Madison says
“The nation that will take humiliation over fear is prepared for a master, and shall have one.”
WOBS 2:5
For in the fire god is tested, and the chosen int he crucible of humiliation.
Then this is the sum of building up idol works in opinions, the fathers must be humbled before THE WISDOM OF THE LORD GOD, confessing they went the wrong way, following idols, and made slaves of their kids, this is the exaltation of THE LORD GOD FATHER ALONE and the diminishment of men’s idolatrous powers.
Proverbs 18:12
Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility.
(every liar is in pride, every adulterer has a haughty heart, exalting they think even above their MAKER, and shall the pots argue before THE POTSHERD, no never, surely HE shall break each one,
Hosea 4:13-14
And a people without UNDERSTANDING SHALL FALL.
“ONE NATION UNDER GOD, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
“False manliness leads boys astray.”
“and true manliness defends the orphans, the widows, the freedom owed to the sons, so they are free so they may serve GOD.”
WOBS 2:8
You that fear THE LORD, TRUST IN HIM, and your reward will NOT be lost.
Then you can see the nation is not in fear to GOD, no reverence for HIS COMMANDS, HIS daughters, HIS GLORY, HIS ETERNAL COVENANT! That all sons are born FREE!
If your sons are NOT FREE, how can they serve GOD? They can NOT. That means that all the national fathers are working to cover the sin of making their sons slaves.
Why and how can this be? Because Moses gives the same command that THE LORD GOD does, Gen 2:16 “ THE LORD GOD commanded the man, that he may eat FREELY from all the earth.”
Moses commands pharaoh
“Let MY people go FREE so they may serve THE LORD.”
These are all one in the same.
Then if truth is the needed prime for FREEDOM, and we are not free, but are made to pay, then it is all the fathers are being hirelings, and lying, and none of them are true to set their sons free, thus are enemies to GOD putting their sons on the altar of Balaam, of Malak, throwing their sons into the fire of idolatry. And how do you know? They curse them toads, in custody, forcing the girls to die, die forced. And they think that GOD shall not extend HIS as they go to make whores of their, nay THE FATHER’S daughters. do you think THE FATHER shall not get HIS GLORY, and all HIS daughters go home?
If it is without blood there is no remission of sin, then how is it that all women shed blood. And have you not asked, why does Christ’s blood shed, and how are we to follow and do the same? Is it not but to stop all the evil idols made by rich lying hirelings and all the men in the world born doing, then is it not man’s duty to be reborn and hold the covenant he was born destroying.
is the eternal covenant not marriage by THE ONE FATHER, then see why all that go to destroy, UN repentantly shall burn asunder, that is asses not under one GOD. See THE ANGEL OF THE LORD GOD SATAN say to Balaam, your she ass has it half right, I would SLAY YOU and stay her alive.
Do you think THE FATHER slack in HIS GLORY, or in error/sin in giving HIS daughters to you? Are you worthy? Are you worthy if you throw her down tempting GOD form an adulterous tower not to even dash your feet? Are you worthy if you bring her blameless before GOD, thus all men, and are willing to die for her sins? Of course you are. For this is the ETERNAL COVENANT! THIS IS THE GLORY OF THE FATHER LORD GOD! That HIS SONS love HIS DAUGHTERS and defends them and takes their sin.
Then it is in being a bride to THE CHRIST, that we learn of THE ETERNAL COVENANT and how to be a husband to our bride, going before taking all her sin, and covering all her wrong. Shouting, FATHER FORGIVE HER, SHE KNOWS NOT WHAT SHE DOES! Thus the same as we were to christ, thus HE our head, and we hers, snd she is the value of our life, our gold, the holy place, the hiding place of THE LORD, the portal to heaven.
Now if you wish to hate the love of GOD, that is the commands to defend to guard, to cover your women, then know you are like all men, now be heart broken, that mom, and your wife, and your sisters loved you more than you loved them, and this will please THE FATHER. For a broken heart and contrite spirit pleases THE FATHER and HE will not despise this offering.
