Saturdy The Seventh day, to remember to keep it sanctified, Holy, Set Apart,
The Reason for this is clear because it has to do with the seven days, the work days, the labors of men, the Heathens that totally disregard it, with absolutely no respect for the 4th Command of THE LORD GOD LIVING, and the COVENANT with THE LORD GOD LIVING & HIS PEOPLE.
The life you live in this world will answer to The Genesis account, it will much be like this, you will be forced to bow down to this, and then if you are reborn you have this NO MORE, you have this as a birthing process, and THE REBORN are in the ONE day, but still in the night in this world, where there is night and day. See you Genesis 2:4 THE ONE LORD GOD LIVING THE ONE DAY IN WHICH HE MADE ALL THINGS.
Night and day are the first day, and thus all the seven days, are the night in the day that THE LORD GOD LIVING has made the one day, for there is ONLY ONE TO THE LORD GOD LIVING & the other one, the lesser, the one that chose HIM not, the one that chose the lesser light, the darkness, their own way, would not take reproof, would harden their hearts, and be but spoiled lying coward slave children to evil while being grown adults, these are one,
"NO Moses, you will not die for them, I THE LORD shall erase them that sin against ME from MY BOOK."
Christ Says, "If you do not keep the Sabbath as the Sabbath, then you will not see THE FATHER IN HEAVEN."
This is everything, like the marriage covenant. The Point of this is two fold, for one major cause, to catch you in sin, make you recognize your sinful states, and your need for GOD, the Sabbath is impossible to keep. Not only in the fact that we rebel, ALL OF US I AM TOLD, but the fact it just cant be done, unless you are THE LORD GODSELF ALONE!
I now understand why HE puposely went to pick fruit from the fig tree on the Sabbath, but found none, and why HE purposely did healings on the Sabbath, even telling them outright to break what we know as Sabbath Laws but are really statutes, regulations, they are dead in themselves, legalities. Now see why HE had HIS disciples pick ther grains of sand, from the wheat. These are the sign of man and bread, brought by GOD, GOD gives light, water, seed, growoth, man plows dust, tends, reaps, then the women of the family, beat to flour minding the littlest of things, the toils if you will, that which Abraham gives to Sarah when The Lord tells Abraham they shall return upon the day of life, that is because Abraham is 99 circumcised as ordered, but he left one out, the wife, Sarah, 100, and then when Abraham and Sarah would realise that she must be him, and they must be one, and one day, one will be taken and the other left behind, then that other is to be both, as they are both one, not two twain. This of course is by the Bread of GOD that she becomes a male, the bearer of GOD's WORD.
you can not be at rest truly, you can not, not do something, you can not not use your own words, for your words if true, are yours alone, and HIS ALONE HE ALSO claims as you chose right, aka, right choice, righteous.
Now if you remember Noah and the raft, pitch within and without. That is also said in Holy Script, "pitch if any touch it shall be defiled there by." that is then sin, pitch is the sin, and the reason that it is petrified, the reason that it keeps the raft together, the reason that it saves, is becuase Noah is honest about the account of man's soul, his entire life, is sinful in nature, within and without, that is then that truth saves, you raise yourself as Christ says, "you destroy this temple & in three days, i shall raise it again."
And the Apostles make it clear that THE FATHER raises Christ from the dead, and shall quicken your mortal souls as well." how do these reconcile, easy, if you fill up with truth, you raise yourself in three days, and if you fill up with the truth then THE LORD GOD raises you up in three days, after your death. Some go instantly, aka Stephen, some are made to go lower, and not one went lower than THE WORD THAT MADE THEM, for GOD THE FATHER ON THE THRONE NEVER needs to ever leave the throne, if a great king can say and they do, how much THE CREATOR.
THE CREATOR IS ALWAYS EVERYWHERE, GOOD AND EVIL, SOVEREIGN OVER, and nothig on all sides has come close to the extremity that HE THE LORD GOD LIVING CAN GO, well not yet, for we hear that in heaven actually we come quite close to ALL HE HAS TO OFFER, as it is HIS GOOD PLEASURE TO GIVE US sons, each being a first born, if we be reborn, THE WHOLE OF THE KINGDOM ! the evil, the extemity there in, we shall never know, nothing shall ever come close, to the most extreme of HIS evil capability, HIM loving the good, choosing the good, has over ridden evil by far, or as the apostle Paul says, "if sin abounds, then how much more GRACE !" THE MUCH MORE OF COURSE. THE CREATOR IS CHARITABLE, ALL LOVING, so of course GRACE !
Thus then is the Sabbath a day to, among many things as i am learning as i fail, i rebel, and i become annoyed, and joyed by it, but a major day to show you the pitch, within and without, how you can not win, how you NEED THE LORD GOD LIVING, or as the apostles says, "COME BOLDLY TO THE THRONE OF GRACE IN NEED OF MERCY !" this is a true account, and i have only been doing Sabbath, about a year, year and a half, and last nite i masterbated, rebelliously, and praying while doing it, my give a shit meter for a day, broke, you see i find not the sabbath day holy, at all, i find it another day, but i do try to keep it sanctified for THE LORD GOD LIVING's command.
Now i this morning, hear from Christ, "pick up your bed and walk as HE goes on too say, do you think it made for GOD or you? do you think it HOLY or you? (that is remember to sactify it make it holy, means you are the holy one not the day), do you think it is made for you, or you it, and do you think your sin is hellbound?"
I reply is not obedience better than sacrifice my LORD am i not in rebellion.
Christ replies, "in order to be in rebellion to GOD, you need to find GOD, and is GOD defending the Sabbath, is HE going to put you in hell for the Sabbath day,? is your GOD THE CREATOR SO PETTY? "
But it is disobedience, i prayed while doing it, confessing what i was doing.
Christ says, "you were honest, and you were impulsive, and you are a man, and you are not GOD."
Yes but rebellion.
Christ, "rebellion is when GOD declares you in sin, and you continue, has GOD answered you about THE SABBATH?"
Me, yes kind of, i think, i mean mainly, i know not to have sex.
Christ, "we been here before, masturbation is not sex to GOD, masturbation is pornia, off the mark far. so it is not sex. sex is an act with another person, a living person, sex is a union. masturbation is more like self mutilation, a crappy pass time, for you, that you do. :
I knwo that, but i was taking it as sex.
and you are NOT GOD, Raymond you are not GOD. GOD has made sex a union, masturbation to GOD is the same as wet dream, HE DOESNT look upon one for thoughts, or for masturbation. it is between you and GOD.
me. and i did this on the sabbath,
yes, you did you, while praying to GOD on the sabbath, you think maybe you hit more bullzeye than you know in your self proclaimed rebellion of masturbation on a sabbath day? should THE FATHER OF ALL let you proclaim your own rebellion to GOD ALL MIGHTY and shall it be HE move HIS KINGDOM for your masturbation rebellion. lmao
lmao, okay now it sounds lonely and pitiful.
Raymond it is also true, and true is from WHO?
Chrtist, no matter what it looks like, truth is what?
me, HOLY
and says Christ,
but i continue, is not Saul cut off for disobeying the command, and did not my heart aim to miss, to not obey.
Raymond, says christ, when you are alone, whatever you are doing, it alone, it is called nakedness, and nakedness is only way GOD takes you. true. now listen, to ME WELL, sacrificing an animal is like killing a man, you know this, that is what Saul did, GOD accounts them to you as living, so they are living, did you kill living things to disobey THE LORD GOD's COMMAND?
Did you make idols to exalt, to build up, to obey?
Me, that is what i want to know, i want to know if i did do idolatry? did i serve an idol over GOD?
Christ, Did you serve an idol over GOD. can you serve an idol over GOD.
me, no, you can only choose too. for we know that idols are not.
