"It has well been said, the government that governs least is best. I say nay, the government that governs not at all is best, and man will have this form of government when he is ready for it. "
Civil Disobedience
Henry David Thoreau
He is right all men choose who to serve and "a prudent man has a well organized government." = Under ONE GOD.
Every man that's ever been born has the choice to choose his own government as Joshua said to Israel, " is it hard not serving idols, is it hard not serving other gods, putting your children into bondage making them pay others. Choose you this day whom You shall serve but as for me in my house we will serve THE LORD."
So too is said in the Declaration, "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal endowed by their creator."
As is also said in the Declaration, "when in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them one to another."
A people is a person or a group of people, but each man is a people, and all answer God alone, and all must choose.
As is also said by Samuel to Israel when they chose Saul to be king. Saul meaning the People's choice, same as Pilot means.
Samuel saying "this is the king that you have chosen. But, you Israel, if you will serve the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul & strength, then HE will be your GOD, & you HIS people."
That is implied that the king Saul will not be over you, but GOD shall be your king, GOD shall be your rule, and this is the rule for every Christian ever reborn.
for Christ nailed all the principalities & powers, and their handwritten Idol ordinances to the Cross, making a mockery of them forever to come, proving their evil wickedness, and that man should never rule over man with his opinions or idol man made position. Colossians 2:14-16 Galatians 5:1 mark 7:14-23 Genesis 1:26- 28 Genesis 9:25 Genesis 2:16- 17.
However as the Declaration states, "Mankind is more to suffer while evils are sufferable."
That is they would be like the fathers that built prisons for their kids, as they did the children of Israel in Egypt, for where were Moses's fathers?
they were going to work paying them, to come in and kill the children, the same as in herods day, Hitler, Nepoleon, and ours.
That is most men would play righteous saying "that's the way it is. what do you want me to do."
they want it easy for them, no matter how hard it is on the sons after. That is Pope University degree Rich rule, that's rich aristocracy, that's the king of England, that's Pope Babylon Egypt University degree rule.
pharaoh fair you owe the rich, that busy Bill Daddy bills above Bilsabub child Idol sacrifice coward to the slaughter. they can decide to throw down their wife but they can't decide to smoke weed. they can curse their kids toads in custody divorce die Force most wicked idols, the world ever does.
No father raises his son saying you should pay someone that dies like a beast when they know in wise have beaten death added to the longevity of life.
the average age in America today is 70 years age, the same it was 2,800 years ago in David's day psalm 90:10.
every man shall choose his government, as Henry David Thoreau in civil disobedience States, "all men recognize the right to revolution that is the right to revolt."
That is Meshach Reshack and Abednego, "o King we obey a higher law, GOD, who can save us, but if not we will still not obey you on this matter."
But this is how God separates them that follow him from men that work for coward liars and snakes,
Because only he that obeys a higher law than I can rule over me ,and there is no higher law than God. than them that serve God obey not anyone but God.
But if you will build prisons for kids saying it's fair they owe the rich telling them they're doing good to them handing them a viper calling it a fish, handing them a scorpion calling it an eggs of wisdom, handing them a stone saying it is bread of life, as they throw their children and their wives down in deceit so they don't dash their foot, all this tempting GOD.
all men at all times have always been able to choose their own government, GOD or the coward deceit of men, Adam in idol fig leaf cover up, and all men found here not all stay.
And this bill's above Bill Daddy idle cover up lies is not new, it is the fall of Man as Adam covered up with his sowing of idle fig leaf to throw down his wife and not be on guard over the family.
Adam where are you is the choice of men's government. Whether on guard with GOD or going to work to kill your family for a false manliness which leads boys astray.
And as Patrick Henry March 23rd 1775 at the Virginia convention stated.
"I know not what course others may take, but as for me, you will give me liberty or you will give me death. "
The price of Christianity. "Your whole life or you can't be MY disciple." Luke 14:33
"And we know that God the father is the spirit and the spirit is God the father and where the spirit of God the father is there is Liberty." 2cor 3:17
Not idolatry.
Thus then Patrick Henry, Samuel Joshua, Jesus Chris, and every man ever born, gets to choose his government, and there is no higher government than GOD who commands all men to be free, that they may serve THE LORD, let them choose for themselves Genesis 2:16 or you can eat of the fruit of idolatry aka good and evil, saying that other men can rule over your sons by paid permissions of idolatry, and you found eating as all are found Genesis 2:17 eating of the fruit of Good and evil. But to stay here, keeping that which kills freedom thus truth, kills all.
So then who do you believe? God who says you and your sons are free, or them that will bind your hands by made up pretend offenses of idol rule, only to screw your kids and play with your wives, cuz you didn't pay Pharaoh the rich, or obey idols made by men that die like beasts, like you and me.