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It is the highest form of worship, for it is to seek counsel, to inquire, to let loose, to lament, and to joy, even rejoice. It is where one waits on GOD, truly. Only TRULY done in truth, as GOD is not searching for any but the true worshippers.
They asked Jesus how they should pray, and he answered in perfect wisdom, it is to simply take your shoes off, stand on holy ground, eat his word, his command, his covenant, his laws (x2 truth / blood of mother's). That is in revers, SPIRIT & TRUTH, which is true worship, which is prayer, which is how you pray without ceasing, for you are not disciplined being fleshly.
The Father in Heaven, what is the first thing we know of him? He gives command to the man, then he sees what he will call everything, and then he brings him his wife.
Thus then the bread every day one is to receive is the word of GOD in by the command, and by the finding of truth's pillars. GOD is not moving from what he has said, what he has commanded, what is his will to be done. Then it is in the temptation that we see man get his assed handed to him, the first round, but what will he do the second?
When GOD is so ALL MIGHTY & POWERFUL that he literally walks you through your life, again and again, to guide you into the covenant, and it recures for every man and nothing can prevent it. It is rising the sins of their whirlwind. GOD is speaks and operates as a man, and is clearly obvious to any person looking for it, if that person be for the truth, then GOD will get him through, truly it is so narrow, there is not another way. HEAR MY WORD HERE MY SON, wake up in your in sleep, he is only wise, and he reproves the proud, the fool in his folly, yay it already has.
I can not tell you but that which is, for i am commanded to BLESS and none can prevent, no not even me. And the blessing is the true worship of THE LORD GOD, it is PERFECT HOW EQUALLY BALANCED IT IS FOR EVERYONE TO CHOOSE IT. TO ACCESS IT. TO LITERALLY ACCESS IT, TO CHOOSE IT, TO HAVE IT THERE, WHERE NONE CAN TAKE IT AWAY, NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY DO, GOD'S TRUTH IS THERE FOR ANYONE ANYWHERE IN CREATION, AT ALL TIMES. what else is accessbile, that you did not do, and yet is always there, your moms, your family, your blood, yes, yes, but the truth, is invisible, and it is accessible, it is do able, choose able, it is to be chosen, it is the anointing, it is the blessing, it the waiting on, the following of, the grasping too, cleaving too, the honor, the reverence, the fear, the love of GOD. It is THE PATH, THE WAY, like as to Isaiah called it, saying it is so good that even a fool, could not go astray on it. Meaning you do not need any permission of men, or angels, or dignities, and the truth is so good from GOD it not only is accessible, but GOD counts it GODLY, GOD COUNTS IT RIGHTEOUS, it is the righteousness that you must bring unto THE LORD or you will go to hell. The coward, and lair,
Prayer is the truth,
WOBS __?_ ..” he shall make supplication in prayer with
the words of his mouth.”
NOTE; Thus he shall by choosing the truth, speak true,
for every man has been found a liar and only GOD BE TRUE,
so that when you do stand it is in THE WORD of the worship, "in spirit and truth the true worshippers"
is the work that is needed, "The blessing to be reborn, must be ISRAEL" Isa 65:16
is the law one must keep. "THY LAW IS THE TRUTH" ps 119:142
is the law is redeemed from, "HE MOTHER's BLOOD, blessing but we start with cursing" (aka the red heifer's ash, impossible, but we yet we all start out doing it) PLEASE SEE>>> RED HEIFER 👅🔥<<<
truth = blessing…....Cursing is the lie.
THEN IT IS THE BLESSING IS ALSO THE CURSE. You only must choose, and thus the truth, is freeddom,. and lies are pay obey slavery to idols. Then it is in truth you are with GOD a man, and with the lies, the curse you are by yourself, like locusts, serving men as children instead of men to decide for themselves.
GOD"S FIRST COMMAND IS "YOU MAY CHOOSE FREELY."JESUS SAYS, "THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE, AND FREE IN DEED YOU SHALL BE." then it is the truth that leadds to GOD, and this leading to GOD, allows you to choose freely. Then it is man is not on the right side of GOD by the simple truth It is not going anywhere, for it was, it is, and it shall be, for THE LORD ENDURETH FOREVER.
JESUS SAYS, "I THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, THE ONLY TO GOD AND THERE IS NOT ANOTHER." Then it is the only way to GOD! what is? JESUS or THE TRUTH WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, THE ONLY TO GOD, or is JESUS THE MAN, The GOOD SHEPHERD THE SON OF GOD. It must needs be the truth, for the man is not here in the flesh, and if the only way you know him is by his words, then it must be to that which he left you, the way the truth the life, for the way they speak of it, it's like those things didn't ever exist until Jesus Christ came in the flesh born of a virgin. They make entire gaps, saying he is the truth, the way, the life, the only to GOD, and there is not another, for by this they gap saying it is Jesus that is this, but it must be the truth is the way of the life by itself without Jesus Christ, for do not other men have the choice of truth, and then you begin to see their mirage as it were of faith. For they are trying their own truth, and not the truth, for in truth a kinder garden kid can grasp truth must be the spiritual Christ Jesus, to all the world, ever it was founded.
you shall find the same tactic, that is the gap they cross in their trinity, and ll their other doctrines. If you are truly looking to get through their shit, it is by the simple truth, for it must be here, for equality sake. Remember the Quran is true when it reads, "ALLAH never took a son, that would be unfair." That is correct, but he does beget a son, and this is by the truth which is to choose GOD which is to fill up with GOD, and GOD can not refuse