THE LORD GOD ONE FATHER CREATOR MOST HIGH ONLY WISE, has given a Name, and has made it clear that no other shall compare, so why does Jesus Christ? Fk
by THE FATHER'S NAME no bastards
As it reads all living things have a covering. Then it is all that is, was, is to come, is covered, there for you see, if it is then it is of GOD, or rather from GOD. Thus at all times do you see GOD. This is why Jesus says, "have i been with you so long and seeing me you know me not." How long, so long. Then you see it is not just those three years that Jesus was talking aobut, but was referring to THE FATHER concealing every thing.
And THE FATHER coveing everything, means he is with you always, that means even if you are burning in hell THE FATHER is there, though he is no longer taling with you, and he is not the father you had chosen, no matter your decisions, or mine, or anyone's choosing or doing, you can not do without it coming from THE ONE FATHER. as Jesus says, "you can do nothing save MY FATHER in Heaven allow it."
So then we all things from the father, and all is not of GOD but GOD allows, and always is GOD THE FATHER. that meas this in totla. That GOD is not a liar. FOR THE LORD has said, "I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU." then the operation of an eternal hell, is one hell of an operation of GOD. if you burn, he burns, you joy, he joy, like you are too your kids, when in pain, you think you would do anything to take it, but GOD need not take your paine, he is experiencing everything you are. He just does not experience as you alone, but as you, and never not being him. Like to stubbing a toe, when a child, it is so bad for so long, but as an adult, it is paine, and quickly this will subside overides the paine at present, so the intellect dominates the circumstance, and GOD being only wise, always supercedes the intellect.
So then we also have here THE FATHER, THE ONE FATHER. who is always taking the paines, the hits, the bunt force trauma. This is told to us through out all of the scriptures, The father is made for the death, not the works, the dying and not the (difficult it is to say here, for by being the cover, the father is very much all that he covers, this is how Jesus Christ inherited it all). so then we receive it as "THE LAMB WAS SLAIN FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD." that is the sons, but technically son, (this is another great mystery, for every re-born is a first born, having much to do with the willingness to die for it all, cover it all, but not by that covered, but by him that commanded youm, him that gifted you). We also receive this as the prietly order, of going before and coming up last, this is the shepherd duty the same, thus it reads, "HUSBRANDRY IS ORDAINED IN HEAVEN BY THE LORD SO DO NOT GO AGAINST IT."
That is Adam is formed, out of the dust, then life breathed in, then Adam is alive, but look what is next, THE LORD GOD COMMANDED THE MAN, thus then it is by the word that Adam is a son. Thus then every man here on earth only knows the fallen broken man, the not so wise, not so brave, not so man, but more of a beast, like cattle, all his life told what do, say, all of it. So then all men under 1st father, of sin, fallen, no life blood offered which is the same state as his first father, "ADAM WHERE ARE YOU." which is the opposite of THE FATHER.
Now every husband receives his wife from the father, to be the father to the bride beore being a husband. The only difference here, is the partaking of eating. A husband eats his sheep, feasts on them. Thus your wife is a help Meet (MEAT). She is slaughtered, blood offered a sheep she us made too. Thus as a father, you do not eat your sbeep. I am of course defaulting to the good shephered, like lil David, you die for your sheep, risk your life, even for one lil sheep, and you don't blame the sheep, you dont eat them cause they are bad sheep, you eat them cause they are ripe, aged too, no blemishes, fat, ready, you see? GOD is not only the cover of all man, but GOD is a man eater, so do not make him spit you out as spoiled rotten meats. As Psyche from "UNTIL WE HAVE FACES," says, "what if being eaten by THE GODS is like to be marrried to then. THE GODS are far above us, what if eating for THE GODS is above us that we do not understand truly."
So Jesus would be in line with Greek Mythology? No, it is in line with Jeuss Christ by THE ONE TRUE LORD GOD, ONE FATHER, and Jesus is HIS WORD IN CARNATE, and his word never defaulting out of his mouth, is by natutre witout fault without sin. Thus also that which made all. So yes Psyche if real or not, and she is, some kind of nature, in man for Psyche is Psychology, the mind, with heart of man is what it wa,true thought.We know this is Reborn, mind of Christ. That is the man stopped lying, now follows GOD and thus has THE HOLY SPIRIT WISDOM HERSELF, so you can see why the Greeks made HIM a female, the christ is Psyche, but she is feminine in the Greek, because GOD was covering who she iss covenantally. Clearly the original aurther knew it was male, but by the culture, to surrender oneself to another to be killed was feminine in nature, so to put a male would have been awkward, not culturally sound. And that is what seperates Jesus. the point at which you must shake off all they the world syas, and hold it as it truly is, what GOD sayas.
So the Greek plays the patriarch father as the cover of the family, but not as the lamb that takes the sins of the family. You see the half hazard nature here. If the father, then you know of the father. and though your kids think they are so afronted by one antoher, you musst act on their behalf to kill the otehr sibling, even. You the higher more elevated in reason just tell both to shut up, go to corners. But if you are the siblings when fathers, they take that patriarch role and only devour with it as the shepherd conqueror and not as the patriarchal father, thus they are by nature thieves, hirelings, not good shepherds.
Remmember their entire standing is on the Father's office, of natural order. and though they understand that one must be the head cover, they are hireling to do so. For this office is deeper and more true, and more the cause of heaven than mosst men will find out before it is too late. If you are father by THE FATHER, then you must honor all fathers, as father, all elders as fathers, and all brothers as fathers, and all sons as to be fathers, as brothers supporting fathers. and this is in all the care to the daughers.
