THE ANGEL, as Jesus or Satanas, or as Jesus as Satanas, or just Jesus, or is it others.
Rev 22,
Num 22:22,
PLEASE see, JOHN TRYS TO WORSHIP “Jesus not just an Angel”
for more information, pertaining to Jesus as THE ANGEL OF THE LORD,
There is that chilling Revelation verse,
Rev 2:23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
But when THE LORD GOD said, “THOU SHALT DIE THE DEATH,….” then THE WORD, THE MISSIAH, was going to kill all things anyways, wanted he.
THE ANGEL of THE LORD, as i Joshua's, where he bows down to worship, or as is in Balaam's where it is THE LORD GOD's ANGEL SATAN sent to oppose Balaam. Or do you mean, the one Daniel seen, or the one that Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and others spoke too?
OR DO YOU mean THE ANGEL most BIBLES try and cover up the fact that it is Jesus Christ, by not making the letters red, when HE says, “see thou do it not, for i am thy fellowservant….” Which puts the Quran, on target, whtih THE NEW TESTAMENT, “THE FATHER IS GREATER THAN I, I tell you this that you may believe.” “none is greater than my father,” In Heaven one FATHER RULES, and all sosns, i mean all sons, are equal up there, he is that great.
here are the Revelation verses. Not the differnce between That angel and THE ANGEL, that is Jesus Christ our LORD and Savior, our Messiah, THE CHRIST, see 10 has “testimony of Jesus,” but 22:9 does not,
Rev 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Rev 22:9 Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.
It is most likely that Jacob wrestled with Satanas, like too Job, the whirlwind then came THE LORD, and like with Abraham sacrificing Isaac, that was Satanas as THE LORD, for he says, "now i know." but THE LORD already knows all. With Jacob there was the, "why ask you my name." Thus what is the purpose of asking Satan's name? There is not a reason, for as he is opposing, and Jacob gets the name Israel, that is the blessing, that is RE-born = FIRSTBORN, thus he will be the head, as all men to their house, to their own, and thus if the angel is satanas, he will fall under Israel's house, so no need for the name, because of the Covenant of Yahweh, that is I IAM.
where is your family, "i am." who is your wife? "I am." thus the renaming of Moses, is the Name of GOD given, for the covenant awareness. Which is why THE ANGEL, aka Satanas, did not give his name to Jacob at the renaming
It would be like Jesus asking the name of Satan at the temptation. And if you will, liken the renaming of Jacob to become Israel, as the rebirth of Jacob. Hence Christ asks Nicodemus, "you a teacher of Israel know not these things." that is you need to be reborn. And thus Jacob is the first place name of rebirth, though Noah is reborn, showing the water flood out, aka the wisdom of GOD. Jacob is the first place name of rebirth, clearly identified in the whole of Holy Scriptures, which is why his name is still used, and all Reborn, are to be likened to him, and why Christ asks Nicodemus that, on the matter of rebirth.
You can liken the threshing floor to David's, the burning bush for Moses, the three denial and the breathing on them for the Apostles, "Jesus only baptized his own." That is those that are truly Reborn.
And THE ANGEL OF THE LORD, is any female, for she sheds blood (child birthing with or without child birthing, all blood is accounted to the reborn males, ie see you Moses account = Aiysh is Eve, is mother to all living, is Jerusalem, each daughter, mother to us all), and has sorrow.
So then every daughter is a maid servant, that is living out the words of THE LORD GOD from Genesis, that is being chastised as we all speak. Thus they are all angels. It is why she isn't allowed in congregation or temple during her time of the month, so that men give pause and understand, that she is a living temple of THE LORD, aka THE LORD's Secret hiding place, aka the matrix, aka each one a pearl, each one a gate, as Jerusalem as the temple walking about on earth, as New Jerusalem's gate here on earth. You will also find she is to read Holy Scriptures on her time of bleeding, according to Muslim faith, they are right, it is so you know she is living Holy Scripture, fulfilling GOD's word suffering in blood, childbirth, pains, and sorrow. Why she is a maid servant that goes home. Thus all daughters are as Angels. But i never heard one called Angel of THE LORD.
Any male that obeys the command is an Angel of THE LORD, as seen at the end of The Gospels, where it seems they fall apart, but they do not, they are just covering for Peter, and The Virgin Mary, and Mary Magdalene, and the other women, by just calling them Angels.
But if you are too say, Angel of THE LORD, then you must have a division of some kind that i have found, unless you are talking Jesus, in Rev 22, where most don't even mark his words in red, where He tells John, "Do not do that, I am a fellow servant with you brothers the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book. Worship GOD." ;;;;;
Therefor, it would seem to clearly be, that THE ANGEL OF THE LORD is any Messenger, that is dispatched outside the city walls, for each city is that of the female, the inheritance of THE LORD, hence, why they are named after females, they are eternal, like nations the same, though they can be numbered and come to an end here.
Thus if you are on the fringe of warfare, THE ANGEL OF THE LORD, will be dispatched, ie Joshuah. If you are in sin and counted in the covenant, servant of any kind to THE LORD, then THE ANGEL OF THE LORD shall be sent, ie Balaam. or if a distinction is being made, such as Heaven to Earth, GOD to man, then it can be THE ANGEL OF THE LORD, but if you are in the covenant and your sealed, in the command, it is THE LORD, or GOD, or man, or by name, aka Daniel's. if you are in the city, such as Lot, it is THE LORD, or an ANGEL, for THE LORD, own's possesses all cities, and all nations, for one city is a nation.
The point is when you say ANGEL OF THE LORD, you are saying something that is covenantally descriptive. If you are not yet with THE LORD then it is to you males, all, THE ANGEL OF THE LORD, and if to the females, it is LORD & GOD, until your husbands, if not married your fathers, is LORD & GOD to you, then it is an Angel, or Servant of THE LORD.
If you are in the covenant, then it is as described.
Hope that helps.
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