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    THIS IS THE LORD's Sent repsonse. 


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      So tell me?

      Is it that when Christ speaks of other saints, still alive in heaven, such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

      Tell me is that if Peter or John were to talk to Moses or Elijah, say while Jesus isn't talking, is it that would be praying to them?

      Tell me, if you were to meet a sent of THE LORD GOD, would you smash your face and worship your father in heaven, for you found him on earth?

      is it that you would not smash your face, because you think that blessing the feet of a saint is sin?

      or are you pushed away by what you read in Revelation and you read it wrong.

      Tell me, is it that you are greater than David? Greater than Moses? Greater than Jacob? Greater than Abraham? For all of these men did smash their faces, and they did bless the feet of saints, STRANGERS EVEN. Do you not know?

      IS it sin to pray to another? IS it? IS it sin to think you talk to Moses? Or Elijah? or what if it is Gabriel, i mean Gabriel spans three testaments, The old, the new and the Quran, so is it that they are praying to Gabriel? But yet they keep one GOD, all them that spoke with Gabriel.

      Now what if an angel or saint, cause Joan of Ark had TRUE TESTIMONY PROPHECY, she was true, burned cause she wouldnt deny she seen The Angel of THE LORD, and Joan said that the angels came with Saint Katherine and Joan had TRUE TESTIMONY.

      So then what if in the middle of Prayer, Face Down in worship, and THE MESSENGER OF THE LORD HIS ANGEL appears and has saints with him, your favorite most admired, most respected saint or saints, and would it be praying to them, to stay there, blessing them, worshipping GOD in heaven you talked to them?

      I am not a fan of catholic religion, I am not a fan of any man who does not take control of his, that which he raised his hand to GOD to take, a daughter a wife, a mother, This is heavy matters, and thus THE ONE FATHER establishes the man here, for she is the dove, she is the olive branch, and HE IS THE KING, but if i was you, and i was looking to not offend, to not make enemies, as the scriptures read, it is better to go making no enemies, than it is to go making friends, for by this you shall inherit a good name, it would be wise to behoove this parable, on the matter of the mother of GOD., i mean, i would just let them talk to THE MOTHER OF GOD, seeings how every daughter goes home, and even the ?(whatever bad opinion you have of the daughter here, the worst of them)? she sits with the honorable women, so you know that means, Jezebel is at the same table as our Blessed Virgin Mary, that is Blessed Mary amongst all women, ALL key word here.

      So you understand more, the HOLY that is THE HOLINESS of GOD is that every daughter is chastised shed her blood and is going home, each one is a pearl each one is a gate, each one. And a lot of us, are convinced that most these angels are women, but are covered by the men and the word, as that is his business, you can always call a daughter an angel, because she goes home, but you can only call her THE ANGEL OF THE LORD when she does his commands tho, but because she is living out the word, as she is made to, she a maidservant we a manservant, she lives out the word, and goes home, she is all them called angels. SO careful how you speak on ONE, for CALLING HIS DAUGHTER AN idol is not wise child.

      That would be PORNIA, literally where we get pornography from, that being the Greek word PORNIA, it means to be far off of the mark, so far it is perverse to associate, you understand. So to watch porn is not pornia, unless a person likens it to a living person, then it is so far off the mark, you will hold the idol in accounts as though a living persons, and these are not similiar no not in any way. Thus for you to lump in THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD who JESUS CLEARLY COVERS for from the time he was thirty when not from her again, meaning he covered her like a man. ADAM WHERE are you NEVER GOES AWAY.

      so im telling you what the devil done here if you havent gotten it yet. Whether they are praying to an idol is the very issue, but whether they are praying to an idol of Jesus mother is your sin, there is NO idol of Jesus Mother, NOR of any daughter, dust to dust, but SHE IS MOTHER TO ALL LIVING, dust to dust, BUT SHE IS LIFE, dust to dust, BUT SHE WILL STAND BEFORE GOD, dust to dust, Lazerus dies SHE SLEEPS, are you getting it yet?

      ONE FATHER MEANS ONE THING, every daughter is blameless soul. SHE GOES HOME!

      if you do not know this, you are not GOD's people Isa 40:1-3 the daughter can not know this, but she is easily beguiled, and the man is DIRECTLY COMMANDED. ALL OF THEM, the husband receives her, NOT the other way around, and THE MAN RULES HIS FAMILY, period, no greater honor than the father, there is only one, even for the CHRIST, and why does THE FATHER GIVE every daughter? So the man is first the father, before he is the husband, to bring her always blameless,

      Look take his mother out of it, or it will be bad, You do not know who GOD is having talk to who do you? do you not know that THE LORD, or GOD, or THE LORD GOD never talks to the woman directly, it is always with her husband, or it is The Lord's Angels.

      So if your going to be GODLY then learn the business, it's how we tell each other apart from the world, the reborn from the un reborn, that is by the word, the command, the covenant.


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    "Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


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