wealth, that is of royal blood. this would become intricate in the story that THE LORD GOD is telling through Joan and to France and to THE WHOLE WORLD, for that royal blood line would betray Joan, and she being THE SENT SERVANT OF THE LORD, had a rippling effect upon that ROYAL LINE, that they were all cut off, drug out of their castles and BEHEADED 5 Generations later, that is "i will visit the sins of the fathers upon the sons every 3-4 Generations." you say, 5. I say, you don't count the generation the Saint is in, that is their generation, thus in love to GOD.<