What is Theologically, Apologetically Wrong with this statement, how could it, nay, how is it made truer?
Another man had posted, Jesus Christ is the only way. as I thus posted;
You are both wrong. I am a teacher in Israel, and I know these things. As was asked by Nicodemus, "Being you a teacher in Israel and knowing not these things." That is, of course, Jacob being reborn as Israel. That is, of course, the first Name for The First RE-BIRTH account given. Others clearly can be marked after, but Jacob is that clear, concise unveiling of "rebirth," and this, of course, offered to all men, even unto the poor, even before Jesus Christ came in the flesh and said BEFORE CRUCIFIXION and RESURRECTION, "....That the poor receive THE GOSPEL." This means there was another way of telling the "re-birth," that is being broken, as was Jacob done when he held to the "GOSPEL," the "BLESSING" aka THE TRUTH. as it states in Isaiah 65:16, THE BLESSING is THE TRUTH, THE TRUTH is the only way to GOD as Jesus states. And "I AM," before Abraham was, is not I am Jesus Christ, but "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE." The only to GOD. It also means, I (The male) go before to cover the women, that is of course all them wholly HOLY 1, each 1 daughter of the king, each one a pearl, each one a gate, going home, blood paid, Isa 40:1-3 and Psalm 45. and without Holiness shall NO MAN ("MAN" is key word here, as the daughters have already paid blood chastised in Eden). see Christ go to her feet, the woman in adultery, see he goes to dust as told Adam, see she stand as a pillar that THE LORD bears up himself, and see Jesus sends her out the same as HIS FATHER THE LORD GOD LIVING in Eden does, "birthing (blood) pains multiplied sorrows to her husband, he will have rule over her." that is him that holds to the truth, from beginning to the ending, to endure.
That is the women must be a good gift, aka GOSPEL, as the first time that "NOT GOOD," is used is to the woman, help meat, "THE LORD GOD said, "it is NOT GOOD that MAN should be alone, I (that is THE LORD GOD HIMSELF, like to bearing up the pillars (See Lot's wife is standing pillar of salt, and salt you can not get rid of, or you are not worthy to be saved). Thus does the man go before, as was taught Jacob by Laban, "what can i do now for these my daughters and the children they bore, come you Jacob and let us make a covenant....that you will take other wives..." he goes on to say of more, but the whole point is that which Laban tried to teach Jacob the whole of the time, THE ISRAELI COVENANT. that is what we know it as now, anyway, it is also called THE ETERNAL COVENANT, it is called by THE LORD GOD, THE LORD, GOD, as "MY COVENANT."
And it is always to THE ONE FATHER's BUSINESS, that is the concern of the daughters, the widows and orphans, the dumb and oppressed at the gate, aka JUSTICE. All just having to do with widows and orphans. The father being invisible makes all men the father in his stead, and behold, HIS SON IS RISEN, thus just like HIS FATHER does he do the same. You must needs be him, in his stead, hence, pick up your cross and follow me, is the same as Jacob wrestling the man, aka himself, the liar, Jacob, to become Israel, Thus he goes before his lying self, to cover the family... what Jesus does at thirty years old, "woman what do i have to do with you, my hour has not yet come." that is he is before the women, he is not under his mom any more, but has come out from her. She becomes Babylon if you stay under her, that is in order to speak of such men, we must needs speak of the daughters in a wise, for is the only that lives from such things, she paying blood and the like a viper eats through her to not be reborn. to not be a man in front, but stay as an idolater, under his mother, thus a liar, a coward, shall be UTTERLY DESTROYED, that is to the tit of his mother.
What is also said like, "in Noah's day they had daughters..." they always have daughters..... Oh, no men to speak of, Moses' way to not insult the fathers, he doesn't mention them or he gives them titles, so you don't insult the name, i.e. Serpent, Adam, Terrak, Pharaoh, Serpent, is all creatures, you would impressive to find him, not in you. Adam means dust dirt. Terrak means same, earth, dust, dirt. Pharaoh means one who taxes the dead. And there is many more, such as Lucifer, or Azazel, Light bearer, and scape goat. Moses is an impressive man, most certain, the way he speaks, you can see HE speaks much like THE LORD GOD, thus does THE LORD call Moses GOD. Thus is all men to be GOD in his stead keeping his command, "Adam where are you never goes away." And if it was by Jesus Christ as you say then why is it Moses and Elijah are at the Mount of Transfiguration before The Crucifixion & Resurrection, of course it is because THE FATHER HAS A GOSPEL, and CHRIST Confirms that GOSPEL, as THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST, people do run about saying it as though Jesus didn't receive it from THE FATHER, as though no good news, and what does Jesus do best, but cover, and most specifically, EVERY DAUGHTER. as it reads, "HE LOST ONE BUT THE SON, (the son the son is key word as it is "the call is to you sons of man." Thus the man alone directly commanded, and thus it is "NONE BUT THE SON OF PERDITION."
