Genesis 22:2
& HE said, “take now your son, you're only son Isaac whom you love, and get you to the land of Moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering, upon one of the mountains which I will tell you of.
NOTE: the first time love is used in the Scriptures.
Genesis 3:17
To Adam HE said, “Because you have hearkened to the voice of your wife & have eaten of the tree which I commanded you; saying you shall not eat of it, cursed is the ground for your sake; and in sorrow shall you eat of it all the days of your life.
NOTE: this proves the commands were commanded for love’s sake, that they are good to man. That man is made to the off every word of God and not only by the sweat of his brow to return to dust Gen 3:19.
1John 5:3
This is the love of GOD that we keep his commands for non-of them are grievous.
Hebrews 11:17
By faith Abraham when he was tried, did offer up Isaac; and he that received the promises offered up his only son.
NOTE: his only son Isaac, whom Abraham loved. Gen22:2
Hebrews 11;18
Of whom it was said, “that in Isaac shall your seed be called.
Hebrews 11:19
(Abraham) Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from which he also received him in a figure.
Genesis 15:6
And he (Abraham) believed GOD, & it was accounted to him for righteousness.
NOTE: Then it is the trust in GOD that makes Abraham righteous, and It was the accounting to GOD, that GOD IS FAITHFUL IN WORD & in DEED, that made Abraham's faith built up, even to receive the name as the father of our faith. Yay not even ours alone but Jew, Christian, and Muslim alike.
Thus laying the foundation for our American founding fathers, one nation under GOD, Liberty and Justice for all by faith for all, especially these three religions which are all three called famously as Sons of Abraham. Called in many other places, these three religions, people The People of The Book.
Then it is not hard to see how on all American dollars every headcount our founders left U.S. hey son for all ages to come for all children of Abraham to remember the well known proverb stating where one's trust should always be an account.
Simply put; “IN GOD WE TRUST.”
Heb 11:6
For without faith it is impossible to please God for those of us that go before him know that he is God and his reporter of them that diligently seek HIM.
What is the diligence of seeking God is not trust or should we place it in man that are most assuredly I trust prepare Here today gone tomorrow then if the accounts of trust is pasting man what is it that the fathers have left their children but a vanishing lot all is that and those that put trust in HIM.
Therefore it is not hard to see the error of the country, for it is in the family, where the fathers have put their trust into their own vanity loving themselves, and their own adulterous opinions. That is then they are leaving the sons venomous serpents when they are begging fathers for a fish, and instead of eggs of wisdom they are working in striving pains to fill them with scorpions.
Thus again you can see, the simplicity of our Founding Fathers TRUSTING IN GOD, for there is unity in truth, it is even the only TRUE UNITY, for GOD IS ONE, yay, and GOD IS TRUE. What then my countrymen, what then my brothers is it to be true, but to TRUST IN GOD.
Oh here it is, that sweet Grace, that AMAZING GRACE, I was once lost but now I see, for not only is TRUTH TRUST IN GOD which is THE FAITH OF ABRAHAM, which is all men’s duty to procure to their children, and this duty, this HOLY DUTY to hold the truth is how men set not only themselves free, but their sons are set free, that they may serve GOD.
Then it is by every lie that man fails not only his own soul, but his nation, for he, that being every man, is called to TRUST IN GOD, and no liar trusts in GOD, for every liar is a coward, and every coward is a hater of THE LORD our GOD, and every hater of THE LORD our GOD is a murderer to all life, for this is sin. Thus is Adam in hate, with his coward act.
Not that men scared, or are afraid, but it is the account that when are afraid, and it is not of GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF ALONE then they are in the wrong account, out fo the truth, thus in sin, and when there they put not anything to heart, such what is made for? Yes put this to heart and see why Christ is lifted up and when HE IS, all men are drawn to HIM, for if they are not men, they are not drawn to HIM.
One asks, what do I mean put to heart and why is it when THE CHRIST is lifted up men must be drawn to HIM if they are a man, and how am I so sure; I shall tell you. Because Christ put it all to heart, HE IS THE SACRED OF GOD THE FATHER POURED OUT IN WORD MADE FLESH FOR MEN to remember this one piercing question; IF YOU O MAN BE AFRAID AND MOVED, HOW MUCH MORE ARE YOUR WOMEN? Your wife? You daughter? Your sons wife? Your dear sweet mother?