Christ, then what do you do with the porn when you climax, that is when you use it to get to the point to jump from it and think about your wife, like you did, and you do most times, what and where is the idol. is it above you, was it, would you cry if its gone, did it affect anyone, did it hurt anyone, does it? or is all this nothing but nothing, and the sabbath day is to get you to think, to talk about your GOD, to talk with your GOD, to comprehend your sinful state, you say you rebel, I your CHRIST say you through a little temper tantram like you often do, for the missing of your wife, and your still angry with THE FATHER that HE has not moved HIS hand on what you would call your behalf, and HIM having you teach and preach such things keeps you at the point of the place you are hurt, and this too you think is reaosn to be mad at THE FATHER WHO and you already know KNOWS BETTER THAN YOU, and yet you find yourself, in little rebellions, and THE FATHER IS NEVER I SAY AGAIN NEVER GOING to also say, that is recognize HIS sons little temper tantram saying I beat my dick FATHER by myself, on your sabbath day, all sad and lonely, ha, i am in rebellion, and the shear fact you take this as a rebellion speaks mightily of your holy status. it is a slip, one you shall put behind, and you shall do next sabbath better, if you are not called home before then, and you will get another few years next time before you probably slip again. Sabbath is HOLY FOR YOU ! not your for it ! it for you, for this, so that you recognize your GOD, and as far as masturbation goes, there is a reason THE FATHER doesnt talk about it, anyone wanting to know about lonely people's sin, as that is what it is, for lust takes others in its effect as lust, self mutilation and lust for an object hurting no one is but 12 year old boys taking up the bathroom, grow up stupid, how long must i bear you. and as far as it goes for what you are suffering, stay true, and I THE ORACLE SHALL GET YOU HOME, AS I WAS COMMANDED.
HE goes on; If you are around family on the sabbath, and your wife gives you that look, and you just cant get that thought out of your mind, should you have sex, on sabbath to take it out. or would it be better to rub it out as you say. or would it better to fight it, all the day long. and if it is there is not GOD always GOD. then what is the answer?
Me, ask GOD, but rubbing it out is you, and if in prayer thanks, it is quick, painless, and you are in commune with GOD WHO SEES ALL YOUR THOUGHTS ANYWAYS.
Christ, Why not sex.
Me, becuase the union, the bringing another in when you are to be focused on GOD, the thoughts of the other person, your wife, is a water, a water is holy spirit, and GOD owns all them, and sees therm all and they only plague you when GOD so permits. and with the other person, yoru spouse, then you get them doing things on the sabbath, so you effect their sabbath.
christ, but what would be the better,
me, to trust GOD, rest in that it will pass also.
Chtist, then you failed in rebellion?
me, NO i could not have,
christ, why?
Me, Because, i was honestly praying telling GOD my weakness saying i cant help this feeling of not fearing HIM here, or that i really dont give a shit about it. but HE already knows i dont care for sabbath day, say HE commands, it. and that i dont know why i dont care for this, or think that HE doesnt,
Christ, then you not caring for HIS order is superceded by what?
Me, the truth.
Christ, then GOD doesnt expect you to be GOD, or perfect understanding in perfect fidelity, but to be honest about how GOD TALKS TO YOU, and now that you know Sabbath is but a day to show you faults, one of the things sabbath does, do you see it in a new light, like them you see work with such judgements before, see GOD pressed you here the whole time, and how you would pray, if they are in sin, please teach them, and did GOD not teach you, that even you dont fear GOD in some matters, or rather, fearing GOD but dont care in some matters, and is this perfect love casting out fear or is it rebellion.
Me i feel as though its rebellion, but i feel safe guarded by the truth, but i also fear for if i had fear to obey then why not now, and if it is by the times of the conditions in which i am left marching in pains, then what shall come of me more so if HE so test me more here. what shall i be fully rebellious, i would rather GOD kill me now. Please make it so if so i am to be rebellious to my LORD GOD, and kill you me now.
Me, HE IS !
Christ, then keep the trust in GOD and not in you. and you know you TRUST GOD WHEN ?
me, you are true.