Then it is there is only ONE WAY TO ENTER INTO HEAVEN, and you men have strayed from THE TEACHER, THE SHEPHERD you say you follow. For if you be HIS, then you keep His word, his command, and he said THE ONLY ONE WAY TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD aka HEAVEN is by THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, THE ONLY TO GOD. As i have truly demonstrated, there is a way to the kingdom of GOD if you are the mother to all living, aka every daughter, thus paid blood. That is THE LIFE JESUS CHRIST COVERS, blameless perfect, as LORD GOD. But here is not only your REBUKE, but here is a reproof also, as i am a brother, and teacher of Israel, i shall leave you bruised or drowned in wisdom baptism, i do pray, and that is JESUS CAME TO BE YOUR HUSBAND, as JESUS is that word that was COMMANDED TO MAN ALONE, thus man iS THE COMMAND's BRIDE. and she is MAN's BRIDE.
Now i am not saying that Jesus won't be her husband, cause if you will NOT, JESUS CHRIST THE LAMB OF GOD WILL BE HER HUSBAND. But you must see he does not, as all GODLY men do not ask more of her, she is bled out a perfect work in the house, we are before the door post, if the house is not perfectly heavenly without blemish spot, brought before THE LORD GOD, how do you make it you built on earth with THE LORD GOD disagreeing with him about his daughter. Whom you killed coming in, (why man kills his mother coming in? SO GOD remembers why he hates you, reminding him of what your first father did, avenging her, why all men must repent to THE FATHER, and HE IS NOT A MAN THAT HE SHOULD REPENT, and the father's heart is with THE DAUGHTERS, you are to be more man than her, that is your mothers. Hence they are the two witnesses, the two cherubim above the mercy seat, thus does she stand in the presence of GOD. and we go face down, to dust. Adam, we men, are dust, SHE IS LIFE. and when you bring yourself to dust and all them with you, then THE LORD shall tell you that your own righteous right hand may save you, so to Job, so to you, for THE FATHER is EQUAL. thus keep not the command, cast down, repent not here, cast down, get not in front of the daughter, cast down.
So for Adam so for you, thus in all the work Christ does, it is only a training program to show you what to do, and we have more than just Jacob becoming Israel, or Abraham and Sarah running an opposite chorus of immaculate conception, of which i find is the much more difficult miracle than that of THE LORD GOD FATHER HIMSELF Speaking life into The Virgin Mary, who is blessed, get this now, AMONGST ALL WOMEN. that means Jezebel too, "bury that cursed thing, proper, THE DAUGHTER OF A KING." The cursed thing is the flesh, the covering, all living things have a covering, we are that dust, flesh cursed covering, thus we drink the sin cup of our family, our wives, our children, our neighbors, the same as Christ, and did David in the valley of The Shadow of Death, at THE LORD'S TABLE. and This we drink, with or without rebirth, as Jezebel's life blood does fall on the wall and the beast, the wall is reborn, the beast is the un-reborn. Jacob would be the wall, Esau the beast, but all men are born Esau, and ONLY, i mean ONLY when we are reborn Israel do we find out that we were Jacob.
Thus when you read Jacob Israel, not speaking on Jacob or Israel, as in Egypt, "let MY People go says THE LORD, even MY First Born Israel." it means THE REBORN, Jacob is to be reborn, and Esau / Edom and such, mean, not to be reborn. I have not heard much of Derek Thomas if any, but that is a pretty big one to mis at. It is best to wait on your answer from GOD, to wait on a guide than it is to go about without one. He is a faithful oracle to get you home, and he is always trying one in faithful following, in patience, that is in faith, for faith being the only proper work in this man's life, it being man's only means by which we ascertain to righteousness, that is do right by our GOD, our LORD & GOD, our Parents, our Wife, our neighbors, and of course our children, and nation. thus right unto our selves. me personally, i would ask, "are you a teacher of Israel and know not these things," AGAIN, and then send him back to find why Jacob waited 7 and then 7 and then more... As I wait, so to you, just some of us are faithful. Be you faithful brothers.
Oh and the baptism and the cup, you drink before your death, or you drink at your death, either way you are worthy to drink it and be baptized, for all flesh shall se his wrath together, ie the cup, and all shall bend their knee going prostrate before THE TRUTH OF THE LORD GOD, that is the baptism. Man was a liar, now he is true, but if true to late, GOD saved nothing, for you had no truth to save. her truth is from Eden, if he loves you he chastises you, and it will never be said, a daughter went to hell, nope, only for dicks not Melchizedek, and for wholes that wouldn't be THE LORD's ASS, but would man's. And it will never be said, THE FATHER did not LOVE HIS DAUGHTER. as it reads boys, "I shall gather MY Sons from a far, but MY Daughters I shall gather from THE ENDS OF THE WORLDS." more, much more at electedroyalty.com free to all of course, it cost me my life.