Ahhh, and there you can see why GOD hates a coward. Hates them. For all men die, but all men also play brave, speak as though they are, and this troubles not GOD, HE SEES ALL. But it is when you seen your women scared, and you decide it isn’t worth defending. Thus you call THE ONE GOOD GOD FATHER A LIAR for entrusting you, and THE GOOD GIFT the women HE gave you of no account, but to lied too, raped and pillaged, as long as you do it in the most subtle cunning serpentine ways.
It means to put on the pain, take the hit, suffer more than the little girls, who face death every husband, when he ejects his load in her, for pregnancy is a fearful thing, to be ripped apart, and this is why the men are called cowards. They do less than the little girls in blood life offering, and thus THE FATHER says, NOT WITHOUT BLOOD MEN, NOT WITHOUT THE LIFE OFFERING OF YOUR BLOOD.
It stops every idol worshipping, bill paying Bildaddy at the sword, that cuts every way, and the only way through is the truth, and the truth is men, all women by divine right in Holy Spirit Wisdom lead by THE FATHER’s DIVINE HAND all offer up their body as a sacrifice, and the truth is you must do the same, or you are a coward, and GOD HATES A COWARD.
For any coward is a hater of GOD, an enemy to the women GOD makes, the daughters themselves, the mothers themselves, the wife they promise in vow of GOD’s HOLY NAME TO KEEP & PROTECT, even unto to death, and yet, they choose to be an enemy to GOD.
I tell you Jonah had the most successful sermon ever recorded, the entire city state repented in sackcloth and ashes, even the livestock. Now what was Jonah’s sermon. “AN ENEMY TO GOD IS AN ENEMY TO EVERYONE!” Then he adds, forty days and GOD shall bring judgement.
The men simply speaking to self in truth, then to each other, “I do not wish to be an enemy to my children, my wife, my mother, my dear sweet mother, my sisters, my daughters, my sons.” Then another would say, “then we must not be an enemy to THE ONE FATHER THAT GAVE US OUR GIFTS. For as the prophet has proven, in simple words sharper than any sword, AN ENEMY TO GOD IS AN ENEMY TO EVERYONE. Even to ourselves and our families.” Thus began the quickest sermon, five words, and the greatest repentance of all recorded history.
Now I know not where you stand, but when I was found an enemy to wife, son, mother, country, and thus GOD, I learned HIS GLORY that HE shares with none is the love of the women, the fathers that were faithful to defend the same GLORY of THE ONE FATHER, the family, the city, the women. The daughters.
Do tell? O man of GOD? Do you think it a light matter to take the vowels in HIS HOLY NAME receiving HIS daughter? Is it possible to buy, sale, and trade them out, giving and receiving of marriage as in Noah’s day? Nay, as in every nation that thinks so bad of THE FATHER’s GIFT, HIS daughters, all them each one a pearl as in the gates of New Jerusalem.
How is it that Jonah walked into Ninnevie, no one at the gates to guard it. How is that Adam fell from Heaven? How is that we shall fall? Is it not by no understanding?
THE BOOK says, “Adam where are you.” It’s not a question, for its THE Holy Spirit saying, but it was written for our times now, as such before THE CONSUMING FIRE APPROACHES, “United States of America, are you still ONE nation under GOD, with understanding, or are you so dumb you think GOD shall be mocked? Are you so vain you think GOD THE FATHER shall be entreated by your idolatry and words for the UNREPENTANT acts of adultery upon HIS GOLDEN GIFT, the daughters?
And as any man with understanding knows, that is why HE IS SO MERCIFUL, cause all men, are worthy of GOD damned hell for eternity. THANK GOD THE LORD GOD IS MERCIFUL.
Come boldly to the throne of Grace in need of Mercy.
Why boldly? Cause, you are coming to secure the gifts HE gave you. Why in need of mercy? Because you went to cowardly disgrace it, so much so, if HE really wanted too, you could be charged with BLASPHEMY OF THE Holy Spirit.
You can blasphemy the son, and you can blasphemy the father, but not momma, there is a 1/2 point, a fifty yard line you can not cross, and any that have dared, no one knows of. We know of them that approached the edge of the sword, I assume this is the 49 yard line, but I dare not tread past what I already run in repentance from, in full fear, in bold need of mercy to THE FATHER.