Where this battle line lies, that you must be a dumb sheep to the slaughter, must lie within each individual, as to what he believes in, what he is dying for, and why he is willing to die there. So Jesus saved me, because just as empty as I met Jesus Gunzales the other day. You see one is to know your savior the other is but by NAME. If you now not the command of GOD you have about as much love for Jesus Christ as you do for Jesus Gunzales, you can say all you like, but Jesus Christ is about the command, his and his fathers, and his father's are his, only, not anothers. Then like Jesus Juan Gunzales, you now know his name, if you were told he came he tore off roof, replaced it, and rose up out of there, so what you know that. Many men like Jesus Resurrection story has that of Jesus, Horus in Egypt, born light of the world, 12 disicples, road in Thebes on a Donkey, crucified, resurrected 3 days later. and there is more, Tammuze, Krishna, and more. But Jesus said, all them are thieves and robbers. And how do we know. Jesus told us. What did they tell us? Exactly. Jesus said, "and by this you will know they are thieves and robbers and I AM THE MESSIAH, THE TRUE LIGHT FROM GOD THE BREAD FROM HEAVEN. My words will always remain, they will always increase. but they are gone and passed." you see 2,000 years later, Horus was 3,500 years ago give or take 500, years, and no one in any other nation really was crying out they had seen Horus, no one in foreign tongues were crying out THE LAMB OF GOD I HAVE SEEN THE LAMB OF GOD. none, but Jesus has it happen to this very day, 2,000 years later.
Now either it is that man is in a grand dellusion of evidence, that is not accepting the truth when compared to the likes, that is Jesus verses anyone else that has THE MESSIAH TRATES OF THE STARS. that is told in heaven for all to copy even the devil. For THE LORD has said, "all the world has the sun and the moon, and the stars, so do not be dismayed, for you O Israel you have ME THE MAKER OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH." So it is the same they think of Horus in Egypt they think of Jeuss, A sun that traveled about wtih 12 zodiac discipls, died upon the cross, (western hemisphere sunset December) and the sun falls upon this in the western hemisphere for 3 days December 21-25, and in this the days dont move, bringing the three longest nights, thus the sun dies, and on the 25th december it moves 1 degree to the south, bringing a 1 degree longer day, thus rises, or is born on the 25th december. Reborn at Passover, the son becomes a man, thus gets in front, blood on door post, or look for making eggs as Pagan while daddy marches off to war for the rich, lil rich guy gets to hump momma, making bunnies the men lay mommas a bird flying to heaven's eggs, the children we know not which they are yet.
So all this is the same thing. The point of all it is the same thing. FATHERS ARE THEN BY THE COMMAND THE WORD. you don't have the command, you dont have the word, the doctrine, dont understand the parables and wisodm, to cover the daughters and brothers, to keep the covenant, even if they judas, and kill them the same by, GOD's command, then you know not Christ, or THE FATHER, but you might, you might, know his name. Like a thirteen year old David.
And this might be good enough for your walk with GOD when you were 12 as Ishmael or maybe even 30 as Jesus come out, as i was at 34, or maybe around 60 which was Moses, or may 75 which was Abraham called out, I do not know this, but i do know the differences by the words the man uses, but if he is saved in it or not, this is always between the man and GOD, for I can tell you as GOD told me, as I can prove Scripturally, but GOD has always, reserved the right of HIS JUDGEMENT.
If i tell you, behold your a dead man, you have anothers wife. You say, dont judge, I say, I dont. GOD has judged. well if the wife is the hsuband, and it is so, then Sarah in adultery with Pharoah is Abraham, thus then is Abraham a dead man? No GOD has reserved the right of judgement, for the giving away his wife, was not his final faith, for the offering of sacrifice of Isaac is that of Sarah's life offering to bring him in, thus the meaning is, if Abraham would sacrifice Isaac, Abraham would sacrifice himself first. Thus then if for Isaac most assuredly for Sarah. And both times given away two times repenting, showing that Abraham repented, ad that Abraham would love his wife, and die just to tell anyone that. Faulter does not mean, descention, and a million bad things doesn't mean doubt. It means, sheepish confusion. But GOD will clear the path and outline the true intent of the heart, and Abraham's was simply twice, "SHE IS MY WIFE" thus that is what Abraham would die for. So then GOD can cause confusion that you are put to clear answers. Thus it is written, "I AM the one that tries the hearts and the minds of all creation, even dividing between bone and marrow, to discern the true intents of the heart."
Then you must see, GOD IS ALWAYS WITH YOU, EVERY WHERE, ALWAYS, EVEN LOWEST HELLS BURNING, TO HIGHEST HEAVENS, HE IS THERE. all you experience is him. But that doesnt mean you are being claimed from him. HE has said from heaven all is his, and he made it all, but down here, there is only "yay, did GOD say..." which is what the serpent said to eve in the garden. Note you well the, "Yay, did GOD say." for you are here, and thus GOD must be, Thus the serpent, answers before he asks, "yay, Did GOD say." yes you ole tricky serpent, you say yourself, "yay," knowing with THE LORD it is yay and yay, and not nay and nay. The yay, is the shear fact is not just you are talking about GOD, but that you are. See no man is arguing if Santa said, or if Tooth Fairy comm