Sun Worship & Pagans
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THE SUN'S BIRTHDAY IS DECEMBER THE 25th, if you have a problem with this, TAKE IT UP WITH THE LORD your GOD, WHO DID THAT.
THE SUN'S BIRTHDAY IS DECEMBER THE 25th, if you have a problem with this, TAKE IT UP WITH THE LORD your GOD, WHO DID THAT. And yes, there is a relationship between the Pagan, and the Heathen, and the Gentile, and the Barbarian, and all the religions around the world.
But seeing that the 7 MAJOR HOLIDAYS, in all places all around THE WORLD, from Jew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Indian (American type), and all the tribal left around the world, even the Druids, Celts, and so on had them in line, and so too them in Africa Congo, and wildernesses, Australia Aborigines, and whatever else you could come up with, IT IS ALWAYS THE SAME ALL AROUND THE WORLD, for GOD has done these things, NOT us. They are shown from HEAVEN FOR GOD'S SAKE.
"Do not worship, or be amazed, astounded by the stars. For all the nations and people of the whole earth have them, but you have THE LORD your GOD, who is present and living." This is not a debate. GOD has answered for HIMSELF, we know who we serve. The truth only way to GOD, and the commands are true.
3 citations UNTIL WE HAVE FACES. Grk Myth, & C.S. Lewis did a version, heres the rough quote, & I am okay with rough quotes, especially when the quote is a retelling, the arthours retelling such stories are aiming at one thing, to get you to understand the meaning. Same for parables and such, but here is UNTIL WE HAVE FACE. ;-
"dear sweet girl," said the Priest, "do you not know, that we only do in the temple that which is already done in the heavens. We but mimic THE GODS as Priests." Urial then asked, "How did she become a god?" The Priest said, "I suppose like every other GOD, by great trials, and great tribulations, where she with the help of THE GODS i am sure, performed Great Deeds, and thus became a GOD."
This is Uriel at Psyche's Temple talking to the priest, in The Greek Mythology of Psyche, (wife to Cupid, which is the story). C.S. Lewis wrote his own version with the same, becoming GODS by the deeds one is put too. And he is called by some, Defender of The Christian Faith of the 20th Century.
2- When Cortez, landed in Mexico he reported, back to the queen of Spain, "The Devil had positively taught to the Mexicans, the same things which GOD had taught to Christendom,"
Pg 350
3- St. Augustine, "The ancient religion, has always been, from the beginning, and was never absent up until Jesus Christ entering into the flesh. It is only now that we call it Christendom."
Augustine (Saint type), is in line with Peter, and other apostles, and prophets, before and after.
Col 1:23b "....the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister."
Scripture Quotes
Rom 10: 17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.
Col 1:23, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and THE GOSPEL OF GOD, that is given before crucifixion and resurrection, for Jesus Himself, tells John's Disciples ".....go and tell John, .....the poor receive THE GOSPEL." Thus if before the crucifixion & resurrection, and not just last supper, hours before upper room, garden prayer revelation, but made a time before for a reason, in order, even before The Mount of Transfiguration, (that is the point of which Jesus would be doing Moses, as every saint must ascend Mount Sinai, breaking of the heart, to receive the new law written on their hearts, (the same command, but not handed down in stone, BONE OF BONE, means mark it in stone forever). but the second set is carved out with your own hands and GOD writes the 10 command on your heart, like THE LORD did Moses in the second set, first set broken, the broken heart and contrite mind pleases THE LORD and THE LORD will not refuse it.
Isaiah 40:28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
Melchizedek meeting Abram with bread and wine, and blessing Abram "the servant of THE MOST HIGH GOD, and bless THE MOST HI