Thus then it is by the offering of blood on GOD’s ALTAR OF TRUTH, to secure the mother’s and their direct given HAND GIVEN children, confirmed by the blood, and sealed. For if it is the blood of Christ that seals us, then it is the blood of the mother that seals their authority, thus is the abomination of desolation, that when moved from mother, to do with as she so please of her born, but not reborn children, that causes GOD to destroy the nations. And righteously so. For who hates a mother for her suffering, for her blood, for her appointment by THE CREATOR HIMSELF.
so you can see the men are in sin, saying anyone can over rule this, and they are all ignorant, as I was once chief, and thought that anyone or anything could over rule GOD appointing mother over the sons. Now when a man is filled with the spirit, Holy Spirit, he shall leave his first mother, and follow his husband, the truth, which is his sole duty to keep, to tend, to secure, so that his son’s wives will be secure in their authority over her children. And that the sons may grow, and learn, and be what it is GOD made him to be, and not what he could afford, or man that claims to have wizard powers, who only subjects the boy under popish university rule that lead our faith into the dark ages for over 1,400 years, and our American founders, destroyed, by establishing that CONGRESS shall not pass any law establishing a religion or prohibiting the free exercise there of.
thus then is the not the popish university the worst idol paid religion in all the world, is it not the same of Egypt and Babelon, then is it the idolater that we must pay, or is it the righteous bill of the bill of rights, the ten commands, the vow to our women, given by THE ONLY GOOD LORD GOD FATHER, for is truth for sale? Is christ for sale? Is it not true all can be a doctor, and a chemist, or is it you owe the rich idolatrous wizard, and wisdom is not from GOD. Then you see the sin of men, and the destruction of all nations, lies in the falling asleep of men, to not keep the covenant handed them by their fathers, but believe the idolater who makes idols to sacrifice kids to the idols.
WOS 14:21 -24
And this became a snare for the world, that people enslaved to either grief/adultery/no commands/idolatry or tyranny/pay the rich, conferred to incommunicable Name on stones and wood.
22 The it was NOT enough for them to err/sin in their knowledge of GOD but even though they live in a Great War(taking of kids from moms, freedom, family truth) resulting from ignorance (no covenant of fathers, no commands, no bill of rights, no natural law, or nature’s GOD entitle them) they call such evils peace.
Patrick Henry March 23 1775, Virginia Convention
“PEACE ! PEACE ! Gentlemen may cry PEACE ! But there is NO PEACE…. Is life so dear or PEACE so sweat to purchased at the price of chains and slavery FORBID it ALL MIGHTY GOD I know not what course others may take but as for me give me liberty or give me death.”
1John 2:4
If any man comes to you saying that they know GOD but keep NOT HIS commands, that man is a LIAR, and the TRUTH is NOT in him.
1John 5:3
This is the LOVE of GOD that we keep HIS commands, for NONE of them are grievous.
“Because you adhered to the words of your wife, and NOT to MY COMMANDS.
This is not MY want MY FATHER, but none the less, your WILL/COMMANDS be done.
Abraham, rise up and take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go up to the land of Moriah, and sacrifice him there on an altar I will show you.
WOS 14:23
For while they practice child idol sacrifice or occult mysteries (lies, games, deception to kids, aka wickedness, witchcraft to the kids, cursing toads, forcing to die, divorce and custody) or frenzied carousing in exotic rights. (The luring of Balaam, they get the men to come to court to throw down wives, and kids, so GOD will not defend their DOMINION, its why the rich and royal families we hear of never do divorce remarriage.its why Diana’s divorce was glamorized, but notice, that prince Charles never remarries, for you can put away for liberty sake for GOD’s daughters, but if you remarry you are in adultery, and if any man marry her he is in adultery, for the call is to you sons of man, O MY son, o MY SON, go not her way, for they are movable and you can not know them, for then you would ponder the path of life, aka, Adam where are you. Aka we as men with a helmet on the dick, after the order of Melchizadek, male kiss the dicks, for they are for peace, not adultery, aka, die for your bride, be ravaged by her always, keep you to THE COMMANDS and let her raise the children, you defend her right. This is THE GLORY OF THE FATHER LORD GOD LIVING, and HE shall share it with none, and any that stand in its way, HE shall surely pass through).
