They do witchcrafts in small things to pervert everything. They mix and mingle all things, adultery as family, and good for evil, and evil for good.
They use adultery as grief, to make men braul or murder.
They make child idol sacrifice, in several ways,
1- They cut the kids from their parents, this is the removal of their beloved, the most loved person in their life. They were one, now they are told they are two. Their entire world is ripped in half, in the most formal of ways. Which is the most of cruel intents of serpent worshipping. Genesis 3:1a The Serpent was more subtle/cunning/crafty/ complex than any other beast of the field. This cutting away, is the cutting of the kids’ heart, mind, blood, soul.
2- In marriage they are taught to not truly believe the vows, which instills in the most leavened ways of using words and meaning the depths of them, leading to swearing in GOD’s NAME will have no gravity to it, and they shall take lightly. This is reinforced when they give the kids to stepparents that claim to be with GOD, a Christian, which is contrary to all of all of Christianity.
3- They are taught that their parent is NOT worthy of their own child by the other parent. That is the parent that raised them up, that the kids love, and if the father, is the supreme authority in their life which is destroyed by the mother, and outsiders. Thus, if they are son, they are taught to have no standing. So much to the point, that their name isn’t worthy to have, or keep, and their father is not worthy to have their sons. Thus, they kill the sons before they are ever fathers.
4- This replacing of the father as supreme, and then cut away, thrown away, so easily, is everything to destroying the sons, to make them docile of no value, only so that outsiders who are now the gods who dictate life & family, and momma now obeys & honors more than daddy, can tell them who, what, where, how, why, for their rest of life they shall live. All shall come from their new towers, their new gods, their new father figures you see. They had a father, but that father is cut down, destroyed, disgraced, shamed, and not worthy to rule, not worthy to see their kids, not worthy of love, or contact, but the judge is to be supremely obey, the judge is now greater than father, of the family?
How could this possibly be? One of them is established by GOD in BLOOD LIFE VOW and LAWS OF NATURE, & NAUTRE’S GOD ENTITLE, and the other is some man position, not even given authority to rule in this nation according to the 7th Amendment of The Bill of Rights, unless you think that our children are less than $20.oo value.
The 7th Amendment and the jury of 12 in any controversy exceeding the value of dollars shall be preserved.
Now is it, or is it not true, that any person that doesn’t want the divorce custody even to take place would do the jury of 12 every time? Now is it not also true that they are railroading the parents to steal, no, not the right word, KINDNAP the kids and give them to idolaters that wish to ruin your kids in the most perverse teaching known to humankind.
There is no teaching for their acts of un-natural affections. Of their pre-planned answers of cruelty. When a Christian is teaching the children to dishonor and disobey their mother and father given by ALL MIGHTY GOD then their token, they bear is ANTI-CHRIST. This is not a debate; this is not even questionable. What they do is completely listed in HOLY SCRIPTURES, as such.
Therefore, GOD gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
25- they exchanged the TRUTH OF THE LORD GOD for a LIE and worshipped and served created things rather than THE CREATOR. WHO IS FOREVER PRAISED AMEN?
They exchange THE TRUTH about GOD for a LIE, = GOD becomes a swear to death liar, who raises his hand in blasphemous ways swearing to GOD to throw away a spouse they swore to death with, to use legal compressions that crucified THE SON OF GOD in the same kind of acts. They say we are not under the law, but then use the law of man claiming it is supreme to THE LAW OF GOD, and THE TRUTH of their own vow. Thus, they carry the adultery as a token of their treachery, of their serpent worship, and making the kids hate their own parent in pride.
26- Because of this, GOD gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for the unnatural ones.
-------This is the same thing you find in all of Solomon, the women leave their abode of family to make child idol sacrifice of their little children, putting them under the mixing and mingling of adultery for marriage, betrayal kidnapping for family. If a little leaven, leavens the whole lump then what is it when they see them kill their own parents, and then are told to disobey, dishonor, told to join strangers to shame and humiliate their parents, against all their heart, mind, and souls. That is to go directly against the very teaching they learned their entire whole of life. Thus, they kill their entire life and make them walking dead.
28- furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of GOD, so GOD gave them over to a reprobate mind, so that they do what ought not be done. 29- They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossipers, slanderers, GOD-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful; They invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents. 31- they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32- Although they know GOD’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only take pleasure do these very things but also take pleasure in them that do them.
They know GOD, they know the blood life, they know what it is to the kids, and they still do it. and they do it for years, and years, and years, and years, they continue to beat their own kids heads in, so they do not process any thought, not ONLY DO THEY DO THIS to their own kids, BUT THEY ALSO STEAL, KIDNAP KIDS TO DO IT TOO WITH ADUTLERY AND LURES OF RICHES. To turn parents to their own spouse and cut them from the kids so they can give them to strangers that will lie to their kids, teaching GOD IN A LIE.
Wickedness is witchcraft to the kids. They teach, they instill, they bash it into them. like dough, but over years. It is why them that have their kids stolen are always coming back with much pride, much ignorance, wrongful, twisted, failing grades, mental health issues, and so forth. They know they were stripped from their parent they loved, they know they missed them, and that it wasn’t right. But when they come back, they transformed into something like the wicked witch from Hanzal and Gretel. And how does the witch test to see if the kids are ready to eat? The pointing finger is fat enough, that is when the kids are pointing at the parent that was robbed, betrayed, in blasphemy, sacrilege, by the most trusted person working with outsiders in evil greedy games, and treason to their oaths.
This all done in the name of family, the destroying of family. This all in the name of Christ, to lie, to walk while professing that lie. To put this worldly infidelity into their hearts and minds. They literally enjoy breaking the little child’s heart, and they literally invent ways to do so, enjoying all of them that will come and take part in destroying their own children, and will snag other people children up to do it. Paul is a not a liar they are. Solomon is not a liar they are. Proverbs is not a liar they are. They are so much so they will kidnap more kids, tell more lies, and destroy more families. They will not stop, they are more faithful to death, to the lie, to the destruction of their own families and country than they ever were to their family and the truth.
The nursery rhymes aren’t even lying, they are to the exact letter what you find in all the myths, fairytales, they seek to be slaves, and hate freedom, and f up every kid out of every good future they ever would have, and for what? Their games, straight out of exodus 32. To do exodus 5 and 1