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>>     Weighting Judgments   <<

>>  Reason for Judges aka Christianity  <<

>>you don't know pt3🤔<<

>>you don't know pt4🤔<<


>>GOD IS righteous 🔥<<


And the people did what was right in their own sight" Is always. 

Man is going to be killed by THE LORD GOD LIVING, 

"Thou shalt die the death." is The Covenant from the beginning. 

This means that if you are not willing to die, to kill, to suffer for yours, then you are but a youth under your mother. 





As it were so it is, that he that eats the lion is so blessed, but whom the lion eats he is cursed, this is summed up in if that which your fathers made to serve you in the house of your nation makes things to make you serve them, then you have the choice, to be the man and eat the lion, or to be the one the lion eats. Rule or be ruled. In GOD's Stead or they are your god, but are they in GOD's stead depends on them alone the same, do they believe in THE GOD who is the cornerstone to their charge, was it by the idol obtainment pay of men. A gnostic snake is only broken when the man throws down the staff to see its serpentine deceits, that is his illusion that GOD wasn't real, blinded by his opinions ruling as slave to other men. What is also said in the words of your mother (first father adhering to his wife's word and not THE COMMAND OF THE LORD GOD). 


    WISDOM IS THE JUDGMENT : to that which is revealed to you, is that which you shall be judged by. Thus WISDOM HOLY SPIRIT shall be exalted in the congregation, justified by her own children. Thus to refuse the wisdom you have is to serve the lord of ignorance, the father of lies, the deceiver, thus is play coward gods denying GOD. Thus is to die the same, as they judge as god they are striving against GOD ONLY WISE.

    The man is a judge, from his youth, so determined, that he must submit to GOD or be found playing god. By the lie he is judge. 

    DAN = to judge, thus there is not Dan named in New Jerusalem, it means they gave judgment to GOD, thus JORDAN, or DANIEL. thus GOD is their Judge, they do not eat the fruit of good and evil telling others to obey the idols of men, to honor adultery divorce and custody, but do not honor the vow the oath, the blood, the GOD given parental right. 


  • DEBORAH (working on....)

    Deborah that 


    "He made a dagger that was double-edged placing it on his right thigh, him being left-handed, did pull it out and stab him in the gut, for he said, "I have a secret message from THE LORD for thee."

    The fact is you are being punked like little bitches, to work & pay tributes to fat fux fucking your stupid ass dumb. So what Othniel did was take collect up Israel'd tributes taking them to the oppressive fat fux, who like your oppressors who make you pay, or they rob you of yours, or you yourself is bound, only to scatter your sheep, for to bind a shepherd's hands (husband him taking GOD's daughter by oath in hand) is to kill the shepherd & scatter the sheep so each one of them may be raped & forced into tribute, tithe, tax.

    He made a dagger = Daggers are for everyone to make, they are not a skill set of fashion like metallurgy. Have you ever been to prison, or heard of it, anything and everything is a dagger, you know as a shank, but shank means to actually stab, a dagger is that which you shank someone, anyone with. In this case it happened to be the man that was stabbing them in the guts, taking their food, and eating it to be fat. OATH & Othniel means 



    כּוּשַׁן  רִשְׁעָתַיִם

    kûshan   rish‛âthayim

    H3573   (Strong)

    koo-shan'   rish-aw-thah'-yim

    Apparently from H3572 and the dual of H7564;

    Cushan of double wickedness; Cushan-Rishathajim,

    a Mesopotamian king: