Is it enough to become familiar with The Sorrows of Christ? which is but the sorrows of THE LIVING LORD GOD FATHER. The GOOD HUSBAND AND FATHER? Thus one prepared for a heavenly kingdom. One who is fit right, steadfast, in love, loyalty, duty, one in fidelity.
Hosea 6:6
It is steadfast love, fidelity, and mercy that I require, the knowledge of GOD and not burnt sacrifice, not attendance and show, not holocaust.
Enough to make me remain faithful. Enough to make me suffer. Enough to make me bear all sin with her for her blameless. Enough to torment my mind and flesh for her. Enough to make remain in all fidelity to her as wife, and as mother to our son, and as sister in faith, for my hope is sure enough that she will be brought into the faith.
I am not saying that THE LORD GOD LIVING shall save her, for THIS IS for THE LORD GOD LIVING ALONE TO SAY, but come on, lets be honest here. When has THE LORD GOD LIVING ever called man too be faithful and THE LORD GOD LIVING fall short in the hopes of that fidelity? Does THE LORD GOD LIVING have a bad answer to one who answers in faith? That being fidelity? When has though ever heard, THE LORD GOD LIVING HAS EVER let anyone down who trusted in THE LORD GOD LIVING?
And clearly THE LORD GOD, does not care for how feel about the situation, as is said to Peter so ids said to us, “what is that you serve ME.” Christ of course speaking as THE WORD of THE LIVING LORD GOD. so, then I am called to fidelity, and when has THE LORD GOD LIVING ever put two together, and left the other half to die, for is not two made one, then if I be saved then is not my wife? THIS only THE LORD GOD can answer. Then let THE LORD GOD ANSWER. For I am sure of one THING, THE LORD GOD ALONE IS GOOD, and then let the answer come from THE LORD GOD LIVING. “I do not put away, and my servants do not put away and marry another.”
So then if GOD love me enough, and my wife enough to send Christ, then THE LORD GOD LIVING LOVES my wife a little more, for THE LORD GOD LIVING has decreed, Christ offered for her, and me, I know not much added, really nothing at all, for Christ is the Reality and me a shadow, but not my fidelity in Christ to THE LORD GOD LIVING, then so not me either, for I in Christ and Christ in me, and we in THE LORD GOD LIVING, then we eternal, and we both given for my wife, and yes I “can be called to give myself for others, and have times,” but “all times I am called for my wife, for we are two made one, as THE LORD GOD LIVING has said,” then I am given to her and her to me, and this is not kept by us in our power, why?
It is simple oh man, we would defile it, have tried to defile it, me, and her, but thank GOD for being GOD, for as is it said, “the marriage bed can not be defiled.” That being if GOD is in the union, then there is as is said, “if THE LORD GOD UNITES, NOTHING can tear asunder.”
Some are eunuch for by GOD in Nature, some by hands of men, some for the kingdom of Heaven's sake. Let him that can receive, receive it." how many care to suffer even their vow in HIS NAME, for HIS SAKE, to prove HIS WORD TRUE, to give themselves over to GOD's COMMANDS!