WOS 14:24
They no longer respect either lives of purity of marriage; but they either waylay and kill each other, or aggrieve each other by adultery.
See none of HIS COMMANDS ARE grievous, then the adultery teaches to dishonor the daughters, which is the dishonoring of GOD THE FATHER, which is the stripping of all power of men that take such part, as THE FATHER will give the daughters to another nation for REDEMPTION, for men that shall that find them of value, and pleasing, for if the fathers be masters, then the value of all the household is in his heart and his hand, but they would rather give the daughters and sons, and wives over to them that would melt them in the furnace of idolatry for the worshipping of gold as they did to Aaron.
If she please not her master, who has betrothed her to himself, then shall he let her be REDEEMED: to sell her to a STRANGE NATION, he shall have NO POWER, seeing he has dealt DECEITFULLY WITH HER.
:1b; make us gods, which shall go before us.
:2 And Aaron said to them, BREAK off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of YOUR WIVES, of YOUR SONS, and of YOUR DAUGHTERS, and bring them to me.
:3b; and brought THEM TO Aaron.
Thus then it is the opinion of men that their daughters are not worth dying for, and this is sin, in error, for THE FATHER IS ALWAYS RIGHTEOUS TRUE, RIGHT, ALL WISE, and thus THE FATHER SAYS SHE IS NOT like to go out like the men.
And if a man sell his daughter, to be a maidservant, she shall NOT GO OUT as A MANSERVANTS DO.
EXODUS 21:10
HER food, HER raiment, HER duty of marriage shall he not diminish.
if this isn’t familiar to you, think of the five daughters in the wilderness where their father Zephalohed passed, all his daughters are to have liberty, to marry any they wish, and no matter where they go, what they do, their INHERITANCE IS NOT DIMINISHED.
This the thing which THE LORD does COMMAND concerning the daughters of Zelophehd, saying let them marry to whom they think best: only to the family of the tribe of their FATHER shall they marry.
that is a strange thing to say? To let them marry to any whom they think best? Only tot eh tribe of their father, shall they marry? Yes, but their father is perished, passed, dead. You will find the answer in Psalm 45.
Psalm 45:9
THE KING’S daughters were among YOUR honorable women; upon YOUR RIGHT HAND did stand THE QUEEN in gold of Ophir.
Thus THE KING IS THE FATHER, and all daughters are given by THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD, thus at the left hand receiving hand of men, their husbands.
Psalm 45:10
Hearken, O DAUGHTER, and consider, and incline your EAR, forget also your own people, and your fathers (note plural) house.
IT MEANS THAT THE ONE LORD GOD FATHER LIVING ALONE shall take all HIS DAUGHTERS IN, and anyone without understanding will fall.
HOSEA 4:14
I WILL NOT punish your daughters when they commit whoredom, nor your spouses when they commit adultery: for themselves are separated with whores, and they sacrifice harlots, therefore the people that does NOT UNDERSTAND SHALL FALL.
Matthew 19:6
Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh, what therefore GOD has united let no man put asunder.
= anyone that thinks you can tear asunder, shall burn an ass NOT UNDER ONE FATHER !
PSALM 45:13
THE KING’S daughter is ALL GLORIOUS within; HER CLOTHING is of wrought GOLD.
PSALM 45:14
SHE SHALL BE BROUGHT to THE KING in raiment of needlework; the virgins her companions that follow her shall be brought to YOU.
The purple garment that is sown from THE TOP DOWN! That is hand made by THE HOLY SPIRIT WISDOM HERSELF, THE WIFE OF THE LORD GOD FATHER LIVING ALONE, and there is NOT another, and HIS WIFE SHALL BE EXALTED for SHE too has birthed in pains all that is, and every mother deserves that for which she suffers, the same as CHRIST deserves that for which HE suffered for, and thus all saints the same. For what is a saintly man if not a father for THE FATHER to them without a father, for the fathers of the world that shall be forgotten have already lost there names, THE FATHER KNOWING ALL THINGS.