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>>you don't know pt3 🤔<<

>>you don't know pt4 🤔<<








  • upon a little revelation and diligence, i found that Deborah's Palm Tree, in which she set to Judge Israel, is also wrongly called an Oak, of the OATH. They are close but wrong. 

    THE PALM TREE= is The Man's individual duty to his hand raised. This is why they lay down the palm trees before The Messiah as he enters Jerusalem, on the ass Colt, that is the man that looks foolish holding the truth as HIS LORD, calling all men back to the oath, aka Moses. Now moses came in with the staff and did throw it to the dust, showing they all lied, which is the Palm Tree Leaves thrown down to the dust, so the men by their oath cover the daughters, and men should stand in it, repenting to it, confessing they were lepros deceivers at first so put it back to heart and GOD will heal you, aka the commands smashed and broken like the heart, then you get a new with the command written by GOD on your heart, the same as taking the staff aka the snake you taken by the tail. Thus the palm Leaves are the individual duty, thus Deborah is under one palm tree, aka a woman to her husband solely, one. As The Husband is LORD & GOD to her, she should worship him as such, psams 45, and common since shown in the Laws of Nature by Nature's GOD. 

    THE OAK = The Oak by it's far reaching roots, and far extending branches, displays not an individual standing such as a Palm Tree, which makes for a shitty staff, it doesn't make a staff, you see, the man on his own is the covering of the coast, but it is not just an individual thing, it is an OAK, so this bird, and that bird, and that bird, aka the daughters going to fly to heaven call all nest in the proteciton of it. Hence the Palm tree is the entering, the staff thrown down that eats up Israel is the staff. If the ass rides in wich Christ on him, the annointing of THE LORD GOD you will adhere as men, or you will have refused THE LORD GOD HIMSELF, the same sin as Israel crucifying CHRIST and that BLOOD will fall you and your children. 

    Thus whether you are a palm or an oak, or in falsety making light and lie of these, denying them, the man that rides in with Christ calling you back to the oath, will by the staff eat your asses up the same, it is GOD and he not do but what he does, let Jesus ride him in, as a foolish ass to them that reject him, which is why in much of Medival artwork Jesus The Christ is portrayed as the court jestor the clown, the fool, which is also why the JOKER in the deck of Cards is not only wild, lowest, it is also trump, lil and big, lowest and highest, as Christ does, so to the man in truth, to the covenant, serving that which fathers left him, HIS LORD GOD, as is told Moses, "I AM THE LORD your GOD THE GOD of your FATHERS." 

    Thus the Palm of Deborah is in The Oak, of OATH, but it is not the OAK in of itself, yet is, like the lil Joker and the big Joker, it is a man to his own, father of his house, for THE FATHER IS ONE this for even THE CHRIST, thus you are to be that father to your wife and your kids, this is to your nation, by your LORD GOD. 

    As Deborah demonstrates, the individual Palm the man who has taken her the daughter of THE ONE FATHER in hand, THE KING HIMSELF, is to be that to her. this is also shown at Terrak was father to Abram and Sarai. Abram took Sarai as his wife, and Terrak is the father in law of Sarai, after that, as found in Genesis 12. 

    The Palm is the man, a (brick in the wall) stone cut out THE LORD GOD's own hand, individually uniquely crafted for it's fitting in THE HOLY WALL building up for the sons after her, of NEW JERUSALEM, as THE GLORY of THE FAITH of our FATHERS is  not complet without us, them hoping in our salvation to pick up and build upon, as is stated in The New Testament, and as is told in every national covenant since ever THE LORD made nations with our fathers, that is, since the fall of the tower of Babel, GOD keeping that promise ot Noah, not to do it again, all the world, but rather by nation, which is a promise too GOD and Noah, a warning to us, all nations, that if you breach, remember what GOD did to the world, and he will do to you, for love is Jealous, and must needs be, so every father who wished to love his, that he received knows it must needs be. 

    This is why we stand up right as a palm tree taking oath, and this is why we hold up the staff, to remind of the fathers that made heaven keeping that charge they received from THE FATHER IN HEAVEN, and as Moses at the battle, Joshuah the young man out on the battle, if all them so called GOD leaders do not hold up THE LORD's SENT, it is them that shall perish NOT THE LORD's SENT.  As THE LORD told Moses, I will destroy them, and raise up a new people a more faithful people unto you Moses. And THE LORD men THE ONE DRAWN OUT, not the name of Moses, the same when THE LORD says, let no man approach unto THE LORD at the mount save Moses. that is NOT Moses the man, but THE NAME, Him that will draw out of the water, and go before the daughters, the waters, for you do find when Moses is told to go down, who is there but Joshuah, who we know is one of them new people more faithful and unto Moses, that is Joshuah after THE LORD is drawn out, and all men that serve THE LORD is to them that SERVE THE LORD, for it is not them but THE LORD they serve, we are not confused or in disarray of lies doing adultery saying we are faithful friends, but we are faithful as all them that are truly in the faith. Liars love liars, and all liars are but strayed alone their own way, there is no unity in lying, in infidelity, there is only using gainsaying, and they will devour you the same they did their wife own death vow, and mother to their kids, feasting on you like quail and will they will all die alone in the desert without living waters of GOD never being drawn out. 




    A Hard Wood Tree? 

    ?what this means? 


    Oak trees lose their leaves in the fall

    Grows the back in the spring. 


    Oak Trees produce a nut fruit called an acorn, 


    They can grow temperate forests, Arid Mediteranean, Rain Forests, 


    Deciduous trees that shed their leaves and other unneeded parts is call Abscission, such as; 

    Oak, Hickory & Maple Tree. 

    Oak trees lose their leaves in the fall

    Grows the back in the spring. 


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