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lots, marriage, garments, & pearls
  • lots, marriage, garments, & pearls

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    >>wickedness 🧙‍♀️💰🏠 witchcraft<<

    >>you don't know pt3 🤔<<

    >>you don't know pt4 🤔<<



    what these parables mean. Everyone should know THE WORD IS THE LORD, the true word is LORD GOD to all, for THE LORD GOD HAS BROUGHT ALL TO BE AS SUCH. 

    Thus then to learn the parables, there meanings, is to learn the word of creation, or rather how men can dissemble it, so teaching one to build up the same, and to build here is to build on a cornerstone that does not move. 


      lots, marriage, garments, & pearls










      Joel 3:3

      And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink.



      The boy to hire a prostitute, you will find this in the Judah and Tamar account. Where instead of handling his account to his daughter / daughter in law, he hands her a kid / ewe / goat, and until he can get there with the kid, she Tamar tells him what she wants until that gets delivered. 

      Now you will note well to see that Tamar is dressed as a prostitute, and that Judah was to get her his third son, the youngest now come of age before this happening. But Judah had two sons die, one for being wicked, the other for having sex marrying but wouldn’t bear  children with Tamar, for his brother’s seed sake. 

      Now when Judah has two sons die, the youngest he promises Tamara when she is old enough, and to go to her father’s house during this lamenting time. Now Tamara hears that Judah was in town near her, shearing his sheep, and he was, and he had just buried his wife. So passion through town he sees a prostitute that is veiled, and he offers to pay her a kid / ewe like his kid he promised her already. 

      + Thus they will give a boy to hire a prostitute. So Judah pays the his ring, his staff, his bracelets, to satisfy her demand until she gets the kid he will send later to pick up these items. Now these items are more than one cares to understand usually. Here is the doctrine of THE FATHER. Once a man of faith sleeps with anyone outside his wife, he is doing this, what Judah is doing in our bible, what he did in real life, and how GOD THE FATHER feels about it in real life. 

      + Judah hand’s her the staff = the once alive, now dead, naturally made, is the symbol of faith, word of GOD

      + the ring / signet, is the hands mark, seal, for office, Judah being a head in his family, the ring is this mark, 

      + the bracelets / bracers, what enslaves the hands, what you cuffed to, what you lift hands for, guard same. 

      - I have read translations that have this as a necklace, that would seem more right to me, for him being a shepherd, but if it was, it was the blood of the mothers, of the wife as mother, the law of the mothers, the chain about your neck from proverbs, to guide you in the way, to lead you in the way to not go astray. It is the diadem that grants long life, honor, riches. How you treat the women. Which is also way more fitting for the situation in which Judah finds himself. In which we as men find ourselves, atlases a time or two. 

      + Now when Judah does this, he takes his daughter in law as a prostitute, he then goes home, sends her the kid, and she is not found. The man is told that there are no whores  around here. So he goes back, and Judah counts it all done, he tried. Now when they hear months later she is pregnant Judah calls for her to be burned before the congregation with child. She then comes before the assembly laying down the staff, signet, & bracelet / necklace, saying, “who’s these belong too, is who’s child I am pregnant with, you judge.” 



      Thus then the casting lots for a the purple garment is the, who has a lot and you can have this wife and kids while we crucify the husband / spouse on the paper idolatry cross, that is use legalism in illegal ways, such as against the 7th amendment, where it states that there shall be the right of jury 12 by trial preserved for anything over $20.00 value. 

      What is your wife and kids worth? According to our Constitutional 7th amendment it says the fathers have made their children a discount for the ages. Putting 2 for $9.99 each, and if three then $6.66 each, 4 for five dollars.

      Clearly our believing founding fathers knew exactly where we would be, and that is a scary thing. That means that THE Holy Spirit knew, and that is an even more frightful thing. Have you ever heard of “coyote ugly?” It is where a coyote will get snagged in a trap and will eat his arm or leg off before he stays trapped. They go mad, can’t stand it coyotes, being trapped like that. Now imagine a man in a like said trap, but this time it is GOD who placed your trap, and it’s every man you know in it, and theres more being born everyday to put in it, and you know that the trapper, that being GOD in this case, is going to come get HIS prize, HIS hunt, HIS meal. For THE GOD of our FATHERS / FOUNDERS is a man eater.