Why our U.S. National Covenant to THE FATHER LORD GOD ALONE and it is by THE SON, the invisible truth, that is WE HOLD IT SELF-EVIDENT
Isaiah 63:8
for HE said, "surely they are MY People, Children that will not lie, so HE was their Saviour."
= our "WE hold these TRUTHS to be Self-Evident, that all men are created equal endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalianable Rights, that among these, are Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness."
----strangest thing about idolatry, everyone has to be liars to be one,
-----thus killing the true word, thus killing freedom, thus killing family,
= This is your covenant answer, if you wish to make heaven as a male, for you are handed it, and your sons are owed it, they dont answer aright, true to the covenant 3rd Grade answer, then we become a satanic shit coward, fucking lil boys with cursed toad making step dads, and prisons in case we thot more of our sons, fucking bullshit GOD damned evil wicked retard, to fuck your sons toads, as idol living sacrifices,
truth = freedom = free = no evil kicking in your fucking doors to fuck your baby girls in the ass giving it to your mom and cursing you a toad while leaving you steel arms and brick cages for you and kids when in they go to their evil hell pit graves.