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FATHER'S are their SONS

  • 3 Steps


THE ONE FATHER LORD GOD gives every daughter to the husband, so the husband loves her first as the father. If you love the children as a father more than you are a husband to their mother, THE FATHER will be pleased. The father is only obtained by the word command, for GOD never took a son, that would be unequal, but the son is begotten, by choosing GOD's Command, his word. This program will help to teach you the things that are needed to burn a path for the sons, so they may come up more gently. THE NUMBER #1 DUTY OWED IS THE TRUTH, which is their FREEDOM. without FREEDOM. they may not even choose to serve GOD. #2 the commands, of GOD. #3 The covenant These will in themselves take care of themselves. it is as to washing feet. To do these teachings, you will need to beat him on his side, and bend his neck always. To praise, or play, or laugh, much with him, will only cause you pains in the future, having to mend up all wounds, or being reviled for his lack of prudence and virtues. Do not take joy in the sons, even if they increase, unless, they fear GOD. for it is better to have no sons, that it is to have godless sons. For one righteous is better than a thousand, and the city can be replenished by one man. The enemy hates when you teach your sons. And if he be wise, it will not be sorrow when the father die, leaving one as himself behind, friend to friends. avenger to enemies.

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